Here is something to get the brain going. It's been said that God created ALL things. Also it's been said that God is 100 precent pure/good. So God created man and it was said that because of man's sinful actions bad/evil things were created. But if God created ALL things then God created bad/evil things, not man. So by God creating bad/evil things this does not make him 100 precent pure/good.
But it's not an excuse. When having an argument about religion, faith is going to come up. It's what religions are based off of. So when you ask these questions, you have to expect this as an answer.
Yes, but it isn't valid as a refutation or a support, only a reason why someone personally believes someone. You can't say your religion is the true religion because of faith - you can say you believe it is because of faith.
Because you say these are things are scientific fact and that there is no arguing on the matter.
I've never called those facts. They are theories meaning they are the most reasonable explanation we have based on the evidence.
Believing in God however, is a choice, and not something that the schools tell you is real because scientists say it is.
It's not just scientists just saying it's real it's where the evidence leads. Unlike religion what comes out of science isn't just assertions that are expected to believed for no reason.
The answer, as always, is faith.
That doesn't answer a damn thing. Someone of a different religion will have just as much faith in what the believe as you do, but it doesn't make there belief any more or less true then yours. I'm pretty sure you know that!
At what point should this start to be considered trolling?!
They are theories meaning they are the most reasonable explanation we have based on the evidence.
Saying what's most reasonable is a matter of opinion. While some say those are the most reasonable answers, 90% of the world disagrees. So, in majority rule, religion is the most reasonable.
Fact requires proof, you said it yourself, you have no proof.
Yes it does. It means that you have no right to call 90% of the world retarded for believing in something, especially when you can't prove they're wrong.
So, by calling them wrong=calling them retarded? You can't prove that we are wrong in saying you're wrong.
The answer, as always, is faith.
Faith leads to every single answer that someone can think of.
Saying what's most reasonable is a matter of opinion. While some say those are the most reasonable answers, 90% of the world disagrees. So, in majority rule, religion is the most reasonable.
The majority of the world will disagree with your version of God. Majority rule, you're wrong.
You can't prove that we are wrong in saying you're wrong.
You can't prove we're wrong in the first place.
The majority of the world will disagree with your version of God. Majority rule, you're wrong.
Christianity is the biggest religion in the world. Majority rule, we win. And atheism isn't even close to majority. So even if you're talking about my version of God, the original thing I said was that, by majority rule, "religion is the most reasonable." I didn't say which religion, I just said religion. But since you're an atheist, none of the religions apply to you, making you wrong.
Possum you've dodged every arguement with this damn faith excuse. Either justify your faith as a legitimate arguement or come up with something a hell of a lot better. Or just stop debating.
How the hell am I supposed to come up with anything else? THAT'S WHAT RELIGION COMES DOWN TO! THERE IS NOTHING DEEPER! IT ENDS AT FAITH! And you have dodged my arguments as well.
FUCK YOUR DAMN ARGUEMENTS! They're not worth considering if all you have is "I Have faith so I am right and you are all wrong, because faith beats all! Hahahaha God is awesome."
To avoid a flame war, let's just talk about something else. Cookie or Muffin? *Wonders if wolf will ever answer his arguments with something better than "You have faith so that makes you stupid"*
People like you piss me off. People who have no justification for their beliefs other than faith, no rational explaination for WHY they have faith. And I brought something up earlier, but you dodged it with faith. So here's something new: Which Christian sect is right?
Saying what's most reasonable is a matter of opinion.
Christianity is the biggest religion in the world. Majority rule, we win.
Majority rule is a load when it comes to reality. Besides even if it wasn't it's about Christians 2 billion claim vs. about 4 billion others with different claims.
How the hell am I supposed to come up with anything else? THAT'S WHAT RELIGION COMES DOWN TO! THERE IS NOTHING DEEPER! IT ENDS AT FAITH!
I think you have managed to demonstrate just how shallow faith is.
It doesn't offer any explanations or reasons all it does is take an assertion and have the person believe it with nothing to back it up and even at times going against the facts. Even worse are those expecting others to buy into it.
I'm seriously beginning to think your nothing but a pathetic troll.
Things I see on this page. 1. As doubt is the absence of faith obviously the idea of faith could create an infinite amount of questions. 2. While Christianity is the world largest religion it is minority majority meaning that combined the other world beliefs have a larger following. Majority rules is never a valid argument anyways. 3. Your dodging the question; don't do that, either counter it, answer it, or stop posting. 4. Stop asking cookie or muffin it's annoying 5. When asked to defend the existance of God refer to the bible; it doesn't matter if they don't consider it credible, in a religious debate religious texts are always important. 6. Watch the language :P 7. Sorry for any spelling errors I'm on my phone.