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ForumsGamesGUIDE: Legend Achievement w/ Psycho Shocker

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This is a guide to unlocking the Legend achievement using a Psycho class with a shock build. It is similar to ElNimrodo's guide, just with a different class (however it wont get you ALL achievements, just Legend and a couple others that are along the way, specifically Tape, Predator, and Jail Break.). Due to the extreme length, the way i would recommend using this guide is reading the summary for the zone and giving it a go, then if you have trouble with a battle read the detailed section for that battle. To any forum admin reading this: if you find it to be of merit please sticky it. To any others: I hope you will find it useful.

______________________Psycho LEGEND Guide_______________________

Well, i wanted to get that "legend" accomplishment to unlock zone 7, and it seemed the "speed bio" build was the general consensus of "the way to go" for that quest, so i gave it a try (after trying hot blooded hydro and regular str bio to frustrating ends), and it just wasnt for me. the battles seemed to take forever and consisted almost invariably of spending all day stunning one guy then focus draining another. (if thats what you like, and you can make those classes and builds work, kudos to you, but its just not my style :P). In addition, i've never done a bio before so i dont really know where i'm going with it and what i should expect when i get there.

so i'm going with what i know, and that's psychos. to be specific, the shocker spec. (shadow has its merits but generally its very complicated and doesnt work well in lower lvls imo. or really in higher lvls either, its mostly a build to take on very high hp bosses like the baron you can set 20 DOT spells on and watch him die 2 turns later, but its rather cumbersome and impractical for your average low-hp multiple opponent fight).

WARNING! This guide will be very long, it will be VERY detailed (thus the "very long&quot, and this quest to do the legend acc. is HARD. i'm pretty good with my pyscho and sailed through heroic once already, but i'm still having a hard time getting past the early stages when the build is just starting to come together. i'm not saying this will be much if at all easier than the other classes, its just that this is what i know--i know what the class will work like EVENTUALLY and like it, so i know where i'm going instead of fumbling around in the dark. i'm here to share my experience and any tips i can with you, and since i'm writing this as i go, i'm basically going through it with you lol. good luck and i hope this helps!

Disclaimer: I'm not claiming all/any of this as original knowledge, some of it is, some of it i've learned from others. the shock psycho build on the psycho guide was very good and while i had already been thinking of going shock it convinced me beyond a shadow of a doubt, lol.
i also got some stuff from that "all accomplishments in one game" guide by ElNimrodo. and in fact i hope to imitate that guide, just for psycho instead of bio.
Although i wont promise i'll get you all the accomplishments as his guide does. For example I might not do the bomb thing.

My main goal and promise is the LEGEND accomplishment needed for zone 7. this means: NO training battle, EVER. and dont repeat any bosses. if you do either of these before beating the mayor, you just wasted all your time!

(Also please note the black magic and pacifist accomplishments are kinda out of the way, and they seem unnecessarily tedious to me, so i will be ignoring them. feel free to keep an eye on the upcoming battles and give it a try if you want to complete them or just do them with another char since they dont carry the "no training" bit.)

Moving on..

What this build will basically consists of is:
veradux is your healer, you're the main damage doer, and roald/later felicity are there for their good looks.
your main skill will be shock therapy. at lvl 3/3 it becomes 320% instinct dmg (which if you're paying attention, its *more* than corruption. and doesnt have any requirements for use, just good ol' point and shoot).
the way the party setup is going to work is you set salvation on vera, he keeps you all alive while you go to town on the enemies.

so this is how i'm starting:
after winning the very first fight, at level one do a respec, you'll get 19 free stat points from god knows where. put them all into vitality, its tempting to go instinct and double your starting damage, but just go vita and you'll be on ez-mode with 1k hp.

another good tip i'm taking from ElNimrodo's guide:
"First and foremost: When starting your game I suggest turning off the autosave option. Some enemies drop choice pieces of equipment and you may want to "cheat" and quit/reload after a fight to get them."
(do however remember to save after winning every battle you want saved)

after the initial free 19 into vita, i put ALL points into instinct. simple enough to remember. i probably will respec once or twice later on, at which all points go into instinct. this is something of a glass cannon build, but trust me it works wonderfully. for some battles you will *need* the hp, so i recommend you go saving some of the high hp gear you find (especially the cyborg stuff in zone 5, put on a few of those and you're immortal). i'll give you a heads up for which battles you need those.

you want the highest int possible. period. (some vita is great, speed is meh, and str is completely irrelevant). (with the vita exception noted above).
problem here is you will share gear type with vera (his damage comes from str but heal comes from int, and you want him healing only), but w/e, just give him your hand-me-downs as you get better stuff.

