You can try for 999 at the final boss. Get a poison weapon and keep using the 3-way magic wave on him. Each time the poison hits counts into your combo. All you have to do is keep running from him and using magic wave to renew the poison.
just found a green chest! havent even found any gold ones yet - contained some boots, not even that great... weird
Did you take a screenshot of that green chest?
What level of item (+?) was it? What color (normal/blue/gold) was the item? How many composes did that item have? What bonuses did it have? Can you tell me all the details about that item? And where did you find it?
revive by the Arch angel potion? or by dying and then revive in the town?
I think it's dying then reviving. But I'm not sure...
by the way are you guys sure there is green chest item? because i tryed so hard to find one, but with no success.
im on the last battle trying to get better equipment. ive never learned a single spell.
it hard to survive without a spell, but it still posible and easy. But if you have hight drop rate. then you will be able to get gold fast. then try the merchant(i cant spell to it) he have good items. and only buy the items, that cost more then 10000 gold. this way you will get your stats boosted very fast.
I think it's dying then reviving. But I'm not sure.
As I have said before, I hacked the .sol save file after I finished the game. I found out that the highest grade of item is gold; there are no green items.
And I've tried. No matter how high your Luck and Drop Rate are, the chances of getting blue/gold/green chests are the same.