This is a link to a hilarious E trade commercial on youtube is a link to a hilarious Doritoes commercial one is funnier?
Okay, the links didn't work, so I guess just copy and paste the links and then search them. Sorry
doritos commercials
ummmm please give some sort of reason. I know it's not like some sort of tallied vote, but still. No spamming please!
Lets see if that works, and E*Trade because I like babies
Doritos, every one of them makes me crack up.
ok really i hate babies. all they do is poop and cry in real life. and i don't want to be thinking about that while im watching the super bowl.
i cannot stand the E trade ones there so not funny there lame ive never laughed at one not even a chuckle doritos hands down
Wow i guess people like the doritos commercials a lot more
doritos are better
Doritos has better commercials, but babies taste better! I EAT BABIEZ
Lol I knew something like this would happen *rolls eyes*
eTrade FTW!!!!
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