There are no recent movies that have caught my attention. And considering I can't really decide on one movie; All movies with Nicholas Cage in them are pretty decent.
I made a mistake when I voted; I forgot to say Con Air. That, that movie is my favorite. The only thing I disliked about Con Air is Nicolas Cage. Other than him, it was a flawless film! ^_^
WOOOOOO! I TOTALLY AGREE! "Shut the fuck up Donny" That movie has made me laugh so much, and it's so quotable! "A toe? I can get you a toe anytime, hell I can get you a toe by 3 a clock this afternoon. Fucking amutars" HAHAHA, "THIS IS WHAT HAPPENS WHEN YOU FUCK A STANGER IN THE ASS!" HAHAHAHAHA... I killed my innocence...
WOOOOOO! I TOTALLY AGREE! "Shut the **** up Donny" That movie has made me laugh so much, and it's so quotable! "A toe? I can get you a toe anytime, hell I can get you a toe by 3 a clock this afternoon. ****ing amutars" HAHAHA, "THIS IS WHAT HAPPENS WHEN YOU **** A STANGER IN THE ***!" HAHAHAHAHA... I killed my innocence...[/quote]
Slick, man! You ever been to Lebowski Fest, ever though of goin'?
The Big Lebowski is hilarious. I've only seen it once, but I still remember pretty much the entire thing. Really funny. I also really liked 2001: A Space Odyssey, and other Kubrick films like Clockwork Orange are also great.