once is a title that needs subtitles, but is very good for music lovers. stardust is a movie that gripped and held my attention for the whole movie. verrrrrrry good.
Hot fuzz Shaun of the dead Zombieland Memento Inception Shawshank redemption Paycheck Toy story 3 Against the wall Inglourious basterds the green mile happy gilmore Despicable me Monty python and the holy grail monty pythons life of brian etc etc
I don't watch many movies Iv'e never even seen many movies people just said, but I like this recent movie i stumbled into, Apacolypto. I thought it was bad bad but it turned out to be good.
I've watch a lot of movies before. Some good and some bad and some aren't really worth watching the best movie I've seen is,in my opinion, Iron Man 1. The second one is just bad. The first one was cool, It has a understandable story, nice acting, and great graphics.
Toy Story 3, Star Trek (2009), The Matrix (1st one only), Inception, so may I don't remember right now that were pretty good. A lot I can think of that were bad lol.
Let me see... The Matrix(all 3 of them) Idiocracy(opening sequence on natural selection was pure gold) Dungeons & Dragons: Wrath of the Dragon God(****it, I'm a nerd and I am a nerd proudly).
Good movies in my opinion are action and comedy let me list some of my favorite movies: The matrix(all of them) as you can see from my name you should know that I like those movies. V for Vendetta, It has a great story line and a lot of action and fighting in there. Marley and me, It was a funny movie in the beginning but towards the end it got really sad, but still a great movie.