ForumsWEPR[redirected]If God created all things

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210 posts

Here is something to get the brain going. It's been said that God created ALL things. Also it's been said that God is 100 precent pure/good. So God created man and it was said that because of man's sinful actions bad/evil things were created. But if God created ALL things then God created bad/evil things, not man. So by God creating bad/evil things this does not make him 100 precent pure/good.

  • 1,849 Replies
3,437 posts

For my beliefs please check the pg 97. And Samy's quote from Albert Einstein. That quote pretty much sums up everything.

78 posts

Woah guys seriously if you really wanna force christians to debate at least can you dumb down those huge monster paragraphs so we at least know how bad your insulting us...

Religion is a poison. It may give hope to some, but in return it creates discrimination, hate, war, death.

So is knowledge if you think about it.
818 posts

Woah guys seriously if you really wanna force christians to debate at least can you dumb down those huge monster paragraphs so we at least know how bad your insulting us...

It is alot easier to post big ones with little to no spam, instead of small ones with nothing but spam.
23 posts

Universe exists. Space and Time have no meaning before "Big Bang". Something must have made the Universe. Answer-God. God is good. God gives us free will. We decide to be evil. God made the makers of evil. Or God made evil if free will is evil. I think God didn't make evil, we did, by his gift of free will. Sorry if this was stated previously, didn't want to read 97 pages of text.

818 posts

Universe exists. Space and Time have no meaning before "Big Bang". Something must have made the Universe. Answer-God. God is good. God gives us free will. We decide to be evil. God made the makers of evil. Or God made evil if free will is evil. I think God didn't make evil, we did, by his gift of free will. Sorry if this was stated previously, didn't want to read 97 pages of text.

It was stated previously, but thanks for the opinion. Your statement makes more sense than alot of these page long posts. I however do not believe in the Big Bang.
23 posts

You mean my mess of incomplete thoughts.

3,437 posts

So you believe in BOOM look God is magical and look what he did! But Hey god hates us now so he won't interfere because we make him sad!

*sighs* so much stupidity.

909 posts

So you believe in BOOM look God is magical and look what he did! But Hey god hates us now so he won't interfere because we make him sad!
*sighs* so much stupidity.

Why do say GOD hates us? If so, why now? Please, provide Bible verses that prove He won't interfere?

I omitted the last part of your sentence because it happens to be correct. We do make GOD sad when we commit sin. We blaspheme when we take the name of GOD in vain, curse each other while using the names of GOD, Jesus, Holy Spirit, heaven.
3,437 posts

Bible verse? Buddy I don't even own a fuckin bible.

818 posts

You mean my mess of incomplete thoughts.
Yes, your mess of incomplete thoughts.
But Hey god hates us now so he won't interfere because we make him sad!

*sighs* so much stupidity.

Yah, it's wolfy. Mage retired for a day, so we get to argue one on one. Mwhuahahaha. Apparently he hates the incompetence that you are signifying. Why is it that all you have done is imput insignificant claims against God? Have you had a previous experience with a "believer of God" that scarred your life for all of eternity with the significant remarks that actually made since. :P *sighs* so much insignificance
Bible verse? Buddy I don't even own a ****in bible.

Buddy, we can tell. You have no way to back up your claims, or any significant remarks that make sense, so why are you trying to argue? P.S. There is a thing now, it's called the internet. If you look up *online bible* you will find one. :O
1,101 posts

Bible verse? Buddy I don't even own a ****in bible.

Than dont make such irrational claims, without at least some proof backing your extremist claim. =/.. Sorry but Wajors been going out of her way to provide examples, give amazing proof, and even quoting the bible itself. And to get kinda wacked from the side by someone without backup is kinda a bit unrespectable, and seriously damages your arguement.

909 posts

Buddy, we can tell. You have no way to back up your claims, or any significant remarks that make sense, so why are you trying to argue? P.S. There is a thing now, it's called the internet. If you look up *online bible* you will find one. :O

Than dont make such irrational claims, without at least some proof backing your extremist claim. =/.. Sorry but Wajors been going out of her way to provide examples, give amazing proof, and even quoting the bible itself. And to get kinda wacked from the side by someone without backup is kinda a bit unrespectable, and seriously damages your arguement.

How about this? Study the parts of the Bible that irritate, disgust, anger, belittle or just bewilder you. That's what Mage Gray Wolf does which is one of the reasons we respect each other.

Everyone here are total strangers but a lot of us are forming friendships because we either agree with each other or at least we agree to disagree. There are no winners or losers on internet forum debates.
9,462 posts

Well it's past 12:00 a.m. here so I guess my break is over.
Lots to talk about here but I will just try to touch on a few things I'm seeing here and not turn this into a huge wall O' text, but I make no promises seeing as I have over 3 pages of catching up. Also accuse me for skipping over anything important.

[quote]So God endorses thought crimes as well?

The seventh Commandment, Exodus 20:14 says, "You shall not commit adultery."
Jesus said, "Anyone who looks at a women lustfully has already committed adultery with her in his heart." Matthew 5:28[/quote]

I'll take that as a yes.

This is God the creator telling his creation not to abuse others that are also created but especially those that were helpless to defend themselves.

Again I will take this as a yes to condoning slavery and if God is in fact against such things a total failure to communicate this. For instance here is a prime chance to condemn slavery which was not taken.

Exodus 21:2 "If you buy a Hebrew servant, he is to serve you for six years. But in the seventh year, he shall go free, without paying anything.

God could have easily have said "If you buy a Hebrew servant, offer him fair wages in compensation of his services to you. If you do not give compensation immediately set him free."

