which movie by james cameron was better, the sad, depressing Titanic or the new hit avatar?
I'd have to say Avatar, it was very action packed and it had cool special effects.
Wasn't Avatar in 3-d? if so that would make it really had to compair.. and i havn't seen avatar.lol
i agree, it was awesome
I vote for Titanic. Naked Kate Winslet beats naked smurf-cat-people any day.I also don't care much for 3D films. They distort my vision and distract me from the movie.
3-D is awesome, Kate isn't even that hot
3-D is awesome
Kate isn't even that hot
Avitar, and i havent seen it yet! I hate the titanic! It was the worst movie ever! (yes, i know it happend, but come on!)
that is disgusting ernie15
anybody who sais avatar is better then titanic is stupid.... no effence. but come on... was there an acadomy award that titanic didnt win?
Definitely Avatar, it's bad in 3D but it's still way better than Titanic
Two different movies.Titanic was a romant/drama film.Avatar is totally different.Avatar is science fiction epic film.I prefer Avatar.
I'd have to say avatar, titanic is too long and doesn't pull you in. Its torture to watch.
It depens what movies your into i like action/adventure not drama so i would Avatar.
avatar because the graphics is much bether.
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