Either rolling their eyes,
I know I shouldn't blame you in anyway, but that turned out to be the worst advice ever. Let me explain:
Last night was my wedding. Or, at least, it was supposed to be my wedding. I made it through the day's events with no problem. My best man showed up in a tux, and the caterer brought great food. All of my relatives from the lower 48 even made the journey to be with me. As I stood by the alter, waiting for my bride, I could see smiling faces everwhere. If only I had known this joy would be so short lived...
My wife-to-be (or so I thought) walked down the aisle towards me. Our preacher gave some very touching words about the importance of marriage, and about how this was a great day for everyone involved.
But then came the vows.
Our preacher turned to my bride and said "Do you take this man to be your lawful husband; and do you solemnly promise before God , and these witnesses that you will love, honor, and keep him in sickness and in health, and forsaking all others keep thee only unto him so long as you both shall live?"
looked up, smiled, and said "I do."
Naturally, I assumed she was rolling her eyes, and therefore was being sarcastic. I felt a rage brew up inside me. I grabbed the nearest glass of wine, and threw it in her face. I ran out of the church, pausing outside. My priest caught up with me and grabbed my arm. He said, "What are you doing? You're being an idiot!"
I looked him straight in the eyes. They weren't rolling. Which meant that he actually WAS calling me an idiot. So I threw wine in his face as well.
I ran to the curb, and hailed a nearby taxi. I told him to just drive. I wanted to get far away from that church. After a few minutes, he looked back at me and said, "Nice mullet."
His eyes were definitly rolling. So I threw wine in his face.
The taxi driver, yelling at the top of his lungs, lost control of the car. He sped into an intersection, crashing a schoolbus. He wasn't wearing a seatbelt, so he went flying through the windshield into the side of the bus.
I was alright, and managed to extract myself from the wreckage of the crash. I ran off into the woods, where I met a boyscout troop.
Thats all I can stand to write for now. There's alot more to the story, but I'm just too tired to write anything else.