Perhaps God could have said "You shalt not hold another against there will" or even "Thou Shalt Not Own Slaves"

Sinful thoughts lead to sinful activity.

Not in every case no, In fact I would say most thoughts don't lead to action. I know I've had plenty of thought I never acted on. I know plenty of others who have done the same. So punishing just for thinking is just a load.

Slaver? You seem to have a personal vendetta against God and Christianity as a whole. Following God gives us full life on Earth through acting the way that we were created to;

I know it might be hard for you to believe or even understand but you can have a full some may say an even fuller life without God. Seeing as we only see having the now and not some eternity after death we focus on making more of what we have count, thus a fuller life.

Wouldn't the atheist be the one who is weak? They lack the ability to put faith into anything except what has been proven. Atheist only try to disprove, they don't use their intelligence to prove things, and discover new things. By the way, we can tell you don't believe as we do.

Do I seem weak to you? faith is nothing more then believing without proof, this often only leads to gullibility. As for the atheists not proving and discover new things keep in mind most scientists are atheists and it's there job to do this. Many of those proven things atheists believe were proven by scientists who are atheist them self. We don't just disprove things but look for reasonable answers as well. Questioning and disproving flawed and false information is not a weakness but strength.

You don't understand God at all do you? Looking from an outside position in you don't see anything but lies and what you want to. My God demands nothing of me but merely asks that I follow his plan for my life because it will give to me full life.

Interesting huh, looking from an objective perspective it appears to be a bunch of lies but looking at it from an inside perspective (which is the bias perspective) it seems quite real. Seeing as you say your God does not demand from you then I guess you and wajor must be following different Gods, though you both claim to be Christians. So how is it wajor sees God as demanding all sorts of things while you see him as not?
Also what happens if you don't follow Gods plan does God simply shrug and accept your decision and let you go on your way, or do you face some sort of punishment for it?

My beliefs? Religion is wrong. Also I believe in the theory of multiple universes. Escentially any posibility that could have happened, DID happen, just not "here" but "elsewhere" in a different universe, that is to say. Whether these were created by some higher power I will not argue, because to claim either way is an act of arrogance to great. Not science per se, but not religious either.

Actually this is a rather atheistic view to take. I am guessing you are saying you are agnostic but keep in mind this is not pertaining to belief. If your saying "no" or "I don't know" that's atheism. since your on claiming a belief in a deity. Weather you think it's possible or not that there is a God really hold no baring. For instance I think there is a possibility there is a God/s I just don't find it at all likely.

How are you being an individual. You are conforming to the usual "God is fake belief." That isn't being an individual.

The whole point of objective evidence is that individuals can look at it and all come to the same conclusion completely independent of each other. Religion does not have this thus requires a "group think" and to believe without looking at facts.

Universe exists. Space and Time have no meaning before "Big Bang". Something must have made the Universe.

This is just a logical fallacy. Your saying there is technically no before the Big Bang. then say it had to be made. These two have no real connection. If anything it's more logical to say the universe was not created seeing as the act of creation (being made) requires time.

So you believe in BOOM look God is magical and look what he did! But Hey god hates us now so he won't interfere because we make him sad!

Bible verse? Buddy I don't even own a ****in bible.

I do recommend reading at least some it's content before shooting it down. Even if you think something is wrong it's still good to learn about it. You could find that you were in error in your thinking or become stronger in arguing against it.

Apparently he hates the incompetence that you are signifying.

That's not why I took a break for the day, even if I do have something against incompetence. I needed to focus my attention on on online store and my girlfriend. Kind of hard to do with all these walls O' text going up around here.

Everyone here are total strangers but a lot of us are forming friendships because we either agree with each other or at least we agree to disagree. There are no winners or losers on internet forum debates.

I agree, the only winning or losing that occurs is in what you take from the debate. I find it helps to keep my mind sharp and at times forces me to look things up and learn new things I wouldn't had done otherwise. The closest to a wins you could have on any other level would be making new friends, your arguments opening the another persons mind to new possibilities, or indirectly (less likely directly) swaying someone to your side.
818 posts

Well it's past 12:00 a.m. here so I guess my break is over.
Lots to talk about here but I will just try to touch on a few things I'm seeing here and not turn this into a huge wall O' text, but I make no promises seeing as I have over 3 pages of catching up. Also accuse me for skipping over anything important.

Yah, Mage is back, atleast he has adequate arguments.
Do I seem weak to you? faith is nothing more then believing without proof, this often only leads to gullibility. As for the atheists not proving and discover new things keep in mind most scientists are atheists and it's there job to do this. Many of those proven things atheists believe were proven by scientists who are atheist them self. We don't just disprove things but look for reasonable answers as well. Questioning and disproving flawed and false information is not a weakness but strength

I know you aren't weak, you are the most intelligent atheist I have met thus far. Unlike that wolf kid you actually provide sources for your arguments and you don't argue blindy. I am really sorry about how stereotypical that comment was, I didn't realize how stereotypical it was when I wrote it.
So how is it wajor sees God as demanding all sorts of things while you see him as not?
I guess me and wajor follow the same God, but we have different perspectives on God. You can interpret the bible in multiple different ways.
78 posts

So you believe in BOOM look God is magical and look what he did! But Hey god hates us now so he won't interfere!
*sighs* so much stupidity.
I guess i have to repeat what people didn't read.
God doesn't hate us, in fact he loves us. And the entire point of miracles is that there has to be suffering so that miracles are worthwhile. Think about it: if everything was happy and good, what would be the point of a miracle? It would just be the same thing as normal life if everything was all good and happy.
Your the one who's stupid... or at least ignorant i probably posted this comment three times already but all you do is ignore it.

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