When hackers hacked on the computers of one of the major centers of the so-called "Global Warming", they found out that most of the data was false/baseless. These were solid facts, and texts that took up to 100+ Mb in total. This was supposed to turn global warming upside-down. Instead, there was some dull answers from both sides. The answers from the "greens" were as follows:
1. 1,700 British scientists signed a joint statement circulated by the UK Met Office declaring their "utmost confidence in the observational evidence for global warming and the scientific basis for concluding that it is due primarily to human activities." 2. Met Office chief executive John Hirst and its chief scientist Julia Slingo asked their colleagues to sign the statement "to defend our profession against this unprecedented attack to discredit us and the science of climate change." 3. Climatologist James Hansen said that the controversy has "no effect on the science" 4. said that sceptics were "taking these words totally out of context to make something trivial appear nefarious",[15] and called the entire incident a careful, "high-level, orchestrated smear campaign to distract the public about the nature of the climate change problem." 5. He has also said that the theft may be aimed at undermining talks at the December 2009 Copenhagen global climate summit.
The Earth is always changing. We recently just got out of an ice age, of course the Earth is warming up.
Water vapor is a green house gas that constructs 97% of the total greenhouse gas. Carbon dioxide makes up 0.28%.
The "green movement" is nothing more than a plot to get rich. Al Gore, was a politician but yet we find him telling us the Earth is warming up. The British court ruled that his film consisted of many fallacies and distortions. It has also gave corporations good advertising campaign, letting them sell millions of useless products in the name of being "green"
But of course they cant tax water vapor so they singled out carbon dioxide. Volcanoes also make a lot more carbon dioxide than the human waste does.
Carbon dioxide also helps to stimulate plant and tree growth, which itself may make up for the carbon emissions.
i read through some of the emails using search words like tree ring kyoto ice core hockeystick mann, etc.
in the emails, it was admitted that some of the data was adjusted to resemble global warming. there were also emails that said even if human activity was limited to the full restraints of the kyoto protocol it wouldn't make a significant difference. there was also an acknowledgement of 'global cooling'. that we are in a cooling phase that may last until 2020. here's another graph, see its black line, used to correct the hockeystick profile shown on the previous page:
most interesting is that distinguished scientists lost all objectivity and turned into global warming advocates to endorse the kyoto protocol. this was in 1997 when there was no scientific basis to believe that human activity was involved. here's a quote from one of the emails that shows their non-scientific fervor - collecting signatures endorsing the kyoto protocol in order to support 'the cause':
"...i am very strongly in favor of as wide and rapid a distribution as possible for endorsements. i think the only thing that counts is numbers. the media is going to say "1000 scientists signed" or "1500" signed". no one is going to check if it is 600 with PhDs versus 2000 without. they will mention the prominent ones, but that is a different story...conclusion -- forget the screening, forget asking them about their last publication(most will ignore you.) get those names!" - prof. dr. joseph alcamo, director. center for environmental systems research, university of kassel, germany.
If you're going to use graphs, you have to CITE. Just like political opinions, anyone and nearly everyone can take a few minutes fucking around to make a graph.
The Earth is always changing
As the statement's already been made, not nearly as quickly as it is right now.
Carbon dioxide also helps to stimulate plant and tree growth, which itself may make up for the carbon emissions.
Carbon dioxide doesn't help stimulate plants and trees when a good amount are being chopped down, plowed out of the way, and burnt to produce more carbon dioxide.
Also, too much carbon dioxide in the atmosphere is a result of the trees not being able to turn it into 02, so no they don't make up for the carbon emissions. The carbon emissions are simply way too much for the trees to process.
Water vapor is a green house gas that constructs 97% of the total greenhouse gas.
Proof please. Last I heard, water vapor goes widely into the construction of clouds, which is much different than greenhouse gas.
Carbon dioxide doesn't help stimulate plants and trees when a good amount are being chopped down, plowed out of the way, and burnt to produce more carbon dioxide.
Umm, plants consume carbon dioxide in order to produce glucose and oxygen (photosynthesis). Thus a sufficient amount of it allows plants to grow faster.
Proof please. Last I heard, water vapor goes widely into the construction of clouds, which is much different than greenhouse gas.
Hmm, since I cannot find my post from another thread about global warming, let me reproduce it:
The global temperature is rising.
Global temperature is clearly linked to C02 levels.
C02 levels are higher than they should be in the natural cycle because of human emissions.
Observed temperatures correlate most closely with climate forecasts that take into account human emissions than 'natural' C02 levels.
That should help clear things up. Honestly, the debate to be had on global warming isn't whether it is occuring, but what the effects of it will be on our planet. All alternate theories as to why the earth is warming have been discredited by the wider scientific community.
The 'they're biased' argument doesn't really work either for two reasons. Firstly, the oil lobby has been very busy bribing scientists to come up with alternative explanations to the warming of the planet. The argument it has been fabricated for monetary gain doesn't really work, since both sides are at it.
Secondly and more importantly, the peer review process ensures that any bias is eliminated, giving an objective view. That view is that global warming is happening, and that it is man made. We just aren't sure of how severe the consequences will be.
Well only 50 million years ago it was 3000 and all the mammals lived OK.
50 million years ago there was the Eocene epoch. Marking it's start the Earth heated up in one of the most rapid and extreme global warming events. This phenomenon provoked a sharp extinction event.
All the members of the new mammal orders were small. The hot Eocene temperatures favored smaller animals that were better able to manage the heat.
These mammals existed to live in such temperatures, but the (majority of the) modern mammals, are not capable of living in such temperatures .
this was the source of the graph i posted on page 2: YAD06
the YAD06 series is the source of the drastic increase of temperatures seen on page one graphs by goumas13. here it is shown with yellow highlight as an anomaly compared with other series:
the climatologists were using tree-ring data as indicators of temperature, since trees are very old, and grow faster in warm and slower in cold. they are questioning whether the YAD06 series of trees should ever have been used to estimate temps shown in goumas13's graphs. compare the YAD06 series above, to goumas13's graphs on page 1, why did they pick it? because they had started becoming advocates rather than scientists.
=BBC announces a review of its science coverage, for ignoring climategate=
"Critics have claimed that it has not fairly represented the views of sceptics of the widely-held belief that humans are responsible for environmental changes such as global warming."
"Astonishingly, what appears, at least at first blush, to have emerged is that (a) the scientists have been manipulating the raw temperature figures to show a relentlessly rising global warming trend; (b) they have consistently refused outsiders access to the raw data; (c) the scientists have been trying to avoid freedom of information requests; and (d) they have been discussing ways to prevent papers by dissenting scientists being published in learned journals." - Lord Lawson