This has turned out to be something of a learning experience for me lol, since i'm having to deal with things i didnt before since i'd just train, get better gear/skills, and blow the monsters away. always read any summary notes before proceeding into the detailed descriptions! i'll go ahead and edit most full detail passages, but its a lot of work lol. so i'll make the summary notes absolute since its easier to just update them as i go along. (if some detailed passages dont seem to make sense in light of the summary or even contradict it, go with the summary). (This will especially apply to zone 1, the detailed section will be more of a journal of what i did along with tips, while the summary will be my revised suggestion for the path you should take. after zone 1 everything should fall into place nicely and the build becomes solid, its just a matter of getting there, lol)

ZONE 1, New Alcatraz:

------------------------------ Summary /Start ------------------------------

I'm borrowing this encounters list from ElNimrodo's speed bio guide:
" The encounters and your level when you reach them:
1: (Level 1) - Prison Guardâ¨2: (Level 1) - Prison Guard (2)â¨3: (Level 2) - Brutal Convict, Agile Convictâ¨4: (Level 3) - Brutal Convict, Cunning Convict, Agile Convictâ¨5: (Level 4) - Doctor Leath, Prison Guard (2)â¨6: (Level 4) - Twisted Experimentâ¨7: (Level 5) - The Wardenâ¨8: (Level 5) - Doctor Hedger, Frankieâ¨9: (Level 6) - ZCPI Eliteâ¨10: (Level 6) - Felicity "
Incoming Skills:
lvl 1
1/3 shock therapy
1/4 echoes
1/4 destruction
1/4 salvation
lvl 2 and onwards
2/4 salvation*
2/3 shock
3/3 shock
save a point -or- 3/4 salv**
1/4 high voltage
1/3 electrical storm

*As i said earlier i'm writing this as i go, so i'm finding the way i did things was not quite perfect. i went for free will right off the bat. really, you dont need it so soon, its just my safety blanket skill so i wanted to have it early. but i've found that this early on, with so low instinct, a lvl 1 free will is all but useless: the heal sucks and the shield is laughable.
It came in very handy in the 2mage 1knight battle for canceling doom. so i'll edit the skills above in a way i think will be more efficient. you'll still get it but not till lvl 10.

**Here i'm giving you a judgement/style choice. you can either save the point to use for an extra electric storm level, or you can add another point into salvation which will make a lot of earlier battles easier. For the sake of organization (and because i think its the better call), i'm going to assume saving for storm.

------------------------------ Summary /End ------------------------------

as for your initial SKILLS:
what i did is
level one
1 shock therapy
1 echoes
1 destruction
1 salvation
1 terrify (read the summary footnote before choosing this skill!)

level two
1 shock therapy

level three
1 shock therapy

your shock is now 3/3 and officially your best skill. if you'll notice, in addition to the awesome damage, it cancels THREE lightning, shadow, or physical buffs (just one wasnt good enough :P). this means enrage, block, guarded, perfect aim, shadow blend, blah blah blah, all those annoying buffs: gone. (heck, it even cancels retrograde and does the damage as damage, lol). put it three times in your skill bar, and the only time it might leave there is for the baron fight.

level four
1 free will (read the summary footnote before choosing this skill!)

this early on focus *can* be a problem. if you are running out of focus your options are: spam infusion your enemy to death along with vera's damage, or infusion yourself and have vera heal you, i usually go with the first option. this problem will later be resolved with electric storm and wraith.

the first few battles are fairly straight forward, just shock them to death, cancel buffs with it, etc. so i'll skip to the infamous experiment.

at this point my action bar is:
3 shock therapy
2 free will
1 salvation
1 infusion
1 terrify (for the hell of it)

i'm happy to report i actually didnt have too much trouble with him at all. this was the first battle i used infusion on myself, salvation, and free will (vera got low on hp at one point so i threw a shield on, i had been lazy and didnt replace his salvation). just make SURE you have at least one shock (and the focus for it!) for his withdrawal heal buff and his shadow blend buff (he used the shadow on me twice), so if you're running low on focus infuse yourself. and play it safe, only using 2 of the shocks then an infusion or something, and then two shocks again, etc (so you'll always have one shock ready to go).

level 5
1 high voltage

this guy was tough. he actually kicked my ass the first time around lol. i hadnt equipped anything the first time and i got sloppy with recasting salvation and he kicked my ass. make sure you cast it on vera when right after it expires.
the focus is really hurting in this battle so i went very heavy on infusion and used it both on myself and vera and a lot of times on warden, due to his potential for a high damage burst its dangerous to infuse yourself a lot and have your hp low (i've had him launch a firebolt at me AND smack me, doing almost 600 in one turn). (i also went to the shop and bought the EMD blade, frosted gloves, and voltage cage. use those and put any other instinct stuff you have on vera). and i'm ashamed to say, he kicked my ass on the second time too! lol. i took him on the third . it gets easier, i swear! lol. or hope rather, since i'm writing this as i go :P (if you're reading this rest assured it got easier, since i wont be posting up a fail guide, lol) (on this and all other tough battles to follow, slap salvation on vera on your first turn and keep it on him). (and hope you get the punisher on the first win as i did. this one i wouldnt like to redo for an item, and since its not really a necessary item i wouldnt really recommend redoing it if you dont).

take out the good doctor first. he helps you do damage to frankie, but the buff and his extra damage makes it a risky gamble. (i took the gamble my first try and lost. i lost vera, finished off frankie, then the doc killed me with 50 hp, aka 1 hit, left.) second time i went for slow and steady and won the race without much complication. sneak in a few infusions on yourself and blast away, frankie seems to like hitting vera most of the time so you should be safe, just dont overdo it. play it safe and put them to rest easy.

level six
1 electrical storm (finally!)
this skill does moderate damage, and best of all costs no focus and regens your focus. put two on your bar and wave goodbye to infusion.

my bar is now:
3 shock
2 storm
2 free will
1 salvation

zpci is easy as pie. (sry couldnt resist). cancel his aim for the hearts (or w/e their called), cancel his auxiliary power, point and laugh as he drops like a stone.

