there were many ways that cuba could have sprung forward with a strong economic system independent of american influence. it just failed to figure out how to do it. however, it does export doctors in return for oil.
Look at the link on the embargo. Cuba cannot purchase products from American corporations, which restricts it from much progress. Its not going to buy high tech equipment for hospitals from El Salvador. And you making the claim it is unable to survive and yet I given the statistics to show how much better Cuba is than many other capitalist nations.
And what? Cuba sends doctors off to other countries in return for oil?
How do you trade a person and his services for oil?
Oh you mean Venezuela is paying for it with their oil money. Much different.
Yes I did some reading on this. Cuba sends medical teams to provide disaster relief in more than 68 countries.
Though any source I look at tells me Cuba is the leading nations with most doctors per person.
"Remarkably, Cuba leads the world (or at least those countries shown on this map) in the patients per doctor ratio."
cuba has about 65 to 70,000 doctors and roughly 25 to 30,000 are exported to other countries. so the figure for persons per doctor is a lie. it's about 271 people per cuban-resident doctor whereas america's stats is about 244 persons per primary care providers as of 2005.
Source? And 12 million/70,000 equals one doctor per 171 people, which is very close to the statistic given.
cuban healthcare in general is atrocious. only the wealthy and members of the communist party have all their needs met. sure, everyone gets basic needs met. however, for advanced medicines, surgeries, and treatments, cuban citizens are expected to pay under the table. there are about 12 percent communist party members within the total cuban population so this leaves a great deal of the population without the means to adequate health care.
What BS. What kind of statistics, fact, or any evidence do you have for your claim?
Compare that to the 50 million Americans who get no health care at all.
And as if the rich don't enjoy better health care either.
Do some reading
Cuba's life expectancy is much higher, it has more doctors per person, more beds per person, more attended births, more access to sanitation, every person is covered (even if its limited, as you allege), and it has eliminated malnutrition.
Compare this to the other Latin American nations where your quite lucky to even put food on the table.