ForumsGame WalkthroughsMy Pet Protector 2 Strategy, Help,Tips, Etc. (By: Reton8)

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Here is a small guide and some statistics about the jobs and schools. If anyone has any better strategies or any tips, hints or corrections please post them.

- When making your character (the beginning story thing) choose some options that give you a constitution boost and some options that give you a dexterity boost.
-- The constitution will help reduce the amount of weeks needed to sleep off stress.
-- The dexterity will help you hit the enemy. When your dexterity is low your attacks often miss.

-Upgrade the village gardens and/or your house as soon as possible. This will give them a better multiplier and you won't need to sleep for some many weeks to reduce stress. The garden gives up to a 2.5 time multiplier, so if your stress is reduced 2pts per day it will be multiplied to 5 points per day. That's 35 points in one week.

-Originally I had posted a tip about not upgrading any of the village buildings more than one time, except for the house and/or village gardens, however the evidence shows that this is almost certainly incorrect. You should feel free to upgrade your buildings as you see fit.

-Some of the best items are made from your tailoring and smithing skills. You have to get those up to 1000.0 and then you'll only have a 50% chance to make the item. The option to make items appears at random (I think) after visiting the smith's studies or stitching school under the school tab. Enchanting can also help make the items better although I believe if you fail to enchant the item you will lose it. You are always given the option to enchant and item after creating one. Already made items cannot be enchanted, so your only given the option once.

Here are some statistics:


Job Name: *Fifth Time Bonus, (Regular Effects {one week total})

Sweeper: Dexterity +1,(Humility +14, Compassion -7, Stress +7)
Babysitter: Wisdom +1, (Compassion +14, Humility -7, Stress +7)
Rat Catch: Strength +1, (Bravery +14, Refinement -7, Stress +7)
Labourer: Constitution +1 (Temperament +14, Refinement -7, Stress +7)
Scribe: Intelligence +1, (Refinement +14, Bravery -7, Stress +7)
Squire: Charisma +1, (Tactics +14, Compassion -7, Stress +7)
Nurse: Wisdom +1, (Healing +14, Charm -7, Stress +7)
Builder: Strength +1, (Construction +14, Refinement -7, Stress +14)
Tailor: Dexterity +1, (Tailoring +14, Bravery -7, Stress +14)
Smith: Constitution +1, (Smithing +14, Compassion -7, Stress +14)
Hunter: Wisdom +1, (Scavenging +14, Temperament -7, Stress +14)
Librarian: Intelligence +1, (Enchanting +14, Bravery -7, Stress +7)
Musician: Charisma +1, (Charm +14, Humility -7, Stress +10.5)
Apprentice: Wisdom +1, (Enchanting +14, Tactics -7, Stress +14)
**Politician: Charisma +1, (Charm +14, Refinement +7, Stress +14)
**Warden: Constitution +1, (Compassion +14, Magic Defense +7, Stress +14)
**Banker: Intelligence +1 ,(Refinement +14, Scavenging +7, Stress +14)
**Guard: Strength +1?,(Bravery +21, Combat Attack +21, Stress +14)
**Ninja: Dexterity +1?,(Tactics +21, Combat Defense +21, Stress +14)
**Trainer: Wisdom +1, ( Temperament +21, Bravery +21, Stress +21)

*This bonus is acquired after every fifth time of doing a particular job. Each job has it's own counter so the Job does not have to be done five times in a row. The bonus is still given after 100 but at some point I believe it eventually stops.

**This has no negative effects except for stress.


(Note, schools have an effect range depending up how much they are upgraded each stat as well as stress will go up depending on the number in red below the school's name, next to the little scroll, therefore I will not be posting how much the regular effect increases per week.)

