ForumsWEPR[necro]Creator? Big Bang? Or God??

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87 posts

well if any of u r familiar with the law of conservation and mass, then u know that it states that matter cannot be created from nothing, or completely destroyed. so evolutionists say this, then turn around and say the big bang created the universe as we know it. WTF!!?!?!?!the universe went from non existent to existent in a fraction of a nanosecond! and where did the bigbang come from? nothing? nope, because if the law of conservation and mass is true, then the bigbang isnt. simple...

  • 1,107 Replies
2,180 posts

Who are you to say what has been discreditted and what is accepted. Don't go around making claims with no evidence backing them up.

Please don't go trying to shift the weight of the blame on me at inappropriate times. I know that trick. It's called steady-state theory, which has been thoroughly refuted.

Now, if God existed before the big bang, then he is "outside" of time and space, and he cannot affect us in anyway, and so essentially non-existant. If he is bound by our laws, then that would defy his omnipotence again leading to the conclusion that he is either not all-powerful or non-existant.

No. You are making the fallacy of equivocation on the word "outside." As the creator, God is certainly capable of intervening in this world, and as theists we believe he does. He is not bound by our laws, but he is capable of using them in his way. If God uses a law of nature that he created, that does not refute his existence or omniscience.

The thing is, if a universe is infinite, it contradicts the belief that God created it. If something is created, it starts at a concrete point, whereas the definition of infinity connotes that there is no concrete starting point.

I am not an expert on expansion, but if I do remember correctly the phenomenon of redshift is actually very well documented with the observations of other galaxies and nebulae. Hubble's Law in particular has shaped cosmology for a very long time, blowing away Einstein's previous assertion that the world was static. General relativity also supports the existence of redshift. While we're on this though, redshift is no more conjectural than the existence of dark matter.

I also have to reject the model of the observable universe being highlighted as a different realm of the whole universe. Finite infinity or infinite finiteness do not exist; either one is true and excludes the other, or the other way around.
1,044 posts

The word 'nothing' what does it mean? Well it means nothing! So why do we have a word when there is no just thing as a nothing? Or the non-existence of nothing that we need an explanation for the non-existing yet nothingness of the nothing? Well that kind of is the thinking of God. God maybe was an idea to consume the emptiness of that question 'How was everything created?' Or maybe-not? But the real ideology behind this must include the certain truth that God would be non-existent if humans where non-existent. But if that is so, then did he create us and why?

1,036 posts

Air = nothing
nothing = air

"Mom what are you doing?"
THeir that is nothing. Techanicaly we are nothing without our brain. I believe in bacteria and smaller worlds created us.

4 posts

Bleh who cares...its fun too think about but noone knows. Trying to prove your point but not willing to accept another proves how fake most religous people are(believing blindly in something isnt faith, its stupidity.) As for creation maybe we arent supposed to know. And to set the record straight We(people) created god, not the other way around.

5,838 posts

Air = nothing

Air is alot of things it is the stuff we breath. It has all sorts of elements and chemicals in. It is far from nothing. Nothing is very hard to achieve.
698 posts

Trying to prove your point but not willing to accept another proves how fake most religious people are
If you put it that way, it also proves how fake non-religious people are, unless there is a difference. I don't see any difference. Evolutionists don't accept their own mistakes any more than Christians accept faulty theories that people try to call scientific laws.
2,180 posts

The word 'nothing' what does it mean? Well it means nothing! So why do we have a word when there is no just thing as a nothing? Or the non-existence of nothing that we need an explanation for the non-existing yet nothingness of the nothing? Well that kind of is the thinking of God. God maybe was an idea to consume the emptiness of that question 'How was everything created?' Or maybe-not? But the real ideology behind this must include the certain truth that God would be non-existent if humans where non-existent. But if that is so, then did he create us and why?

The existence or nonexistence of a word has nothing to do with its actual existence, only the extent to which it is accepted in a society as a linguistic factor. Nobody said anything about the existence of God just because the word "God" exists. Even if God was a creation of man, God would be a stem off the perfectly rational belief that anything that begins to exist has a cause.

You also have a fallacy where you state that if humans ceased to exist, God would cease to exist as well. The human perspective is not the only one in existence, no one knows for certain what else is out there. If God is an omnipotent deity, he certainly does not rely on us for his own existence. He created us for his own pleasure, as you or I would create a work of art or poetry for our own pleasure.
3 posts

well if any of u r familiar with the law of conservation and mass, then u know that it states that matter cannot be created from nothing, or completely destroyed. so evolutionists say this, then turn around and say the big bang created the universe as we know it. WTF!!?!?!?!the universe went from non existent to existent in a fraction of a nanosecond! and where did the bigbang come from? nothing? nope, because if the law of conservation and mass is true, then the bigbang isnt. simple...

Yes this would hold true if it were not for the fact that the big bang created the bigger particles and clusters of atoms that make up the universe as we know it. Before the big gang there was just a bunch of loose atoms floating around, billions of them and they had no substance, then they conferged all at once and thus the big bang happened.
Now you can take that and say the big bang is just a metaphor for 'Let there be light' i would say yes , because in the beggining God jkust went click
660 posts

You know I've been thinking about this topic alot recently. I would spend hours on my bed thinking about if there is a god, and if so, how could all these horrible things have happened in our world, and if god even cares about our world, but then I came to a conclusion. Why does anyone care about this. You can't know for a fact Whether or not god exists and you can't know for a fact how the universe was created, and although the big bang theory has the most evidence supporting it, it is still not nearly sufficent enough to prove anything, so why is there all this conflict about something NOBODY has evidence on? and thats not rhetorical I really want someone to answer tat question.

60 posts

For me, the greater question is: "Did the universe begin to exist?"

For Parsat: Omniscience and omnipotence preclude volition.

565 posts

Yes it was created god created it. But God was not created.

660 posts

to paintballer

How do you know?

565 posts

In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth. Gen. 1-1 God said he created the the heavens (aka. space). It was created.

737 posts

There is conflict because we have Logic and random bits of evidence. Certainly we can't know how the universe began through empirical evidence, but we can use logic to conclude that every finite thing has a cause, then we can use what limited knowledge we have to see that the Universe is finite. We can also see through fossil evidence that organic life has apparently evolved to where it is today. The conflict is created from the interpretation of these things. Add that to the generally accepted Theistic idea of Heaven and Hell (theistic reason to prove themselves right and save the world) and the existence of Intellectuals who want to see the world move on from Religious violence and hypocrisy, and we have a reason to debate over where the universe began.

60 posts

paintballer: What physical proof have you or any believer in the Abrahamic religions got that this universe is created?

I have little respect for arguments in the style of "Just look at it!" or "The Bible(or Torah or Qur'an) says so!/It is written."

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