pretty tough too. the problem with her is her black metal. honestly, i goofed, i thought free will canceled this, it does not, lol (and with so low instinct a lvl 1 free will shield is laughable, so yeah, its kinda pointless for now ). (would have been nice if they put a "cannot be canceled" thing on it, since neither free will nor hydro restore nor anything else seems able to get rid of it).
anyhow, the BM spell nullifies healing. you could have tried traumatize instead, but i dont like the -50% dmg.. and felicity has a really high focus regen so it would be very tedious.. and really psychos have no other way to cope with this at this low level.
sooo.. my solution is to make it a race to who kills the other first: throw all the str gear you have on vera, and at the start off the fight set him to reckless, and do all the damage you can as fast as you can (dont bother with salvation, although do set him to phalanx if he's taken damage and she gives him a break in the metals, but then set back to reckless and press on). shock shock shock storm shock shock shock... (bzzt)
once she gets to about 2300 hp felicity "gets serious" and stops casting black metal, you have to get her to that point, with enough of an hp buffer zone that the last black metals will wear off and vera can start healing to his little lifeless zombie heart's content (throw salvation on him and set him to defensive the second metals are off). i was able to do it reasonably comfortably and then after that point is fairly smooth sailing, just make sure you handle her like the experiment and cancel shadow meld and you'll be set. (another third time is the charm for me! she kicked my ass too till i came up with this solution, lol. and yeah i tried the second time with vera using int gear and just barely failed, so trust me, go for the str =p).

if you hadnt played before, you just got the tape accomplishment (sorry but i'm kinda assuming that if you're going for the legend accomplishment you have, and i'm writing my guide mostly accordingly xD)

ZONE 2, Frozen Village:

------------------------------ Summary /Start ------------------------------

Again i'm taking from ElNimrodo's guide:
1: (Level 7) - Frost Zombieâ¨2: Mock fight / Cut sceneâ¨3: (Level 8) - Frost Terror, Frost Zombie (2)â¨4: (Level 8) - Knightâ¨5: (Level 9) - Knight, Priestâ¨6: (Level 9) - Frost Lordâ¨7: (Level 9) - Knight, Priest, Mageâ¨8: (Level 10) - Knight, Mage (2)â¨9: (Level 10) - Cult Leaderâ¨10: (Level 11) - Baron Brixiusâ¨11: Cut sceneâ¨12: (Level 11) - ZPCI Elite, Armored Hound (2)â¨13: (Level 11) - Captain Hunt, ZPCI Sniper, ZPCI Medic"
(Thanks mate, I hope you dont mind my using your lists! xD)
Incoming Skills:
2/4 electrical storm
1/1 wraith (along with 3/4 storm)
1/4 terrify
1/4 free will
4/4 storm

--respec into baron build for his fight--
4/4 dark echoes
3/3 insecurity
2/2 haunt
2/2 traumatize
3/4 free will
1/4 terrify

--respec out of baron build--
4/4 salvation
3/3 shock
3/4 storm
1/1 wraith
1/5 tenacity
and 1 pt into any requirements they may have
stats are: 10 into vita, rest into instinct (if you want to go slightly safer feel free to add up to another 10-15 vita, but this was enough for me).

Please note this Zone basically demands that you respec twice, unless you want to have one hell of a hard time with the baron, so save up your money and dont waste it on shop stuff. i'll use a rather specific build for him which i'll get into below (so i'll have to respec once into the build and again back to normal, lol). (It uses traumatize and haunt, two skills which imo are normally a waste of points and i dont use them for anything BUT the baron, so i'm afraid theres no two ways about it).

IMPORTANT: save some decent hp gear you find, you're going to need them. especially if you get light's blade and metal shield!
------------------------------ Summary /End ------------------------------

level 7
2/4 electrical storm

you should have gotten the standard rifle, which is awesome for this class at this point in the game, and now you're high enough lvl so put it on. also remember to switch vera's gear back to int for his uber leet healz. (this early on you dont have to worry about getting him max int gear, since his damage is still significant some str on him wont kill you.)

and now, roald joins you! wewt! he's actually useful at this point, yay! though really he's still useful later on, but once you start doing 5x his dmg he's not as impressive =p

level 8
1/1 wraith form - let the fun begin.
btw the way i typically use wraith is: shock shock shock wraith shock shock shock storm.

i had a lot of trouble with the 2 frost zombie 1 frost terror battle, so i'm going to go ahead and edit the summary for zone 1 to recommend that you put 2 points into salvation instead of getting terrify and free will so early on. i still beat them the first time but it was unnecessarily annoying. granted some of it was all the stuns and debuffs and self heals they do, but a better salv would help.
the knight is a joke, he's perfect for playing around with wraith form if you havent used this class before.

level 9
3/4 storm (1/4 terrify if you're going with the summary build, as you should be, lol)
at this level you might want to play with roald's gear a bit, for example the gloves and boots he had are great for vera and the ones vera had are about the same for roald as his originals. (roald needs only str, while vera benefits from int and to a lesser extent in this build str) (and now vera is high enough lvl to use roald's gear =p)

the priest and knight battle was kind of annoying.. priests are a pain, basically only thing we can do is just beat them down till they run out of focus then kill them in the stun (either save your wraith for when he's stunned or use it first so it might be ready when he stuns himself). the super ice terror was also pretty annoying in a similar way, now im starting to think traumatize might be very helpful after all, lol xD. although really 20 or even 30 focus every 2 turns sucks.. and haunt is pathetic, only useful in the least on baron.

priest knight mage:
priests suck, yep. i got lucky and roald really earned his keep lol, he did two stuns back to back on the priest and the guy dropped before he even stunned himself xD. mages however, are easy with this class, beat them down, they energy phase, you 2 shot them ^^. (i was in wraith form, lol)

level 10
2/4 salvation (1/4 free will, going w/ summary)
i went for salv because the 2 mage battle is coming up and thats a lot of dmg flying around, and a lvl 3 storm is pretty good at focus regen already.
and yay.. some decent gear for this lvl.

