If you saw that what do you think about it and did you like it?
Lol, I saw that. All I have to say is wow.
That was HILARIOUS! I loved it. Catchy tune. =]I have to wonder though, how did he make it all the way up there without anybody noticing he was way over the age limit!?!
haha i know he was soo old but so funny to watch haha.
I saw that. It was hilarious.Very catchy. I'll probably be humming it for weeks. xD
I wish there wasnt an age limit and he went to hollywood.
some one should remix this and make it an actual music video..... it would be number one on all the charts for ATLEAST 3 months
i didnt see it but i recorded ita lot of people at my school have been talking about it and singing itand kuraikane, american idol lets older people go up to be judjed if they have a funny audition or something
Lolz, everyone is singing it at my school. It's a great song
Haha it is a great song.
Really funny song :P
i going to hear it on youtube i hope its good
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