ForumsGame WalkthroughsColony: "Corrupted Unit Guide" by SOYMASTER

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1,098 posts

I know I posted this on krinlabes but I think this guide will server better on

Some palyers complain about a unit that cannot be killed. This is called a corrupted unit. I have seen this happen many times in game. It only seems to happen when a unit dies when a player is de-syncronized. I have also saw the game fix its self by de-syncronizing the player that the corrupted unit belongs to, but it will not do it if the player that unit belongs to leaves or is kicked. I played a game today where my partner (hax) hacked, and he was kicked at the same time two of the opposing team's units died. I held the team off for about 25 minutes afterward hoping it would correct itself, but it never died and I lost. I have reason to believe that a game with two corrupted units never corrects, but a game with one never does. I have yet to see three corrupted units in the same game. In addition, in the game where the correction took place once my partner and I lost the enemy's units started to fire where the once invisible units stood (it made the unit disappear and the enemy units were able to attack the units behind the corrupted unit's position). This gives me reason to believe that the corrupted units do not have to be killed like the uncorrupted units in order to win.

For those of you who do not like this post because it has information on how the glitch happens, please be aware that I am trying to get information out to the public. The only way people will take advice is if there is information about the problem the advice pertains too. I do not think this glitch can be controlled by allot of players because a player needs to be de-syncronized when a unit dies. In order for a cheater to use this glitch they would have to stay in the game, so this rules out the facilitator type cheaters (using a pre-hacked website). Now I have been in a game where the game thinks a player is hacking when the player is making many units in a short amount of time get de-syncronized, but they are not kicked. This can be controlled by the exploiter type cheaters (using bugs and glitches), and it can also be used by the hacker type cheater (uses a method to change the code of the game) if they find a hack to stop the de-syncronizing system, which would make them an exploiting hacker type cheater (uses a method to change the code of the game to control a bug or glitch). Now I think the hacker type cheaters would not go through all this trouble due to the recent hacks that have been found. The first one, being able by pass the de-syncronizing system. The next is the now less used meditec hack, which enables one to spam meditecs without being kicked. Last is the most barbaric hack I have come across so far. The Omni-square hack, which does what its name suggests, allows one to control all the squares (This is a very annoying hack due to the fact that most players think they pressed the wrong hot key).

If you are in a game, where the opposing team has a corrupted unit do not quit the game, and just play it out, even if your partner was kicked or left. This is because the game might correct itself and enable your victory.

Below are a few tips that will give you a possible victory. Please be aware that some of the tips are for certain conditions.

This list was made by YOS, so remember this.

1. Do not attack the enemy, if they have a solid army. This is because your team's attacks will be focused on the corrupted unit. (All Conditions)

2. Build Special Operations to fire missiles, if the corrupted unit is close to the enemies' spawn point. This is so you can keep the enemies' forces from increasing. (Normal Only)

3. Try to make Gladiators, if you a Fascists and using a Forge base build order. This is because they can take lots of missile damage
and become unstoppable in large groups. (Normal, Earthquake, Cold War, And Safe Skies Only)

4. Make Sakata Mk-II to take out incoming air units and divert missiles. This is because these units can regenerate health and it takes two missiles to kill when they have full health. (Normal, Cold War, Safe Skies, And Low Tech Only)

5. Build Phantoms to attack the base, if and only if the number of enemy units is low, they have no Sakata Mk-IIs. This helps greatly due to the resource production the base gives will be gone when their base goes down. In addition, these units in a group of ten can take health off the base quickly. (Low Tech, Normal, Dogfight, Safe Skies, And Cold War Only)

6. Build Gröditz to take out in coming enemies. These units can fire at both air and ground targets rapidly. They can also take lots of damage from Scouts and Phantoms. They have good range also. (Low Tech, Normal, Earthquake, Cold War, And Safe Skies Only)

7. Make Meditecs to heal your team's units. This is helpful when the enemy team is attacking. (All Conditions)

  • 13 Replies
1,098 posts

I wish alt codes worked on armorgame post. Look at number 6.

1,098 posts

Feedback could be nice so when I make another bug guide I will try to be more clear.

1,855 posts

That happens to me a lot. It seems to happen with snipers a lot.

2,165 posts

So the corrupted units--ALL attacks will go to them?

Say a unit is at your base, the corrupted is at theirs. Will a missile hit the corrupted or the unit at your base?

There seems to be something like this--a unit that you can't control, sometimes happens when the base goes down. It still dies normally though.

33 posts

KINda weird, these corrupted units

3 posts

i have the same question as lalala12, do missles hit corrupt targets or do they get avoided?

2,420 posts

Sometimes my units also corrupt, even though I do not hack. Has this happened to you?

50 posts

A unit gets corrupted when someone gets desyned from the game. If your opponent gets desyned while he is killing one of your units that unit may become corrupted or he gets desyned while you are killing one of their units then his unit may be become corrupted. Also attacks will be aimed towards the most forward unit no matter if it is a corrupted unit or not.

656 posts

it can be kinda useful if u use it to ur advantage though xD

656 posts

it tends to happen with forge units (sakatas,romans)

273 posts

it tends to happen with forge units (sakatas,romans)

And sphinx, but never to outpost units. Maybe all hackers play forge?
656 posts

hovers, queens, and marines can beat anything a forge sends out at you

121 posts

I had 10 hovers and the enemy had some gradits I had about 20 medics and when they advanced and killed the groditz my hovers wouldnt hit the base they would only attackair when i sent my sakatas they did the same thing. Every thing was backwards after that so i had to send sakatas mk-|| to win

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