2mage 1 knight:
oh snap! free will is finally useful, it actually cancels doom, that horribly annoying mage spell! lol. erm.. well that spell really is hell on earth so actually, now i gotta take it back and recommend toughing it out with the early free will xD.
do note this is a tough battle with a lot of potential for bad luck and damage stacks.. so you might get screwed and have to restart the battle (i know i did). but just cancel the dooms as they come in, use the wraith during the mages energy phases, and you get git-r-done just fine.
(my action bar at this time is 3 shocks, 2 free will, salvation, wraith, 1 storm)

cult leader:
no biggie, started off scary with some very high dmg crits on me but he cooled down after a few turns and started doing much more manageable dmg. retrogades can be a tad annoying since i'm the slowest in the group so roald at least loves to heal him before i cancel it, but w/e, cant be helped and its really minor healing.

level 11
4/4 storm

well, scratch that, its baron build time! (if you're feeling extra hard-core you probably *could* do it with your current build. however, i dont feel like doing 90k dmg 300 at a time..or even trying to.. soo... i'm respecializing for this fight and would advise you do the same :P)

my baron build is as follows:
4/4 dark echoes
3/3 insecurity
2/2 haunt
2/2 traumatize
3/4 free will
1/4 terrify

action bar: 2 trauma, insecure, haunt, 2 echoes, free will, dark infusion

stat points: full instinct or full vita or w/e, stats are trivial here. i recommend vita.

as you may have guessed from the skills, you wont be hitting him very much or very hard. if you didnt know, the baron is a boss that has like 98k hp, but a couple cute little weaknesses:
one, if you zap his focus, he'll basically kill himself getting it back
and two, sometimes some random buff gets on him that makes him take massive damage. (or maybe its not random and just goes with his hp. w/e. #1 is my target)

funny thing about that killing himself thing: it uses a shadow debuff. enter insecurity and dark echoes .

strategy is as follows: throw haunt on him on your first turn, then traumatize him one after the other using dark echoes to pass the time. trauma does NOT stack, so wait for its duration to finish before popping up the other. dark infusion is not for the baron, but for yourself, you're going to need it for focus :P. feel free to combine it with free will or just have vera heal you. the damage here will come from the baron's focus debuff, all other damage is tiny and insignificant. the whole point of the build is to drain his focus, then catch the debuff with an insecurity and an echoes debuff to stack its damage. use insecurity the turn before the baron runs out of focus and then just keep echoes on him and enjoy the fire works. rinse and repeat as needed until he drops dead.
(free will is your safety net here, use it in response to any tick tocks or low hps, but as he's stunned 4/5 turns, it should be a pretty quiet "fight&quot
if you want to hunt for some item from him feel free to, its an easy fight, but i dont think he drops anything vital to a psycho.
i just did it and had a strange experience, he kept casting electric storm instead of the shadow debuff on himself.. i duno if it had something to do with roald silencing him all the time? in any case you might want to try just disabling him before the battle, or just go for it, i got him down just took longer than i expected.

4/4 salvation
3/3 shock
3/4 storm
1/1 wraith
1/5 tenacity
and 1 pt into any requirements they may have

stats are: 10 into vita, rest into instinct (if you want to go slightly safer feel free to add up to another 10-15 vita, but this was enough for me).

zpci + 2 dogs:
this was kinda tough, i experimented with different builds to find one that allowed me to win comfortably. so, now we're going to respec to a slightly more defensive build than before (above).
note that the doggies are tough as hell, they can do up to almost 600 crits, and as you may have noticed my builds/this class kinda sucks at crowd control. so instead, we'll be employing a creative little strategy: roald is becoming a nudist.
they love to pick on whoever has the least hp in the group. normally, that would be you, but we gotta change that otherwise things can get ugly. so you're going to slap on some of that hp gear you've been hoarding on yourself and if needed on vera also, and you're going to remove clothing from roald until he has the lowest vita of the three (i just had to take off his gloves and pants). this will make HIM the target, so you slap salvation on vera, put a steak in roald's shirt so he distracts the dogs, and you're free to go to town murdering everyone. (my roald still had ~1600 hp and vera healed for up to 1.1k crits so the battle went very smoothly). all i did was kill one dog then the other and saved zpci for last.
IMPORTANT: you MUST cancel the zpci's "aim for the heart" buff with a shock or its pretty much is a guaranteed party member loss. play cautiously saving a shock for when he buffs. (erm, i think its around every 5 turns or so, but i didnt actually count them so i'd be lying if i gave you any exact number).

