Can you honestly expect anything else from a hypocrite?
No. No I cannot.
Wait. Me or him?
The only place where I support secession after looking at history anywhere in the world sounds mainly like Quebec, Canada. The entire region alone is 16th in world economy -- And it has to haul ### and lift up for the rest. The polls are very close cutting and I feel that if Quebecs polls topple 50% it should be allowed to happen.
Economy isn't the only problem. Military, currency, trade relations. These things need to be maintained. Quebec might be doing good as a part of Canada, but as its own it has a good likelihood of failing.
People should be able to secede if they want, but they have to be able to deal with the consequences. The United States originally seceded from Britain, and if we hadn't been able to hold our own, then bye-bye US. If an area feels they are powerful enough to hold off the most powerful country on Earth, they can go ahead and leave.
Ok, first off, the reason that the South lasted so long in the Civil War had nothing to do the obscure dream of freedom. They survived so long because they had one of the greatest military minds in the history of the world. Seriously. Robert E. Lee is just that bad a**. Fun Fact: Robert E. Lee actually lived in the North but had close family in Virginia, choosing to turn down Abe's offer of the command of the Army of the Potomac (Civil War nerds FTW).
As for the right to secede, I believe that right should exist. However, suddenly breaking oneself off from one's country is just, well, dumb. Frankly, someone is gonna get pissed. If a state or coalition of states wishes to secede, it should be put in a bill, or voted on by parliament for it to happen.
The Civil War was first and foremost fought over taxes, not the slavery dribble modern school teachers would have you think. When the war started slaves were being held so they could be returned not freed.
As for Alaska I hardly doubt that the Federal Government would let them get away after paying $7.2 million to the Russians for it. XD Seriously, what are 698,473 people going to do with all that land.
Fun Fact: North Dakota, Vermont, and Wyoming all have smaller populations than Alaska.
Also, JC The Republic of Texas was annexed by the United States of America in 1845.