ForumsGame WalkthroughsTelepath RPG chapter 2 Orb Walkthrough:

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White Orb

property: gives you resistance against Light attacks- this results in your Hero taking 50% less damage from such attacks as Laser Blast, Holy Blast and Light Blast.

available: from the beginning

location: Somnus

method of acquiring: go into the middle of the three small houses on the left side of Somnus. Inside, you'll see a green Shadowling, Lala. Talk to her (choose the following answers):
-"I am a slave"
-"How do you like living in the city?"
-"Except what?"
-"I can help you with that."
Then go towards the stairs in the house and a battle with 3 Bugs in the basement will commence. Win the battle. Talk to Lala again:
-"Yes ma'am"
-"I'll take the antique."
-"Thank you".

disqualification: after completing the side-quest for Lala, accepting money from her rather than the ancient antique.

Orange Orb

property: gives you resistance against Heat attacks- this results in your Hero taking 50% less damage from such attacks as Pyro Blast, Fire Gate and Fire Breath.

available: after mission 2

location: The Great Forest

method of acquiring: in the Great Forest, go to the second screen (after mission 3 part 1) and there in the bottom left corner under a tree will be visible an orange sphere, click on it and the Orange Orb is yours.

Crimson Orb

property: changes your Hero's Pyro Blast attack to Pyro Hail attack.

available: after mission 3

location: Deeper Downs

method of acquiring: in the Deeper Downs in the first chamber go along the north wall and into a hidden passage in the North-East corner (you'll see a place in a wall that doesn't have lava in front of it). Go through it northwards and you'll find a small room with a chest in it. Open the chest and inside you'll find the Crimson Orb.

Indigo Orb

property: changes your Hero's Mind Shield attack to Big Shield attack.

available: after mission 4

location: The Great Forest

method of acquiring: after beating the Bug Queen, return to the world map and enter the Great Forest. On the second screen where you should've found the Orange Orb, a green tent will appear in the North-East corner- enter it. Inside, talk to the Green creature called Gelf:
-"What do you have for sale?"
-"Um, yes. Yes I do."
-"I'll take thing one" ([Leave.] Talk to him again.)
-"I'll take it." ([Leave.] Talk to him again.)
-"Do you have something other than gaggets?"
-[Examine the lamp.] If you have aptitude 8/9 or above, you'll see that the light bulb is, in fact, an orb
-[Reach in and remove the bulb.]
Now you have the Indigo Orb.

disqualification: failing to buy both "gaggets" from Gelf and failing to ask for any more products on sale, plus having an aptitude less than 8 or 9.

Blue Orb

property: gives you resistance against Cold attacks- this results in your Hero taking 50% less damage from such attacks as Frost Blast.

available: after mission 5

location: Somnus

method of acquiring: go down to HQ and talk to Grotius:
-"Why so glum?"
-"Have you tried talking to them?"
-"Maybe you should do that."
-"If you make friends, they'll talk to you."

Then go north to the Queen's palace and go left: there you'll see a Shadowling with a book- Nightling. Go and talk to him:
-"What are you reading?"
-"Can I borrow that book?" or the other question
-"I know someone who'd love to talk to you..."
-"You both seem kind of lonely. Plus, he's a spriggat."
-"He's your age. He likes reading. I bet you'd get along."
-"Ah, forget it."
-"Grotius. He's down at HQ if you want to meet him."

Go down to HQ and talk to Grotius again:
-"Oh really?"
-"That's great, Grotius."
-"No problem."
-"What is it?"
-[Take it.]

And the Blue Orb is yours. Get out and back onto HQ to see it appear on the table.

disqualification: failing to persuade Grotius to join the team and completing correctly the dialogue between him and Nightling; failing to procure the Blue Orb from Grotius before choosing to kill him in mission 6 (optional, you can spare his life).

Green Orb

property: increases your Hero's max speed from 5 to 9 steps per turn.

available: after mission 5

location: Lake Alto

method of acquiring: go to Lake Alto, go up to the pier and then talk to the man standing next to it, Pirate Pete:
-"Yes. What do you want?"
-"So what do you want?"
-"Fine, fine. What should I do?"
-"All right, I'm ready."
-"Beasties, huh? Hm..."

Then go up the pier onto the boat and win mission 6 part 1, then retutn to Pirate Pete and repeat the dialogue, but this time you'll be launched onto the boat and you'll have 60 seconds to collect the 4 chests (just click on them) and return to the pier, lest you get attacked by the spriggats and repeat the challenege again, by talking to Pirate Pete. Upon disembarking, go back to Pirate Pete and talk:
-"How about that seaglass?"
-[Look inside the puch.]
-[Touch it.]

Now you've got the Green Orb.

disqualification: failing to complete the timed quest from Pirate Pete before completing mission 6 (before disembraking upon the oether coast and proceeding to the cave).

Yellow Orb

property: instead of gaining 3 PsP if your Hero doesn't move or attack during his/her turn and 1 PsP if your Hero moves during his/her turn, your Hero gets 10 PsP and 5 PsP respectively.

available: after mission 6

location: Lake Alto

method of acquiring: upom completing mission 6 and disembarking on the south side of the Lake, go back to the boat and re-trace your steps half-way through the Lake. On the shore of the north-east island will lay a yellow sphere, guide the boat close to it and click on it. Then simlpy agree to touch it and return to the south dock. Now you've got the Yellow Orb. disqualification: no disqualification available (save for not picking it up).

Black Orb

property: gives you resistance against Shadow attacks- this results in your Hero taking 50% less damage from such attacks as Dark Vortex and Shadow Blast.

available: after mission 6

location: The Academy

method of acquiring: Go to the Academy and in the North-East building talk to the person in a blue cape (Piter). After that, go north and to the right- to the Main's old room. There, click on the bed, then there will be a scene with Dean Lukas, you must choose the Academy side (fight against Tastidian). Then, when the scene is over, walk to the room across the hall, where you'll find a person in a red cape- brother David. Talk to him (there is no branching in the dialogue) and he'll give you a key to the chest in his room. Come up to the chest and open it: inside is the Black Orb.

disqualification: hoosing to serve Tastidian in mission 7 otherwise (if Academy side is chosen), failing to talk to brother David after talking to Dean Lukas, but before embarking upon the journey to Somnus for the final battle.

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