captain hunt + minions:
You can go with the same nudist roald strategy as for the dogs here, although its not as effective because these guys dont always target lowest hp. you can also safely go back to normal gear, so its up to you.
this battle ends when the captain reaches 10% health or below, NOT if u beat everyone, so you have two general strategies available here, slow and steady or fast and risky.
the "fast" way would be to blitz the captain and ignore the other two. the risk is that if you leave the other two alive, your group will be taking a lot more damage, and a couple unlucky crits could spoil it. if you do this i would recommend you use the nudist roald strat, although really i wouldnt recommend this method.
you have to keep an eye on the sniper, when he gets the locked and loaded buff you gotta cancel it (i let him take a test shot with that and crouch buff and he hit roald for 4k xD). crouch isnt as important.
the slow and steady method (which is what i did) is take out the two minions then go for hunt. the reasons i recommend this method is that hunt has a ton of hp, and he can throw up "desperation shield" which stuns him but blocks 4k dmg. also the medic can heal him, and if you're the only one attacking him (roald loves the sniper) you'll barely get the hp down each turn. also as said before ignoring the minions is risky because of their extra damage.
so what i did is target the sniper first. i would have liked to have taken medic first but roald only has eyes for the sniper.. so i had to be the one to give in and focus fire on his mark. also since you're focusing the sniper canceling L&L comes naturally anyway.
take him out, then the medic. although at this point you might be able to ignore the medic since without his energy shield (should be up by the time you finish the sniepr or soon after) he drains his mana in one turn and becomes all but useless, although i'm guessing roald will target him first.
long battle but if you're careful should go smoothly, and congrats, you just got the Predator achievement.

ZONE 3, Trains:

------------------------------ Summary /Start ------------------------------

Again i'm taking from ElNimrodo's guide:
1: (Level 12) - Spectreâ¨2: (Level 12) - ZPCI Elite (2)â¨3: (Level 12) - Spectre (2)â¨4: (Level 13) - Phantom, Antagonist, Beastâ¨5: (Level 13) - The Hoboâ¨6: (Level 13) - The Real Hoboâ¨7: (Level 14) - The Hostâ¨8: (Level 14) - Spectre (3)â¨9: (Level 14) - Clemons The Deceiver"
(Thanks mate, I hope you dont mind my using your lists! xD)
Incoming Skills:
4/4 Electric storm
1/5 charged blood
2/5 charged blood

Notes: Build is starting to come together and these battles were rather easy.

------------------------------ Summary /End ------------------------------

easy as ghostly pie.

ZCPI + Elite:
Fairly simple. focus fire the weaker one, go with the safe shock shock storm shock and repeat so you always have a shock ready to cancel aim for the heart, and you'll have no trouble.

Specter x2:
Two corpses are better than one.

Phantom, Antagonist, Beast:
This battle was fairly tough. I actually lost roald early on due to him getting mind freezed at a horrible time, and i died myself just before the end xD. luckily we had done enough and roald was able to finish the last guy just after i died.
I went in order of hp leaving the ice one for last, but i'm thinking that maybe i should have hit the ice one first since that mind freeze is really dangerous.
tough but you should be able to git-r-done.

kinda tough. this guy is like a mini boss. the most annoying thing is his Pity debuff that basically makes that person useless to dmg him. Just dmg him as much as you can and get the battle over with before he stacks too many "bad smells" to be able to handle.

the real hobo:
dont get scared at the ~80k hp, this battles easier than the last. the guy basically kills himself with his self debuffs.

pretty easy

3 spectors:
ok now we're talking lol. this battle was rather entertaining, but you should be more than able to put it away without major trouble. good loot too lol

this battle gives you an opportunity for an achievement if you face and beat clemons alone. however, i dont care, and didnt feel like doing that, so i just went in with both team mates and killed him. if you do it with the full group it shouldnt be too hard.
Unknown condition is similar to retrograde, it reverses damage with healing. (or at least turns healing into damage, im not 100% sure on the dmg to healing part tbh lol). this means you when u have it on someone you have to set veradux to reckless, if he heals someone who has it he'll just do massive damage instead.

if you're going to go for the achievement, i'd recommend you respec to get free will otherwise you'll have no means of healing yourself, also you should put dark infusion in your bar, when clemens puts unknown condition on you take advantage of it and put an infusion on yourself.

ZONE 4, Labyrinth:

------------------------------ Summary /Start ------------------------------

Again i'm taking from ElNimrodo's guide:
1: (Level 15) - Tunnel Beastâ¨2: (Level 15) - Vivian Vixenâ¨3: (Level 15) - Gregorâ¨4: (Level 16) - Shunnyâ¨5: (Level 16) - The Magical Monkeyâ¨6: (Level 16) - Mokoshotarâ¨7: (Level 17) - Bunnyâ¨8: (Level 17) - Flower Zombieâ¨9: (Level 17) - The Hydraâ¨10: Cut scene"
(Thanks mate, I hope you dont mind my using your lists! xD)
Incoming Skills:
3/5 charged blood
4/5 charged blood
5/5 charged blood
1/4 terrify

Notes: Some annoying self healers but over all nothing you cant handle.
Be sure to get all three sets of mining shirts and hats after the hydra battle.
Btw the item store sells a frozen runeblade and lavastone barrier that are great weapons for veradux. (and for you too if you havent found something better by now). Also the spark gloves and dyst light boots are pretty good too.
------------------------------ Summary /End ------------------------------

tunnel beast:
no biggie

annoyingly long, but no biggie.

