I watch a lot of videos on youtube (I dont make any)but I want to see if someone in Armor Games enjoy Youtube too, my favorite Youtubers are: RayWilliamJohnson, ShaneDawsonTV, kevjumba and Happyslip, and personaly Fred is stressing...
I find it weird. I'll explain: sometimes they remove some vid with no apparent reasons, and it's hard, usually, to discover why. The site was good when first up. Now it's mostly spam.
yes that is true. there are tons of people on youtube who make stupid comments on videos that usually don't even relate to the what happened in the video.
Well, there obviously will be those who view that show for 'scientific reasons' or some other bad excu...er, some other reason ;-)
But that aside, there are several things I love and several things I hate on YouTube. The things I hate are vids of people getting seriously hurt that are put up for laughs, especially when someone IS hurt on purpose to get the footage. But there are fun things like the angry videogame nerd and there is a lot of nostalgia: longplays for ancient computer games, episodes of TV shows and series from when I was a kid and more that you couldn't find anywhere but on a video sharing site.
I think YouTube is still fulfilling a basic need of people. However, like the Google search engine and Wikipedia, media coverage in time leads to a more commercial approach and stricter rules, spoiling the fun for some people.
I recently was too ill to do anything but watching TV and I found YouTube much more entertaining and informative. Like everywhere on the Internet, you need to know what to search for and how to search; that way, you can sift out the jewels.
Youtube is one of the greatest wastes of time ever. Mike and I spend hours looking up random videos. I like looking for funny cartoon shorts mostly. I think my favorite video, however, was trapped in the closet. you can't make ups such bad lyrics.