Houston, the city I live in, has become the largest city in the country to elect a gay mayor. Seriously.
Anise Parker was elected with 53% of the votes last night, becoming one of the largest cities in the country first gay mayor, and Houston now is the largest city with an openly gay mayor.
Not that I really have a say, as I'm rather biased in the matter, but I do have this to say: I am truly glad she got in over Mr. Corrupt. I fear what would have happened if he would have been elected.
I will provide not 1, but 3 sources, seeing as many of you hate all but one news source.
Not all Christians are homophobes, but those that give in and are accepting of sin and even tolerate such abomination in the church with certain denominations becoming plagued by queer ministers really need to study their bibles instead of trying to please everyone. Of course at the same time other sins can be found without looking hard and should be opposed with the same amount of effort. Such as the drunken Catholic Church.
Be ye not drunken with wine. A lot of silly Baptist denominations that outlaw drinking in their church constitutions before going home to their 6 packs claim that the wine was nonalcoholic. To me this is just plain silly. The problem is not with drinking, but in doing so without regard to moderation.