This so-called "debate" is simply getting out of hand. It seems to me that there are simply not enough Christians in the argument and way too many atheists.
You start losing so you cry foul huh?
90% of the world believes in higher beings. 10% don't. On ArmorGames it seems to be the other way around.
What's your point? Majority rule isn't an argument for validity.
just because YOU think a certain way about something does not mean it's true.
Your right it's not but you said that if we read the Bible we would see just how all that and some God is. I have, he wasn't. I honestly don't see how else to view things like mass genocide as being anything but bloodthirsty especially coming from a being is suppose to be perfect. Even if the people he did it to had it coming, this is God he could have easily come up with a better method of handling the problem then resorting to a base human answer to solve it.
And by the way, even if God has killed many, all of which deserved it
So all the first born children of Egypt deserved to die?
he has definitely created more lives than He's destroyed, else we wouldn't be here.
If God is responsible for the creation of all life then he is also responsible for all that life being finite, as such he is technically responsible for all death.
Anyway even without this let's look at an estimated death toll from this God.'s 2,598,604 clearly stated with 24,711,379 being a possible likely over all total where the Bible doesn't give specific numbers. For comparison the vile and evil Satan is responsible for about 10 deaths, and even those he get's to share credit with God.
Oh and for added weight to thinking God is blood thirsty let's have a look at that Bible quote in that link.
I kill ... I wound ... I will make my arrows drunk with blood, and my sword shall devour flesh."
^That's God talking.
Atheist would say that's because they have better evidence. That's a lie.
I've yet to see a Christian provide any evidence.
You say the Bible isn't credible.
Show me the evidence that supports the claim that God created everything, Show me the evidence that supports the claim that a Global flood accrued, Show me the evidence that supports the claim Jesus preformed miracles. What you have are claims with nothing to back them up.
but we also know that argument is simply stupid as such atheist beliefs as evolution and whatnot depend on way more astronomical chances being fulfilled.
What junk creationist do you get that from? We have self replicating molecules, those molecules don't replicate perfectly, Some of those imperfection to out to actually be useful and get passed on, you got evolution. How is that astronomical?
if they were written they probably wouldn't be around anymore, as it has been thousands of years.
If they're not around then it's not evidence supporting the claims.
He wasn't proving it to himself he was proving it to Satan.
What does an all powerful, all knowing being have to prove to anyone? For that matter why would such a supposed loving being allow death to make that point? Let's assume for the moment an all powerful all knowing God did have something to prove to an imperfect being he created (contradictory God on a number of points here). Couldn't he have just as easily said "Satan go ahead and do your worse so long as you don't kill anyone." rather then just specifying not to kill Job?
You're saying that god is omnipotent, but putting him up to human limits in some situations. That makes no sense in any way, shape or form.
To add to this for a being who is suppose to be so benevolent and loving he often doesn't even reach the levels of human compassion let alone that which would be expected from a perfect or at least near perfect being.
God is an all loving God; however, he is also jealous and just.
Not only does this support the idea of God being contradictive but also the idea of God being petty.
His wisdom will seen foolish in the eyes of men.
Or, it really is foolish.