School Name: *Fifth Time Bonus, (Regular Effects)

Combat Training: Strength +1, (Combat Attack +, Combat Defense +, Bravery +)
Noble Court: Charisma +1, (Refinement +, Charm +, Tactics +)
Strategic Ideals: Intelligence +1, (Tactics +, Combat Defense +, Magic Defense +)
**Stitching School: Dexterity +1, (Tailoring +, Humility +)
Beggar's Guild: Dexterity +1, (Scavenging +, Humility +)
Mixed Combat: Constitution +1,(Combat Attack +, Combat Defense +, Magic Attack +, Magic Defense +)
Magic Training: Intelligence +1, (Magic Attack +, Magic Defense +, Bravery +)
Doctoring 101: Wisdom +1, (Healing +, Compassion +)
**Smith's Studies: Strength +1, (Smiting +, Humility +)
Architecture: Wisdom +1, (Construction +, Humility +)
Beautiful Barding: Charisma +1 (Charm +, Refinement +, Temperament +)
Personal Study: Wisdom +1, (Bravery +, Tactics +, Temperament +)

*This bonus is acquired after every fifth time of going to particular school. Each school has it's own counter so the schooling does not have to be done five times in a row.

**This school can allow you to make weapon/armor. The event will occur at random after completing a week of school (one click). The cost of creating the weapon/armor, chance of it being made, and quality of the weapon/armor all depend on your tailoring or smithing ability. The weapon can be enchanted. The Cost, percent of successfully being created, and quality of the enchant depend upon your enchanting ability. Some of, if not the, best equipment can be made here.

Resting Places:

The resting places are where you go to reduce stress levels. Your character rest in one week periods counted out by the day (like everything else in the game).

Hidden resting places: The hidden resting places are found by going to the places on the map that look like open books. When you click the places that look like books seven boxes show up that say Day 1, Day 2, etc. when you click the boxes random events occur, like fighting an enemy or being finding bugs, finding the resting locations is a random event like this. These places can be visited week after week so if you don't have luck finding them right away you can always rest and try again.

-Found at: You always have the home
-Upgrades With: Your House (Under the Village Tab)
-Resting Multiplier: 0.8x - 2.0x
-Stat Increase: Humility +14 (When fully upgraded, possibly always)
-Special: Random item finds.

Village Garden:
-Found at: Purchased by upgrading the Central Gardens to Level 1 (Under the Village Tab)
-Upgrades With: Central Gardens (Under the Village Tab)
-Resting Multiplier: 1.5x - 2.5x
-Stat Increases: Compassion +14 (When fully upgraded, possibly always)
-Special: Random item finds.

Holiday at The Calm Beach:
-Found at: Scorching Dessert (On the adventure map)(Random event)
-Upgrades With: Does not upgrade.
-Resting Multiplier: 1.5x
-Stat Increases: Temperament +14
-Special: Random Major Stat +1

Beautiful Forest:
-Found at: Creepy Forest (On the adventure map)(Random event)
-Upgrades With: Does not upgrade.
-Resting Multiplier: 1.5x
-Stat Increases: Charm +14
-Special: Random Major Stat +1

Mountain Castle:
-Found at: Castle Ruins (On the adventure map)(Random event)
-Upgrades With: Does not upgrade.
-Resting Multiplier: 2x
-Stat Increases: Tactics +14
-Special: Random Major Stat +1

Forgotten Caves:
-Found at: Deep Dark Cave (On the adventure map)(Random event)
-Upgrades With: Does not upgrade.
-Resting Multiplier: 2x
-Stat Increases: Bravery +14
-Special: Random Major Stat +1

Player Statistics:

I'm not exactly sure what everything does so here are just a few of the statistics and what the do.

Major Skills:

Strength: Increases your physical attack

Dexterity: How often you hit the enemy and how often they miss their attack on you. the higher this skill is the less often the enemy hits you and the more often you hit them.

Constitution: Your health increase by 10 points and your rest rate increases 0.05 for every 1 point of constitution.

Wisdom: Your mana increases by 1 point for every 1 point of wisdom.
Intelligence: Increases your magical attack.

