oh come on its way too early to tell. the saints (as of right now) are the best team in the league. so they would logically win the super bowl. but who knows what might happen between now and next year
I really want the Jets to get in. I also hated when Colts fans started talking trash about the Jets saying they sucked after the AFC championship game. Seriously, who can beat Peyton Manning? *EXCEPT Drew Brees*
The Colts vs the Saints could easily be a rematch, but who really cares about the NFL.
Did you seriously just say that? xDD I know more people who watch NFL more then College.. One reason is because College football has way too many teams xD
I can't really put it in any simpler terms. You must learn on your own, young Paddawan.
I loved those movies.
Anyway im not sure who AI would like to see in the Super Bowl next year. I know my dad would the Giants to be in it, but my mom is a Cowboys fan. Personally I think that the guys are just beating themselves up for a ball -homosexuality... jk-.- ~~~~ -Don't be a perve-