annoying long, again. this thing is annoying because it has high damage and heals back sometimes more damage than you do.. basically just damage it as much as you can and hope roald growns a brain and silences him at the proper time, its gotta die eventually

yet another annoying self healer.. i had to do this battle twice because the first time he was about to die and casted some 100% self heal then started 1-shotting my team mates.. second time no heal no problem. try saving your wraith form for when he's getting close to 50% hp

magical monkey:
tough.. lost roald, but was able to put him away ok

well took me a while to kill him because the bastard kept putting the werewolf thing on veradux and i needed him to heal so it basically went to waste.. but overall wasnt too difficult. if he puts the werewolf buff on you or roald it should be easy as pie.
btw i notice veradux is the one with lowest hp in my group, so maybe try making sure either you or roald have lower hp before the battle and see if he buffs one of you instead.

nothing that cant be worked with. same old routine gets the job done just fine

flower zombie:
same ol' same ol'

take out the minions, you one shot them so no trouble there.
the hydra itself isnt that hard either. overall not much trouble, you might want to consider redoing the battle to get emerald death if you dont get it on the drop. i didnt, but since its just a weapon for roald i'm not sure i'm up for it >.>
er.. tried like 3-4 times in all and still didnt get it, so im moving on.

btw the item store sells a frozen runeblade and lavastone barrier that are great weapons for veradux. (and for you too if you havent found something better by now)

ZONE 5, Hew:

------------------------------ Summary /Start ------------------------------

Again i'm taking from ElNimrodo's guide:
1: (Level 18) - Riot Policeâ¨2: (Level 18) - Riot Police, Blood Houndâ¨3: (Level 18) - Secret Police (2)â¨4: (Level 19) - Police Colonelâ¨5: Cut sceneâ¨6: (Level 19) - Care Taker, Blood Hound (2)â¨7: (Level 19) - Android Guard, Riot Police (2)â¨8: (Level 20) - Specialist, Android Guard (2)â¨9: Cut Sceneâ¨10: (Level 20) - City Councilâ¨11: (Level 21) - Secret Police, Android Guard, Specialistâ¨12: (Level 21) - Specialist, Blood Hounds (2)â¨13: (Level 21) - Secret Police, Android Guard (2)â¨14: (Level 21) - The Mayor"
(Thanks mate, I hope you dont mind my using your lists! xD)
Incoming Skills:
1/4 Free Will
2/4 Free Will
3/4 Free Will

Notes: If nothing else you might want to read the section on Felicity.
Get a Law Binder for yourself and for vera. Although if you have a Trident you may want to keep it for the crit chance.

------------------------------ Summary /End ------------------------------

you should be dealing ~2k+ shock dmg on crits (without wraith) and vera should be healing ~2k, so it'll take something major to set you back.

Riot police:
pretty easy

Riot police + hound:
gona need some hp gear for this one, that dog is vicious :P. luckily you just got the mining set which is awesome vs physical types. i also went back to zone 4 and bought the gear i recommended in the summary (i hadnt yet, kinda forgot about them lol xD). was easy enough with the new gear.

secret police x2:
same ol' same ol'

police colonel:
this battle revolves around his 2 buffs: guns blazing and reloading. blazing has him deal 400% dmg, which is pretty dangerous since he can hit up to around 3k (he killed my vera near the end of the battle, luckily too late for him :P). reloading makes him take 400% dmg, and he uses it the turn after guns blazing ends, so plan accordingly. use your wraith form the turn after he just took his last turn of blazing so you're in wraith form all throughout his reload phase.
all in all should go fine.

felicity joins your group. typically this is the point where roald goes takes a nap.. but since every time i've gotten rid of him i'm kinda curious to see how he does at a higher level. btw if you are going to switch to felicity you MUST switch her gear, pretty much to what roald is wearing now plus whatever higher lvl gear you have (she starts 2 levels ahead of roald). the speed gear she has is garbage... she dies way too easily and doesnt do any real damage, but give her str gear and she kicks ass. (except her gloves and legs, those are good)
er.. nvm.. she has about 40 extra str with the same gear in exchange for ~20 vita.. so i'll go with her again after all. lol
also, felicity is stricly damage ONLY. you must keep her on reckless at all times, she casts a buff that shields you based on speed, but since neither she nor you or vera have significant speed its no use, also when its broken you take more damage, so in fact it hurts a lot more than it helps. also she's somewhat lacking in the hp department so i'm using a cyborg legging on her to make it up (or the armor is good too, im using the legs because i had both and i had better str armor for her than legs).