Charisma: Reduces the cost of items that are bought. Reduces the cost of going to school. Increases the amount of money you make when selling an item.

Minor Skills:

Construct: Reduces the cost and the amount of bulding material needed to upgrade buildings.

Smithing: Increases the quality of weapons/armor you create. (Created from random events that happen after going to Smith's Studies.)

Tailoring: Increases the quality of armor you create. (Created from random events that happen after going to Stitching School.)

Enchant: Increases the quality of your enchantments. (Items can be enchanted immediately after a successful creation of an item from a random event from the Stitching School or Smith's Studies. Items already in your inventory cannot be enchanted, only newly made items can.)

Healing: May increase how much health is regenerated when using a health potion (I'm only guessing though).

Charm: Reduces the cost of items that are bought. Reduces the cost of going to school. Increases the amount of money you make when selling an item.

Tactics: May increase how often you hit your target and how often the enemy misses their attack (I'm only guessing though).

Magic Attack: May increase your magical attack and/or how often it hits the target (I'm guessing)

Magic Defense: May decrease how much damage you take from magical attacks (I'm guessing).

Combat Attack: May increase your physical attack and/or how often it hits the target (I'm guessing)

Combat Defense: May decrease how much damage you take from physical attacks (I'm guessing).

Magic Repute (Reputation): Goes up after winning a battle in which you used at least one magic attack.

Combat Repute(Reputation): Goes up after winning a battle in which you used at least one physical attack.

Fame: Goes up for winning a battle goes down for losing a battle.

  • 54 Replies
4 posts

now it's the third time i got a tier 5 result. does anyone knows how you gain a better result? the second time i concentrated on tailoring and he had almost no fame and he became "unremarkable civilian" and tier 5. now i made a magician who cleared up all available dungeons, built up everything in the village and nevertheless he only got tier 5

1 posts

thanks for the guide. Just confirming the combat and magic atk/def.
ATK increases accuracy (strength increases damage)
DEF increases dodge chance and resistance to melee damage
ATK increases damage and accuracy
DEF same as CBT but for magic

3,660 posts

This is a very descriptive guide.. Nice job!

Though I didn't like the game that much xD

19 posts

i didnt think the game would even get a guide, but this is pretty nice

1,262 posts

The builder job also gets 7/14 materials when you work.

But great job!

32 posts

this is AWESOME! I wish I saw that before I played it and didnt get a great score....

17 posts


1 posts

I like this game.It was hard for so i wish you have written this before i played it.AWESOME!!!

1,262 posts

I can't seem to build body armor..... is there a way? Stitching doesn't provide it an nor does smithing.

3,173 posts

I have gotten gloves, leggings, and boots from tailoring. Although my skill was 1000.0 and I had been playing for fun (I had already been given a ranking). The items seem to come up at random, so it is difficult to get what you want.

4 posts

Great guide!

for everybody that thier pet doesnt't get good ranking:
there's a bug! I noticed it sometimes makes your fame fall to zero once you finnish the weeks.
it happens sometimes though that it doesn't.
I got tier 2 remarably famous... only once...
kind of taking the fun out of the game...

684 posts

are there any other ways to get building materials besides searching in dungeons?

1,262 posts

are there any other ways to get building materials besides searching in dungeons?

Yep, if you do the 'building' job good for the whole week, you get 7-14 materials for free.
266 posts

Or you can choose the rebuilding funds options at the beginning. I found that most useful since you can build/upgrade the village garden or own house very early so that you can recover your stress quickly.

The most difficult yet best resting place imo is the castle ruins which can only be found on the beach (that is crazy hard).

10,816 posts

I just finished for the first time, and scored "Royal Associate" which, apparently, was also a Tier 5 result. That said, my character was also an "unparalleled hero" who "cleared the land of evil" and "made a big effort to rebuild the village". I'm not sure how the tiers work.

My final potential score was 210005, if that helps any.

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