Keep restarting until you start in Madagascar. The single most annoying part is infecting Madagascar, and if you start there, you don't have to worry about it. Then you pretty much have the game wrapped up. Low visibility is important, and don't start killing people until you get every area infected. Getting airborne transmissions is also important to boost your infection rate.
Sorry if anything is stupid, it's been almost a year since I last played that game.
You can play slow: Be a parasite, keep your visibility as low as possible, buying off all symptoms. Get a very high infectivity, so you can infect all the people in the world without them knowing it. Then, when no one is safe anymore, start the reaping.
Start in Greenland, Cuba, Japan, or New Zealand. You need an island because they do better without everything shutting down stuff. Madagascar is just TOO slow.
it doesnt matter where you start as long as you keep the visibility down, when u infected every part of the world BOOM buy the symptoms and blast them away