Caretaker, Blood Houndx2:
Did i mention i hate the dogs? no? well i do.. you'll definitely need hp gear for this one, and even then its a pain in the ass. i had to do it twice and had a couple close calls on the second. felicity died on me but w/e. as long as you and vera are alive its doable.

riot police x2, android guard:
this battle is tough, even with hp gear. i got beaten twice i think. get the two riots down first, cancel perfect aim, using the safer shock x2 storm and repeat method to keep a shock in store. the guard is more or less harmless, getting him down is enough enough too. the problem is the riot police.

android x2, specialist:
this battle was kind of hard. at least it took forever. take out the specialist first since he's the weakest, then go to work on the guards.

this battle is tough. first time i tried it i took out one council then went for the other, but the guy started dealing out 20k hits.. so i tried taking them both down at the same time (they get a buff when one of them dies) and it worked, but it was still pretty hard. break one's shield and hit it once or twice, then while roald/felicity works on him break the other's shield and get their hps down about similar. then take one out and take out the other asap.

now you're high enough lvl to use the Law Binder from shop, go get it . if you've found Poseidon's trident its legitimately a tough call which one to use since the trident gives excellent crit chance, so meh, up to you. I didnt get it so its an easy choice for me, lol.

secret police, android, specialist:

here i went SP -> specialist -> android. go with shock x2 storm strat until the SP dies just in case although i dont remember him using any aim thing. should go smoothly after the sp dies.

Specialist, Blood Hounds x2:
yep.. doggies again =/
kinda tough but at this point we've been through worse lol. put on some hp gear and you should do ok. felicity keeps dying on me so i'm contemplating just putting both the cyborg armor and legs on her >.>

Special Police, Android x2:
By now you know the drill. Take out the SP, then the guards, and thats all she wrote.

The Mayor:
Alright ladies and gents, finally, the mayor and the point of our journey.
just in case, my skill bar for this battle will be
shock x3
free will x2
electric storm

for gear go back to your usual, normal hp should suffice here.

round one: arg.. went right down to the wire.. i died.. then felicity died.. veradux ALMOST finished it but he attacked at half hp even when i had him on defensive and he got killed when mayor had less than 400 hp >.>

round two: i r winner.

well, theres definitely a luck element involved with the debuffs the mayor dishes out (they all last 8 turns. one stuns, another diminishes damage and another diminishes healing. if you get lucky he'll stun felicity/roald, put healing on you and damage on veradux. if you're unlucky he'll stun you put healing on vera and damage on felicity, and if he does that you're probably dead . lol.). remember you have free will and its pretty significant now, it saved my life since he stunned vera on me. i recommend u do first three shocks on guard and take him out then go wraith and unload on the mayor. other than that its a pretty basic fight, you might have to restart once or twice but you should be good to go.

and finally, legend is accomplished and zone 7 is unlocked, congrats!

well, originally i set out to do the legend only, but i missed the doomsday achievement with my main char so i'm going to give it a go. i'll try to do it without doing any training so i can keep this char a training virgin in case any other achievements are added, but if its not possible i'll probably drop it xD.

Zone 6, Sanctus:

------------------------------ Summary /Start ------------------------------

Again i'm taking from ElNimrodo's guide:
1: Metal Wardenâ¨2: Time Bombâ¨3: Nostalgiaâ¨4: Judge"
(Thanks mate, I hope you dont mind my using your lists! xD)
Incoming Skills:
1/4 Free Will
2/4 Free Will
3/4 Free Will

Notes: If you'll notice this zone's encounters are all lone bosses. Thus it makes a great zone for a shadow DOT (damage over time) build, so i'll be respec'ing as explained below.

As stated i havent done any training, so at level 22 skills will be:
4/4 Epiphany
3/3 insecurity
1/1 Psycho form
4/4 dark echoes
4/4 terrify
4/4 salvation
2/4 free will

Action bar:
Free will
Dark Echoes x2
------------------------------ Summary /End ------------------------------

If you'll notice this zone's encounters are all lone bosses. Thus it makes a great zone for a shadow DOT (damage over time) build, so i'll be respec'ing as explained below.

My shadow build of choice revolves around epiphany, i guess as do most/all others :P. You'll be amplifying it with insecurity, psycho form, and dark echoes (in that order). To counter overdrive's debuff (-10% max hp / turn) i max Terrify and use it at the start of the battle, it heals the damage and then some. Free Will would also work but you'd have to cast it more often. Typically with terrify the battle will be over before you need to recast it.

As stated i havent done any training, so at level 22 skills will be:
4/4 Epiphany
3/3 insecurity
1/1 Psycho form
4/4 dark echoes
4/4 terrify
4/4 salvation
2/4 free will
and 1 pt into all requirements

Action bar:
Free will
Dark Echoes
Dark Infusion

general battle strategy: set salvation, set terrify, set epiphany, dark echoes, insecurity, psycho form, echoes, dark infusion, infusion, echoes, and so on. the point is to have as many DOTs on as possible at any time stacked onto insecurity and echoes debuffs. (btw infusion stacks, echoes does not)

this build has awesome damage potential (my level 29 can take out the baron with this build before epiphany is up without doing any focus drains) but typically its not worthwhile because it involves so much setup and most baddies dont have enough hp to bother so the straightforward shock build is usually more practical.

