Google most of the time, but Bing is actually a pretty good search engine. Definitely #2 as of right now (behind only Google), in terms of quality. And, honestly, Bing beats Google when it comes to image searches. And Bing's mobile site is nicer than Google's most of the time.
All in all, Bing is a great search engine. Maby some day it will be equal to, if not better than, Google in all areas. Especially with Microsoft's money behind its development.
Definitely Google. Yahoo is ok but Google gives more search results and Bing well I haven't tried it but I know it doesn't compare to Google. Google is amazing. If Google were a person I might marry him.
ok i think google is the best the others have some ok stuff but google gets much better search results. PLUS on google made igoogle, gmail, and has a ton of other little apps, GO GOOGLE!!!!!!!!!!