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ForumsGame WalkthroughsHints and Tips for Thing-Thing 4

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2,120 posts

I have spent most of my weekend slaughtering thousands of systems corp mercenaries in the just released "Thing-Thing 4." I have almost completed the entire game, all that I need to do to finish is get 5000 kills (just a matter of time, lots of time) and beat hard mode (not that hard, I've just been putting it off). I thought that I would make a topic with useful hints and tips that I have discovered. These are in no particular order.

Making melee kills easier:
Normally, with your lead pipe, it takes 6-8 hits to take down an enemy. This makes it extremely hard to get the 500 melee kills that you need to get the sword and complete the game. In order to make melee kills easier, you need to weaken the enemy with a gun before you hit him with your pipe. I found that most weapons in the game either do a crapload of damage, or fire really fast. You need to use a weapon that fires reasonably fast, and does a lot of damage without killing the enemy. The best weapon for this, that I have found, is the Viper .44 Magnum. Always carry one while trying to get melee kills. You shoot the enemy once in the head, then bash him 2-3 times with the pipe. It's that simple.

Preparing for hard mode:
The biggest differences that I noticed in hard mode are these: enemies have more health (or your weapons do less damage), and you regenerate faster. This means that you need something that can hit enemies hard and fast. After you beat easy mode, you unlock the armory, which can be accessed through the level select. Make sure to pay it a trip. The first thing that you should reach for is the Hades Rifle. This is very useful in early levels and levels like the zombie/bean chambers, since it passes through multiple enemies, killing almost everything in it's path. The hades rifle isn't the best thing for some situations though, due to it's slow fire rate. In hard mode, shotguns are your friends! The do enormous amounts of damage and have a pretty good to spectacular fire rate. The only disadvantage is the lackof amo, which can be bypassed by using the armory. As soon as you encounter the white and black enemies, you are going to want to get the brain driller. It instakills anything (I haven't tested it on a boss... yet). I'll be sure to post more on this when I beat hard mode (I'm just a couple levels away).

Picking your special weapons:
You will see red lights in various levels. If you are smart you will shoot them. Somewhere in the level, a door will open. You need to get a keycard that is somewhere in the unlocked area. Use it to open another door somewhere else in the same area. Behind the second door there will be three weapons. The game is very hard to beat without using these. This applies to easy mode only, since you can find everything in the armory after you beat it. The first selection of weapons that you unlock is this: The HK 91, a powerful rifle with a good fire rate. Take it. A grenade launcher. Low fire rate, low ammo, but extremely powerful damage-wise. Leave it. A Benelli 12-Gauge Shotgun. High ammo, high damage, and a good fire rate. Take it. The second time you unlock the special weapons, you will be presented with: A Gauss Shotgun. One of the most powerful weapons in the game. You will need it to kill the boss. Take it, but use it sparingly! The Laser Cannon. Acts much like a gauss weapon, but it is far more powerful. I found it useful when killing zombies. Take it. The HK 21. You have already seen this weapon from after you beat the first boss. It is just like the HK 91 except it has a much better fire rate. Leave it. Next, you will be able to choose between three more weapons. You need to keep your Gauss Shotgun, so only take one. The Brain Driller. The most powerful weapon in the game, it intakills anything. This one has a very small amount of ammo, so leave it. The Pancor Jackhammer. An automatic shotgun. Pretty powerful, but not the weapon you need for the upcoming levels. Tha Desert Eagle. The second magnum weapon in the game, a headshot will instakill a standard enemy in normal mode. It has an acceptable fire rate and a good amount of ammo. Take it.

Unlockable weapons:
Doing certain things in the game will get you unlockable weapons. Some of the ones listed in the above section are only available in the "secret spots." Those would be the Desert Eagle, Laser Cannon, Gauss Shotgun, HK 21, and Brain Driller. Another kind-of-unlockable weapon is the "Universal Bean Cannon," which you can get by waiting for the second door to open in a certain level instead of going into the "reanimation chamber." Another unlockable is the sword, which replaces your lead pipe after you get 500 melee kills. I looks pretty sweet
Another unlockable is the Hades rifle, which is only available after you kill Hades. From then on you can get it form the armory. The last unlockable is the N.U.K.E. I haven't gotten this weapon, but I have seen pictures of it in the high scores lists. You get it after you complete all of the "goals" in the game. You can see what these are by clicking "options" then "game stats."

