I happened to stumble across this whilst on another forum. It's basically a game where you create your own weapons. Whoopee, right? You basically put a gun together with a bunch of pieces. Link
It's complicated, but 1. Make sure your gun is in your screen COMPLETELY `2. Press PrtScn (it says SysRq below it) 3. Go to Microsoft Paint (or something like that) 4. Press Ctrl + V (or right click [the mouse] and press paste) *5. Shrink it down, so that only the gun can be seen (+ the background LOL) 6. Save somewhere you will remember it. 7. Go to [url=http://Tinypic.com/]Tinypic.com 8. Click the browse button 9. Find your gun pic, and duble click it. 10 Wait, then copy the LAST LINK 11 post here on the fourm. * Optional ` If you have a laptop, you will press Fn. + Insert (it will say PrtScn under it [also in the same color Fn. is written in])
1.save picture to computer 2.upload on imageshack (which is free) 3.copy direct link which is second one 4.in the comment box, click image and delete the http:// in the box, paste code and click ok