With a few movies comeing out then I decided that it would be good to make this. ~~~~~~~~
Now if you have seen a really good New Movie or really want to see one then post your comments here. Now posting without knowing anything about a movie is really stupid and lame. This can also become a vote between different movies or directors out there. You can basically say almost anything about a relitively new movie that came out about Six months ago. Please also only post if you have enough knowledge to actually tell what the movie is about and the characters names.
For instance if you want to talk your favorite book becoming a movie then thats fine becuase you know whats going to happen already.
I heard Avatar was basically crap plot and really good graphics, the constant advertisments also gave me that impression, advertising the graphics and not the story. Though, I'd rather see good graphics bad story than valentines day, I just really don't like romantic comedies, way to many of them. I was thinking about seeing Legion, not becouse I thought it would be that good but terminator with angels could be interesting. Don't think I would have been able not to burst out laughing though if the angel had said something along the lines of "come with me if you want to live", or "you must lower me in, I can not self terminate". Book of Eli, that looks good, post apocolyptic stories can be, though I'd like to see something set in the more rebuilding time of a post apocolyptic story. Lovely bones, that's the one I believe where the girl is murdered and their trying to find out who killed her and she's narrating it all or something. That might actually be worth seeing, but, I wouldn't go anywhere near the movies on valentines day, that's just asking for being crammed in like a sardine, espeially to a romantic comedy.
Don't think I would have been able not to burst out laughing though if the angel had said something along the lines of "come with me if you want to live
I think he did at one point. He wasn't an angel at that point because he cut off his wings. Still it does have a weird resemblence to the Terminator movies in a way.
The movie was still very good though and I would recommend you go see it.
I also want to see The Crazies. That movie reminds me of The Happening where people just stop acting themselves and do harm to themselves/others. I just hope it's not one of those movies where it was the water all along, or some bizarre twist.
I heard Avatar was basically crap plot and really good graphics, the constant advertisments also gave me that impression, advertising the graphics and not the story.
You heard right, the plot is completely cliche, the "Doing what's right instead of what you're told" plot. The interpretation of the plot is somewhat nice though. The graphics are amazing, they make the movie worth seeing, despite the plot.