ForumsWEPR[redirected]If God created all things

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210 posts

Here is something to get the brain going. It's been said that God created ALL things. Also it's been said that God is 100 precent pure/good. So God created man and it was said that because of man's sinful actions bad/evil things were created. But if God created ALL things then God created bad/evil things, not man. So by God creating bad/evil things this does not make him 100 precent pure/good.

  • 1,849 Replies
909 posts

Noetic science gives new meaning to weighty thoughts, eh?

No it doesn't.

This bold quote is taken directly from your link, Mage.
It is suggested that thought and spirit are not in fact imaginary, but Bose or photon based,[2] meaning essentially that the mind can be quantified by formulae which describe quantum materials such as light. This is a radical conclusion where many people think thoughts are weightless. Just as gravity affects all matter, so do thoughts to an apparent lesser degree.

Mage, I know that your favorite word in the English language is "no", but my reply was sarcasic, which usually you pick up on, to an untested hypothesis. I added the "comma eh" instead of [sarcasm] for emphasis.

That depends on the what's being judged. In the laboratory, my mind is focused on 'natural' truth. When I'm studying the Bible, my mind is focused on 'spiritual' truth.

Sorry or the time delay, I've been side-swiped by personal matters. I just thought of something critical to my opinion.
When I'm,(hypothetically) in the lab testing the age of an artifact. The data comes first. I'm a professional who won't jeopardize my career by making false assumptions. So, I would never grab the phone call Natgeo and proclaim, "Eureka! I've just found Moses staff", or any thing else, equally unprofessional.
1,826 posts

if god had not created all things than who had how this universe came into being you will say cuz of big bang but tell me who made matter can u answer that anyone? if can,at least i can pacify my mind by believing that god made everything.

9,821 posts

if god had not created all things than who had how this universe came into being you will say cuz of big bang but tell me who made matter can u answer that anyone? if can,at least i can pacify my mind by believing that god made everything.


Get informed. Big Bang doesn't need a creation story, no causation when there's no time.
3,817 posts

When I'm,(hypothetically) in the lab testing the age of an artifact. The data comes first. I'm a professional who won't jeopardize my career by making false assumptions. So, I would never grab the phone call Natgeo and proclaim, "Eureka! I've just found Moses staff", or any thing else, equally unprofessional.

Then you are above 75% of Christians who seem to do that. Just look at that midget of an ark they are trying to pass off as "Noah's ark" and you can see many Christians do that. If you are going to do that in the lab, then why not in your life? Why do you give religion a different treatment then science? For example, lets say there is a cup of water. Lets say you had the hiccups, and drank the water, and stopped hiccuping. Using logic, you could assume that your diafram stopped spazing out once you drank the water, probably from not breathing. With religious logic, you could easily assume that the water was holy and could cure any disease. Then you tried it in a lab test, and it would of course fail. With scientific logic, your hypothesis is false. With religious logic, it only failed because of ___________
9,462 posts

Then how do we determine facts without personally experiencing them?

A fact can be determined indirectly. For example I have no personal experience with a number that 10 to the 1000th but it's a fact a number that large exists.

Mage, I know that your favorite word in the English language is "no", but my reply was sarcasic, which usually you pick up on, to an untested hypothesis. I added the "comma eh" instead of [sarcasm] for emphasis.

Sorry for not picking up on the sarcasm there. nous tends to be an ambiguous term so I thought that was the reason for the " ".

if god had not created all things than who had how this universe came into being you will say cuz of big bang but tell me who made matter can u answer that anyone?

Your making the accretion that it had to be a someone when this is not necessarily the case.
3,035 posts

I was looking at what alt said and had a huge case of deja vu. I swear we've had this exact argument before and I simply said: if the Big Bang needs no cause, why does God? To which I got no answer. If you guys are really arguing about the same thing that I argued about MONTHS ago on THIS SAME THREAD, then I think it's time the thread was shut down, as we're obviously traveling in circles.

368 posts

if god had not created all things than who had how this universe came into being you will say cuz of big bang but tell me who made matter can u answer that anyone? if can,at least i can pacify my mind by believing that god made everything.

For one, there was no time before the big bang. Two, it is this very pacification of the mind that led to the creation of religion in the first place. As time went along, religions became less and less what we would now call preposterous. This is a result of people learning the explanations for that which they thought they could not explain. No one worships zeus anymore, because zeus is evidently not the cause of lightning.
9,821 posts

Another old AG regular zombie, this one an AMW lurker D:

Anyway, mentorso is correct. There was no time 'before' the Big Bang, and one important ramification of that is no sequence, and therefore no law of cause and effect, and therefore no need for a cause for the Big Bang.

I think that was probably the 200th time I've posted that information here in the WEPR . . . .

4,871 posts

Anyway, mentorso is correct. There was no time 'before' the Big Bang, and one important ramification of that is no sequence, and therefore no law of cause and effect, and therefore no need for a cause for the Big Bang.

Excluding the idea of a multiverse I presume?

The idea of no time is a fairly difficult concept to grasp give them some time :P
3,035 posts

As I said, if the Big Bang doesn't need a cause then why does God?! Someone answer me!(alt)

4,871 posts

As I said, if the Big Bang doesn't need a cause then why does God?! Someone answer me!(alt)

God is living, the big bang was an inorganic event. 'Course I don't believe that but I figure it answers the question fairly well.
9,462 posts

I swear we've had this exact argument before and I simply said: if the Big Bang needs no cause, why does God?

By proposing that God exists and created the universe you are making the claim that the universe did need a cause. If not then why add the extra step if it's unneeded?

Anyway, mentorso is correct. There was no time 'before' the Big Bang, and one important ramification of that is no sequence, and therefore no law of cause and effect, and therefore no need for a cause for the Big Bang.

Pretty sure I've said it a few time myself.

Excluding the idea of a multiverse I presume?

Different universe would have it's own time continuum.
4,871 posts

Different universe would have it's own time continuum.

Possibly, but time would have still existed either way.
9,462 posts

God is living, the big bang was an inorganic event. 'Course I don't believe that but I figure it answers the question fairly well.

Sorry for the double.

I don't see how this answers the question. Are you saying that things that are inorganic can't form naturally without a living being intervening in that formation?
4,871 posts

I don't see how this answers the question. Are you saying that things that are inorganic can't form naturally without a living being intervening in that formation?

I'm saying that by the standard of human logic it would make more sense for non-living molecules to exist than living beings.

For the record I ninja'd you.

Just saying :P
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