Well theres an accomplishment for beating this guy with only one team mate, so why the hell not. We'll be taking vera of course. You do plenty of damage so just need the healing. He does a lot of damage but vera can comfortably outheal him. Also I tried using the shock build and lost (the damn death sentence thing finished me off when he had 1k hp left and vera is useless for damaging under this build..) so i'll be going to shadow build now. (i rarely ever buy gear from shop so usually have plenty of cash for respecs, if you have been following in my footsteps you should too :P). beat him without trouble with the new spec. just set on an infusion if you dont have epiphany ready on your death sentence turn. (should have just gotten a very good weapon from the warden, unfortunately if you're also not training no one in your group can use it yet D

Time Bomb:
This thing doesnt fight back, it just has a lot of hp and kills you in a set amount of turns (sorry, never bothered counting them, but its more than 40 ). So.. we dont need healing. Change vera's gear to the best str bonus stuff you have after equipping felicity. Here I would follow the general battle strategy except dont cast terrify on the first turn instead use it when u're dying. and forget salvation, set both team mates to reckless. good luck!

unfortunately i failed not only at getting the achievement but at beating the bomb at all, lol. I never got emerald death so my team mates are using crappy weapons (annihilation and a katana) and since i dont want to level the char my gear selection is limited.. so yeah. This is where my journey comes to an end. if they add any new content i'll figure something out.

if you want to keep playing with this char I would recommend that you do a lot of training to level up, go back and get any key items you may have missed (such as emerald death from the hydra). I'm guessing around level 26 or so depending on gear you should be able to smoke the bomb within the allotted 40 turns for the achievement. You should finish maxing free will, and there are a few routes you can take with the rest of the skills.
personally i like maxing free will, insecurity (20% extra dmg for 5 turns, i like combining it with wraith form for 3 massive shocks) and then maxing tenacity for the hell of it. some people like getting psycho form but i dont like having to bother with overdrive (in this build you could offset it with a free will, and vera would be more than capable to outheal it + enemy damage, but i simply dont bother).

So you know what these builds can look like, at level 29 with zone 6 gear my regular psycho has about 8k hp and with 645 inst free will shields for 3225 dmg and heals for 838 each turn, and with insecurity and wraith his shock crits for 7.2k on the Judge (zone 6 boss), vera heals for over 5k regular 7k crit with salvation, and felicity crits for about 2k. Imo its very strong in both defensive and offensive capabilities and requires minimal setup. Its lacking in crowd control but if you massacre the crowd theres little need for control .

At level 29 my shock build looks like this:
3/3 shock
4/4 storm
5/5 charged blood
3/3 insecurity
4/4 free will
4/4 salvation
5/5 tenacity
1/1 wraith
and 1 pt into all requirements. If im not mistaken max lvl is 30, but theres really no use for the last skill point since action bar is already full and all used skills are maxed.
(all attribute points into instinct of course. with 645 total at level 29, give or take some variation with gear.)

If you'd care to give my char a go heres the pvp import code

(If you have any further questions feel free to ask and I'll do my best to help. Although I'll be damned if I left out any details, lmao xD.)

Take care, and congrats, and enjoy zone 7!

  • 50 Replies
102 posts

Felicity is only good with the zone 7 armor. Otherwise she is bad. If Roald is having to save you from tons of fights then your character isn't that good. I mean, he can be a life saver in some situations, but the only team member you should have to rely on is Veradaux. Unless you're a Hydraulic Healer.

15 posts

dave, i didnt waste my time writing this guide to come taint the thread in a pathetic argument with you. i dont care if you beat my z5-6 char with z7 gear, congrats, you're amazing, woohooo!! get over it.
as to traumatize, w/e, it has its uses, personally i get along fine without it. if you like it so much you can easily substitute it for insecurity and its a done deal. insecurity isnt vital by any means either so go with whatever floats your boat.

lol waffles you were officially unlucky as can be, grats!
and yeah roald can be pretty useful. felicity vs roald is a personal choice i just tend to go with her because of the higher level and slightly higher damage. however her damage isnt THAT much more so if you'd rather have roald's team skills i definitely wont blame you.

thanks awe ^^

102 posts

Sorry, I didn't mean to give you constructive criticism. Speed isn't even "Meh", it's "no way" because If you've played the game you know that Shock Therapy never misses. The Warden is a a million times easier with Traumatize. Gives Veradaux a good chance to heal.

383 posts

Excellent guide with good strategies, and dave, there's a fine line between constructive, and persistent. you've crossed it xD. come back when you've made your own guide.

3,437 posts

sweet guide. For future reference though. Veradux's healing relies on strength and instinct.

86 posts

Nice guide, pshyco shocker was always my fav class

4 posts


86 posts

whay the huh? shocker is a subclass withen the pshycological

3,437 posts

A good guide, a few things I disagreed with, but seeing as the last guy who gave some other advice was shut down, I'll say no more.

86 posts

This walkthrough is working pretty well so far, clemons can be a little tough unless roald silences/stuns him befor he kills veradux. I just hit the 4rth zone

13,701 posts

ironic, but when i put rolad on full defence, he actually spammed firebolt and silence more... wierd.

86 posts

seriorsly? i'll try that, currently stuck on gregor, he heals 2k and i can only do 1.5

13,701 posts

oh yeah, for gregor i went away from the guide a little and got haunt lvl 1, so i could put it on him and basicly make him take 2 turns to regain enough focus for that move.

86 posts

Yeah, i just experimented a bit with new builds.

I just beat him by using 4/4 confinement and 2/2 haunt. (I used 3/4 salvation, 3/4 storm and no tenacity or charged blood)
Gregor wates away his focus pretty quickly, even more so with haunt. From zero focus with haunt it takes him 3 turns to get enough mana for RV. As soon as he got anough mana i stuck confinement on him which took his healing down to 200 per turn.

I only really needed haunt to help with the CD for confinement.

13,701 posts

haunt is actually useful for the idiots who only gain max ~10 a turn.

Showing 16-30 of 50