Today, my Japanese teacher and I had an enticing conversation about religion. I quickly chose to support atheism, while he cleverly refuted all my points (all you fellow atheists and agnostics should try debating with him. That man is good). Aside from the long discussion about God in all His mercy and power, we discussed Hell. I asked how a merciful God could condemn a man to that fiery torture. He replied that Hell might very well be somewhat different than our good friend Dante described. He put it simply; Imagine being in an infinite plain for eternity. Alone. That is Hell.
Let us assume that Hell exists. How would you pecieve it? And what would be worse, Dante's Inferno or the lonliness my teacher described?
Where did you get that information?! greek mithology-1200 BC-written. judaism- at that time there were already jewish kings ruling a jewish country in israel.
Judaism was founded by Abraham at roughly 600 B.C. I think the oldest Torah was written at around 550 B.C. not 100% sure on that though...
There is sufficient evidence pointing to that people started to farm Crete at roughly 900 B.C.
In Islamic thought, Its just a really bad place. No need to get into specifics. If you already believe that God created all things, do you really need to question how bad he can make hell? Not much point in that.
Also, I'm not sure how many people like being alone. Those that I've met either go to books, or make friends on the Intarwebz, or pace and think about the world. If your concept of hell is a giant white space, chances are its human nature to go insane in an environment like that. You've got absolutely nothing at that point. Also, so what if you like it? You'd be bored as #W$#@$#$@#***