The last level:
After you see the cutscene with the room with the TVs, just let yourself die. There is no point in fighting, you can no longer regenerate your hp. The game will end and you will win. It is a little reminiscent of the first SHIFT game.

  • 360 Replies
2 posts

how do you get the 100% objective

10,816 posts

Complete every objective before it.

But be warned, some of the objectives are sneaky!

10,816 posts

Ps. ubertuna, if you haven't already figured this, the fastest way to rack up kills is with a laser cannon in the bean chamber. I'd say you can get up to 1000 kills in an 8 minute session.

4 posts

whats a good inventory for the room with three platforms with massive amounts of system corp guys.. im talkin about hard mode... hades rifle is my #1, but the second i cant decide on.. and i just sit next to a door and fire off my hades as much as possible.. changing to my #2 if someone gets too close..

ive gotten all requirements cept beat hard mode and 10,000 kills

2,120 posts

Use the brain driller as your second weapon. I beat that using the brain driller and desert eagle, but the hades rifle should work just as well. Use the brain driller to take out elite systems corp guys (black and white) and the rifle to eliminate normal guys. Just remember: Go to the armory and change your weapon to gauss shotgun before you fight hades.

4 posts

yea i just beat it

jumped around ontop of the platforms till i was healed then sniped off ppl.. used the pancor as my second. it didnt help much srry to say..

i tried usin the brain driller before, idk personally i think it takes to long for it to take effect.. i like the animation it has tho.

it took me 98 just thankfull. cuz thats prolly the hardest thing for me, all the guys and the lagg.

its in the bag now

4 posts


another 4819 more kills till 10k

im just gunna use the hades in the bean chamber
the range is better than the laser cannon plus its my favorite weapon


10,816 posts

Actually, I change my suggestion. In places where enemies come thick and fast, go to the armory and pick up the GR-06 Flechette weapon + something that fires a little faster. The Flechette grenades will rip through your enemies- a single shot will take out up to a dozen beans at a time.

Using both flechette weapons, it only took me a coupla hours to get my next 5000 kills. And that was actually 7000 because I disposed of 2000 beans and then forgot to leave the room before I exited, anulling that session count.

So that's right, I have the nuke now. It's a single-shot rechargeable weapon. If it hits, it will wipe everything off the screen as well as targets nearby. There is a bug though- if you fire it, then switch to another weapon and back again without firing, the recharge time will be instant, meaning you can fire pretty much as fast as you can scroll.

To be honest, now that I have the weapon, there is little point to playing further.

195 posts

I got the N.U.K.E.... Its really graet, except sometimes, when I fire it , a normal round comes out.

I still want to know what the PHASR is like. If I could imagine it, it could be an automatic Gauss weapon. Where did you hear about that anyway Ubertuna?

Thing-Thing 4 has been great, one of the best shooting games I have played. But, like what Strop said, there isn't much point in playing the game now that I have the N.U.K.E.

1 posts

Good idea for the melee on half killing then beating, but i just got the sword w/o knowing about it (lol) and, on certain levels the enemies don't come till a certain point, but they come from behind you, if you stand in their guns, they cant shoot. I just beat them for ammo constantly...The sword does look cool though=)

2,120 posts

Ok, I did some research and the PHASR was an idea for a final unlockable weapon, like the N.U.K.E. The maker of the game decided to go with the N.U.K.E. instead.

79 posts

yes i finally got the nuke. now it feels like there is no point in playing and that the fun is taken out of the game but i will still try to get the high scores at least!!

28 posts

how do u get all the guns ,can u get them in the armory?

79 posts

only the guns that u unlock r in the armory. if u see a guass pistol or guass rifle pick those up and finish the level with them because u can't unlock these weapons( the enemies just appear with them). also make sure u shoot all the red lights.

28 posts

i got all the now all i needed was the bren 10 and tavor ^-^

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