ForumsWEPR[necro]Creator? Big Bang? Or God??

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87 posts

well if any of u r familiar with the law of conservation and mass, then u know that it states that matter cannot be created from nothing, or completely destroyed. so evolutionists say this, then turn around and say the big bang created the universe as we know it. WTF!!?!?!?!the universe went from non existent to existent in a fraction of a nanosecond! and where did the bigbang come from? nothing? nope, because if the law of conservation and mass is true, then the bigbang isnt. simple...

  • 1,107 Replies
912 posts

i believe in god but i think the story of creation is wrong if god created us in 7 days and dinosuars 4 days before us then after the metiorite explodes it would have made humans extinct to.

698 posts

With the most recent findings, it be kinda hard to not think that the Big Bang happened, in fact it'd be rather ignorant to deny it.
Pixie must be expecting this ;D...what are these "recent findings" you speak of?

i believe in god but i think the story of creation is wrong if god created us in 7 days and dinosuars 4 days before us then after the metiorite explodes it would have made humans extinct to.
A meteorite explosion is not the only thing that could cause dinosaurs to go into extinction. Another possibility is that, after the flood, there was a slight change in the atmosphere that everything but the dinosaurs could adapt to.
5,838 posts

Pixie must be expecting this ;D...what are these "recent findings" you speak of?

fourtytwo must be expecting this. What?
737 posts


Well recent is a loose term(in the past 10 years or so...). That'd be the discovery of the Radiation Echo and that the universe is expanding at different rates of speed. Meaning that much like an explosion of any bomb, things move faster at the beginning of the blast, then gradually slow down. Since we see the universe in lightyears past, much of what we look at is moving at different speeds as it is still closer(or father) from the epicenter. Just google radiaiton echo, i don't feel like explaining both.

5,838 posts

sorry for the double post

A meteorite explosion is not the only thing that could cause dinosaurs to go into extinction.

If it wasn't a meteorite how do you explain the high levels of iridium found in rocks at that time.
451 posts

Well evidence suggests that the universe is expanding due to dark energy. Rather than gravity slowing the exspansion of the univerese down and eventually brining it back to the source the universe is speeding up in it exspansion. Much like a large explosion or big bang. While science has yet to prove this to be true it is only an explanation, much like miracles being explanied by divine intervention or God; but nor has science been able to prove or disprove God, it really just gives an explanation (not always the right one) but an explantion none the less.

698 posts

I think Legatus88 explained your paragraph pretty well, eyetwitch.

If it wasn't a meteorite how do you explain the high levels of iridium found in rocks at that time.
Yes, there is more iridium in meteorites than on earth, but that doesn't mean the earth had none before a meteorite hit it. I don't think a meteorite wiped out the dinosaurs. If that happened, how did all the other reptiles survive? How did plants survive for that matter?
3,224 posts

How did plants survive for that matter?

If the poor old dinos dies because of a meteorite, it was because so many would have died that there would simply not be enough food to eat. Many reptiles survived, but the population shrinked massively in proportion to what existed pre impact.

Many plants would have survived because all that is required to survive, for a plant, is sunlight and water. A meteorite hitting would not deny them thos things, at least not every plant on the planet.
84 posts

The whole world created in 7 days was so that the first to read it could understand the magnitude of creation.

I am a christian and believe that God could have created the universe in 7000 years or more then that.

As for the dinosaurs Any dinosaur survivors would have lived on for a few thousand years but eventually died out.

451 posts

I agree with FieflyIV about the plants being able to survive. Plants require light and water. When the enviornment changes plants will adapt to their new enviornment. Thats why when the sesons change so do the leaves. In the fall the temperature begins to fall and there is lss light, so the leaves turn differnet colors to absorb more light and when they simply cannot absorb enough light they die, and then in the spring when the temperature rises and there are more hours of sunlight leaves beging to form and start absorbing light. Whateve wiped out the dinosaurs whether it was a meteroite or climate change or God for that matter the plants simply adapted to their surroundings. For all we know plants could have been red blue pink purple even black depending on how drastically a change was nneded to absorb enough sunlight...

129 posts

ok, for one i belive in god but some insight of how the big bang happen. ok imagen a little ball of four eliments gravity,nucular low, nucular high and.... well i cant remeber but the four elemints were controling each outher meaning thay were kepping them under control but the gravity split off from the four (oh yea grvity was at the center of all this surouded by the outher three) and streatch to the out side of the ball and thus expanding the little ball smaller then anything we know of and becomeing beggest thing ever and the crazy thing is its STILL expanding but vary slowly and one day in the far futer (i mean really far vary far like so far its crazy) all the atoms in the univers well split likw a ballon poping

so there it is how the big bang happened and remeber i go with god and how he created ever thing in 6 days and took sabith day off the 7th day

84 posts

So you take the bible literally?

2,763 posts

Really funny how the whole world was created in 7 days there is proof that it wasn't like rock aging, radioactive dating ect. But people say god put it there but really that's just an excuse how about the fact that the church said the world was flat but it wasn't? the sun was in the middle of the solar system not us? I don't know if the big bang theory is a %100 correct but I prefer it over the 7 days.

1,523 posts

Many plants would have survived because all that is required to survive, for a plant, is sunlight and water. A meteorite hitting would not deny them thos things, at least not every plant on the planet.

Actually, the theory is that the huge cloud of ash and dust that arose from the meteor's impact filled up the atmosphere for many decades. Without sunlight, the plants died. Then, the herbivorous dinosaurs died, followed by the extinction of the carnivorous dinosaurs.
698 posts

Actually, the theory is that the huge cloud of ash and dust that arose from the meteor's impact filled up the atmosphere for many decades. Without sunlight, the plants died. Then, the herbivorous dinosaurs died, followed by the extinction of the carnivorous dinosaurs. do we still have plants?
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