ForumsWEPRObama Care (Healthcare)

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150 posts

Do we need it? I mean really. More taxes on everyone. It will take about 4 trillion dollars to make and so were is he going to get all the money from when we are in debt? So more taxes again. Government controlled healthcare is going to be part of the down fall of this country. I hope you guys can see it, if not, wake up.

  • 16 Replies
1,714 posts

Government controlled healthcare is going to be part of the down fall of this country. I hope you guys can see it, if not, wake up.

Umm... not really. You do know the banks have payed back most of the money used to bail them out, so the gov't could use that money. Also Obama refuses to raise taxes on those making less than 250k a year, because he knows they can't afford it. Plus with gov't healthcare everyone(or very close to everyone) can have it thus saving them money in the long run.
150 posts

If we cut income tax, our economy will bloom and it will grow. We should bring our troops back here, we should get rid of foreign policy, and we should help our selves first. The government shouldn't be so big, they are taking our natural rights away.

When then founding fathers came here, why did they come? Because Britain was taxing them a ton. We are getting taxed more then they did.

1,633 posts

If we cut income tax, our economy will bloom and it will grow. We should bring our troops back here, we should get rid of foreign policy, and we should help our selves first. The government shouldn't be so big, they are taking our natural rights away.

When then founding fathers came here, why did they come? Because Britain was taxing them a ton. We are getting taxed more then they did.

That has be the most Republican thing I have every heard. But I have to agree with some parts however....

Tax cuts only work in a growing good safe economy. During a WAR, you have to pay for it. You can either A)raise taxes to pay for it or B) build up the National debt.

BTW: We Americans broke away from Britain because they didn't allow us to vote. We paid their taxes, but we could participate in the Parliament. Taxation with out representation
1,614 posts

I really don't pay atention to all of this stuff

1,714 posts

You can either A)raise taxes to pay for it or B) build up the National debt.

C) make the rich pay same as everyone else.
2,837 posts

Also Obama refuses to raise taxes on those making less than 250k a year, because he knows they can't afford it.

Bullshit. The instant trillions are needed for healthcare the rich will become slightly less rich and the poor will become destitute.

Also don't forget how much the "Cap and Trade" idiocracy would fuck up our entire economy.
86 posts

C) make the rich pay same as everyone else.

Wouldn't that make the government lose money? I'm pretty sure the rich are paying more than the avaerage person
1,714 posts

I'm pretty sure the rich are paying more than the avaerage person

They pay the same taxes for up to 250k a year worth of income, then it drops like a stone. If the rich payed the same as everyone on every dollar they make the government would have tons of money.
115 posts

Well I don't really think that people should be upset if the money they could have used to buy some movies could be used to help a bunch of poor, sick children. Sure, higher taxes are bad... but are they worse than the suffering of a poor person?

2,837 posts

Cite a source. Note that just because one has money doesn't mean it is subject to taxation, just the interest or income earned.

86 posts

The rich earn their money, if everyone was taxed so that we made near the same, then you would be heading towards communism. What's the point of being a docter and making more money if it all gets taxed anyway?

115 posts

What's the point of being a docter and making more money if it all gets taxed anyway?

Well the point of being a doctor is to.... help people.....maybe??

If doctors care for money more than they do about people, then they are very selfish people indeed.
1,416 posts

Here's some simple logic:
In order for our economy to work, people need to buy things.
People buy more things when they are alive.
People can also work much better when they are alive, thereby earning more money to buy stuff with.
The more things that are being bought (not on loans), the better off everyone is, even the rich people.
People live longer if they can go to a doctor.
In order to see a doctor regularly, one needs health insurance.
Figure it out.

278 posts

No no no!! we do not my entire family has been in the medical feild all there life and i can tell you now this would be a mistake there are so many people as it is going in there hospitals are swamped i have insurance and even I have to wait to be seen but i get seen quicker than those without it would be turning down elderly! if say a 30yr old needs a knee replacement as does say a 70yr old woman the 30yr old would get the surgery and the 70yr old she'd get a "sorry about that but your going to expire soon" waiting time would be WORSE THAN IT IS NOW and even so it wouldnt be free
The median wait time for a consultant led first appointment in hospitals is a little over 3 weeks.

The speed of in-patient admission is based on medical need and time waiting with more urgent cases faster though

For those not admitted ímmediately, the median wait time for in-patient treatment in hospitals is a little under 6 weeks

2,837 posts

If doctors care for money more than they do about people, then they are very selfish people indeed.

What have you been smoking of course they care about the money. They are as bloodsucking as lawyers if not worse. Plus they are one of the major causes of death.

In order for our economy to work, people need to buy things.
People buy more things when they are alive.
People can also work much better when they are alive, thereby earning more money to buy stuff with.
The more things that are being bought (not on loans), the better off everyone is, even the rich people.
People live longer if they can go to a doctor.
In order to see a doctor regularly, one needs health insurance.

Here's some simple logic.
In order for our economy to work, people need to buy things.
People make more profits when production is higher thereby getting enough money to increase production even more.
The more things being bought the more quality decreases.
People live longer if they don't have to survive off of shitty products like soybeans that have been genetically modified to withstand pesticides that kill EVERYTHING.
In order to die quicker buy more shitty merchandise so even more can be produced to kill your family, friends, and neighbors.

2 words: Death Panel
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