I will do a group round and a knockout round.There will be a group A,B,C,and D.The winner of group A will play the runner-up of group B.Same with C and D.In the group round the first band to get to 10 votes wins and same with the knockout round.
Two great classics bands against one boring metal group? Well, I'll make this a bit easier by eliminating Dragonforce. Now...this is a very difficult decision for me. I'll go with the Who, because the have awesome keyboard moments in many of their songs; ironically, they didn't give much credit to their keyboardist, who did most of the work for the band in most of their hits.
Iamnotironman, I can't count your votes since there is no reason. I vote for Green Day because they have a bunch of classic songs, and I vote for Linkin Park because they are one of my favorite bands. So here is the standings:
Green Day 1 KISS 0
Ozzy Osbourne 0 Linkin Park 1
By the way, there will be a winner from each group.
Well, Kiss is a group I can actually listen to. I absolutely HATE both Green Day and Linkin Park. Ozzy isn't too bad, but he isn't that great. By default, however, he beats Linkin Park, so my votes go to Kiss and Ozzy.