ForumsGame WalkthroughsEndless War 3

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I didn't see a walkthrough for this anywhere, so I thought I'd post one (please tell me if you find one) Anyway, to the walkthrough:

Iraq War Campagin-USA
Hostile Shores
Do nothing. Litrally. If you want to join in, fine, but just sit back and watch your men slaughter the Iraqis.

City Fight
A little tricky this one. My favourite weapons have to be a Minigun, MP7 and High Explosive Grenades.
Throw a grenade at the wall next to you, where the man is behind, and then run out of range. If it kills him, good. If not, throw another for good measure. Don't bother going after the turret, you'll lose most or all of your health. Instead taunt the Iraqis inside to shoot you. The man behind should shoot the man in front, then simply shoot the man at the door. Run in the room quickly, and then run into the other room and shoot the Iraqis inside. Some more Iraqis will chase you, simply stand in the doorway and shoot. About 1-2 people will be alive in the third room, so chuck grenades until they die. Then simply take the exit.

Hummer Blown
The Hummer ISN'T blown, it's man is firing a machine gun. Don't even bother commanding your men up front, they die in a millisecond. Take your one remaining man and get him to shoot as many men as possible. He too will probably die. Taunt the Irqis to shoot you, they'll get mowed down by the MG. Shoot any survivors and take cover when reloading. Grab the health pack if you need to, then take the exit.

Blown Bridge
Pretty easy. Don't need the LAW, the APC is already destroyed. After the mass slaughter, take your man to the bridge. He will kill the other man. Move him next to the APC, have him shoot the Iraqi and then exit. If your man is killed before killing anyone, simply shoot them yourself, then take the exit.

Survivor-Iraqi Campagin
Yes, that APC looks intimmidating, but dont fret. A couple of Minigun shots killed him. Shoot all the men in the buildings, taunt the survivors to come to you and shoot them stone cold dead. Then just take the exit.

Stop the Hummers
You start immidatly under fire. Turn North-east and shoot the US troop shooting at you. Get behind the truck and your men kill everyone else, and blow the hummers.

Attacked Again
Hardest level so far. You get 1 AT trooper, postion him strategically. If he blows them both up, just shoot survivors and exit. If he takes one down, then you'll have to outflank your way out. If he doesn't blow either, I would consider banzai charging and starting the level again.

Sounds hard, but is basically level 1. Let your men destroy EVERYTHING and then exit. If any are alive, just kill 'em

Congrats! You finished the Iraq Campagin on Endless War III!

Will post the rest of the levels soon.

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WWII Pacific Campagin-Japanese

Ordinary Slaughter
Your men kill everyone except one man. Eliminate him.

Enemy's Position
Taunt and shoot enemys. Shoot the MG gunner then exit.

Coming Home
The men in the kitchen will shoot you, shoot them first.
Kill the man outside and the MG gunner. Go in the kitchen and kill the guy oppisite your building. Then flank the bedroom and shoot the two guys behind sandbags.Shoot the guy in the toilets, and shoot the guy in the bedroom. Then, shoot the final guys behind the southeast sandbags.

Road Accident
Take cover next to the truck, shooting the guys to the northwest of you. Then order your man to stand and shoot. He might kill one or two if hes lucky. Then just kill the men next to the other truck, shoot the man next to the box, a man will shoot his own man, kill him and the MG gunner.

Fight Like Hell
Don't use the Katana.If you want to get shot like hell and then kill someone then die, then yes, use it. I recommend the Arisaka.
It has a bayonet anyway. First, order your men to flank the MG's, use them to fight to the death. Then mop up any survivors.

WWII Pacific- USA

Jungle Camp
Order your men to fight to the death, then flank the entrenched men. Kill them at their rear, then exit.

Hidden and Armored
Order your men to cover, have them shoot to the death.
Flank the MGs and pick off each man individually.
Then just shoot the survivors.

Bombs and Shells
Use your MG gunner to shoot like hell, then flank the sandbags and shoot them, then exit.

Pretty easy this one. Just run foward and kill everone, and make your MG gunner and rifleman go crazy.

Infantry Rush
Have your MG shoot the SMG at the top of the hill, and order your men to charge the enemy. You should end with one officer. Kill him.

Will post tommorow the rest of the levels.

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