ForumsWEPRPre Rapture Or Post Rapture?

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468 posts

It is RAP-TURE not RAPE-TURE for you perverted people.

Anyway the long awaited rapture, or the taking of God's souls up to heaven during the time of the apocolypse, has been argued over weather it will happen before, or after the apocolypse. I say it is Pre-Rapture, because if it was Post-Rapture, then there would only be 1/6 of the world's population left... and there would be no one to save. What do you guys say?

  • 150 Replies
3,437 posts

Okay, don't turn the question around on itself. Just answer it. Having science take the brunt for your answer is not an answer. Also don't change the question

755 posts

its still the same question. i just added atheism to the pool of possible answers.

the thing is, that we can only explain things to a certain level. even if we use all the science we have.
at some point, especially when it comes to creation itself we have no other choice then believe.

and whether you say god(or any other deity) made the big bang or you say matter created itself, there is no difference to this.
because the explanatory effect is equally valid and you just name something having the same atributes differently.

2,837 posts

The Muslims believe in the same "god" as do the Jewish.

Actually Alah and Jehovah just translate into God. All three religions support the same god.

False. "Thou shalt not kill." and "Slaughter the infidels." just does not match up. The Muslims may make such a claim but their religion didn't even exist until Mohammad.
755 posts

a claim but their religion didn't even exist until Mohammad.

and christianity didnt even exist until jesus. and judaism didnt exist until some guy who was the first one to bring it to the people.
what do you prove with that
3,437 posts

Balerion you missed the part where I said the three interpruted the god differently.

1,633 posts

False. "Thou shalt not kill." and "Slaughter the infidels." just does not match up. The Muslims may make such a claim but their religion didn't even exist until Mohammad.

Jews And Christians worship the same God. The only difference is; That Christians think that Jesus was the destined Messiah, foretold by the Old Testament. Muslims Saw Jesus as a mere prophet, not the Messiah. Allah, Yahweh, and God are all the same. I'm also pretty damn sure in the Qu'ran there is a passage telling Muslims to respect others Religions. In the 1300s Muslims, Jews, and Christians were able to co-exist; just that all non-Muslims had to pay a tax.

and christianity didnt even exist until jesus. and judaism didnt exist until some guy who was the first one to bring it to the people.

Abraham is considered the Founder of Judaism. Even in the bible, wasn't he the first Prophet?

Jesus founded Christianity. It didn't exist until he showed up.
6,823 posts

Just wanted to make a couple of reminders here.

Please try to remember that this is a debate forum. It is definitely alright to share your opinion, and argue for it. But it is not OK to put other people down for their views, or use profanity or flaming as a means of fighting your stance. If you flame, if you call people names and make personal attacks, you will be temporarily banned. I understand that arguments can get heated, but unless you can keep a cool head and argue your point reasonably, you will not be allowed to debate at all. If you need to, please check out the Forum Rules and Guidelines to make sure that you understand them.

468 posts

In the 1300s Muslims, Jews, and Christians were able to co-exist; just that all non-Muslims had to pay a tax.

Yeah and it just so happens that the muslims are rascist against non-muslims and even attack the holy city (jeruselam) AND they destroy the world trade center... yet they are supposed to respect other religions? Ha ha... I think that they do a terrible job with their religion.
62 posts

" Though shalt not kill" and "Love they neighbors" are just rules saying how you should live your life, but you can't. Same thing with the Ten commandmets. Of Course people sin and break these rules, but they're not going to hell fr it, thy are just suggestions. God knows that we are sinners, so he sent Jesus to die for our sins, and as long as wqe accept him as the savior, and believe in him, we will be saved. So no those saying are suggestions, not guidelines.

600 posts

Yeah and it just so happens that the muslims are rascist against non-muslims

And your entire post was 'racist' towards muslims.

even attack the holy city (jeruselam)
Christians invaded the holy land.

AND they destroy the world trade center

You cant classify an entire group based on the actions of so few.

If there has been any hate speech in this thread it was stated in your comment.
3 posts

" Though shalt not kill" and "Love they neighbors" are just rules saying how you should live your life, but you can't. Same thing with the Ten commandmets. Of Course people sin and break these rules, but they're not going to hell fr it, thy are just suggestions. God knows that we are sinners, so he sent Jesus to die for our sins, and as long as wqe accept him as the savior, and believe in him, we will be saved. So no those saying are suggestions, not guidelines.

I common misconceptions of "Going to Heaven" is by doing good things or being a good person. Let me example why that is false.

Everyone in the world sins. Everyone. In the Old Testament, God's people (Israel) had to follow the laws of God. If they failed, they had to do all this things in order to have their sin forgiven. This following become the religion Judaism. In the same time, there were many prophecies telling of Jesus and the end of the world.

Enter the New Testament, Jesus came into the world and changed all old conditions to be saved. The Old Condition to go to heaven was to follow God's law. The new condition can be found in the verse John 3:14. For God so loved the world, he gave his only Son, that whomever believe in him, should not parish and have everlasting life.

We seen that verse so many times, but what does it mean? With the combination of what Jesus said "I'm the only way to heaven" then you don't have to follow God's rule to be saved, but you have to believe and accept Jesus as your savor. But you can't fake it, you can't be forced to say the prayer and you are saved. No, doesn't work that way. God has already predestine those who will go to heaven when they die. So if you really love him and accepted him into his heart and follow him for the rest of your short life, then chances are that you were chosen.

So wait, does that mean I'm able to do anything I want? In a way, yes, but if you truly are one of his, you don't think about doing any of that stuff.
1,633 posts

Yeah and it just so happens that the muslims are rascist against non-muslims and even attack the holy city (jeruselam) AND they destroy the world trade center... yet they are supposed to respect other religions? Ha ha... I think that they do a terrible job with their religion.

Your statement is equally racist. You are becoming the thing which you hate the most. It is disgusting how you can blame a whole group for a crime that only a few men commit.

Jerusalem is quite possibly the most "holy" city. The remains of the Salomon's Temple are sacred to the Jews. Jesus was Crucified at Jerusalem. The Dome of the Rock is also holy to Muslims and is in Jerusalem. Why would they attack their own holy city? Besides, The Pope started the Crusades.

Christianity has done horrible acts, and yet you choose to ignore them and see other people's relgions as Hersey
3,437 posts

So I still want to know what makes any religion the RIGHT religion?

9,462 posts

I stated what I think, what I stand in, and why.
Seeing how supposeavly God isn't real, then explain the sudden dissaperence of an incurable sickness?

Just because we run into something that we can't explain doesn't automatically mean we should insert "God did it" and leave it at that. There is no evidence that it was caused by Yewah, Allah, Zeus, Odin or any other god you can think of.
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