Lately i have just given up on ready the newspaper or watching news on the television.
i keep finding that the media is somewhat fuel by fear, so if people dont watch/read it there going to miss out of what they could die of next and also a percentage is unconfirmed.
Yes, I do. And listen to the news on the radio. Yet I refuse to watch news on the tele.
I really only and listen to the local news. My more worldy news comes from PRI (Public Radio International). Then I read the New York Post and The Daily News for all the amusing and bloody bits of news that really do not matter yet give me a laugh.
For a while I would get a free paper just to read the funnies and scan over, but actually reading in depth can be relaxing.
*Goes back to reading old books from ages ago*
I reread the Enchanted Forest Series by McKenna just a bit ago. Then I touched on Madeline L'Engle's A Wrinkle in Time, and now I am rereading Ella Enchanted simply because the movie butchered a perfectly good story. It has probably been like a decade since i touched any of these.
I read the USA today while I'm at college. It's free at our dining halls and I read them at breakfast. I understand that 80% of the news is junk nowadays, but you just have to pick through the crap to find the actual news. It's relaxing and fun, but if I'm really curious as to what is going in the world, I turn to the internet because it's so much faster, more depth (more articles available), and is much more selective. The newspaper as the major source of news is dead because the internet is instant.
Side note: With this new "green" phase we're entering into, I have a feeling, even with newspaper being printed on recycled paper, we will see them begin to be phased out and replaced almost entirely with internet / television / radio based news, which are all instant while the newspaper is at least a half-day or so old.
Newspapers in the US are written at about a 3rd to 4th grade level so almost everyone can read them. When my Dad went to China for a business trip, there were articles about the gold standard, the value of the dollar, economic theories, etc. He brought home a few papers and I read them. It was like reading a very detailed book. It was refreshing.
When I pick up a newspaper in the US, it's all about celebrities and "LIEK OMG TERRORISM!" Nothing about world events. Nothing about US imperialism. No real opinions. Just stupidity.
Most definitely. The problem with papers over here in britain is that they are all very politically biased, so i tend to read more than one to get different views on the same stories and then decide.
If i cant though, ill get the Times, whch even though its centre right, and not my ideological cup of tea, its very well researched and written.
Failing papers newsnight with paxman is always good for current affairs.
We have a Tv show in Australia called the (hungry best) its on the ABC and its the only tv i watch if i watch at all. There trying to create a media watch dog, so they air a story and all the major newspapers went with it (without) reaserching the event that happend and then a week later they air that it was a fake story very funny.
I've given up on trying to read or watch the news. It don't like all the biases... What happened to reporting a story without it reeking of one's personal agenda? I only read it on occasion, like when something big has happened.