In this game, you do not really have to have the maps to find the treasure. You can find the treasure on your own. Some items you do need maps to find and some items even with the map, they are hard to find. The quickets wqay to make money is by delivering letters from port to port. i go for the ones that pay $2,500 or more. Starting out, its best to go from port to port and save while you are traveling. This way if you run into a battle, you do not lose your fame when you continue the game. It has been said that you can find the person who gave you the first mission at Aarlberg. I have been there several times and have not found him yet. So i am getting ready to start accepting kill the pirate task. If anything happens from this, I will let you know. All maps are received at a random. Some of the maps you receive are duplicate maps. Please remember, even if you find an item, you will have to refind the same item again when you accept the task of looking for treasure. It is said that the dark Crystal is not locatable. My map shows that it can be found in the ocean somewhere. I somehow came across it while sailing. It is marked of as an item i have found, but it does not show up in my list. it only shows that i've found it on my map. I'm not sure if it is a glitch. Do not buy a ship for a while. You can actually get a larger ship by bombarging the larger ship and hopefully winning. Then you can overtake their ship and go to the nearest port and buy crew members as well as ammo. dont forget to save. I did buy my ship, but i had $250,000 on hand when I did. If you plan on buying the largest ship you don't have too long. So do not waste your time battling and then having to repair your ship. This is expensive and it takes days to repair. Also make sure you have completed your job before the date they set for completion when repairing. Once you learn how to battle then you can attack pirate ships. Once your battling status is at a certain level, some pirate ships will not battle you, even if you chase them. Trust me, I've tried it. Rumors are that there are 40 items or more to find. I am still searching for them. When I find them, I will post them. This is a list of the items and the locations i have found so far. The items that have no locations have not been found yet.
Legendary Wand E of Timaru Light Sword SE of Les Sablas Garnet Brooch N of Fortalesa Jade Jewlbox N of Vlissingen Gold Statue of Merlin N of Keylung Violet Pearl S of Georgetown Bronze Dagger N of Ras Tanura Blue Elixir Flower N of Membasa Gold Medallion W of Laurium Mirmaid Bangle W of Alapucha Malachite Box WSW of Aarlbarg 1676 Rum N of Haeman Rusty Blade NE of Wande Point Jewel of Paradise ESE of Paramaribo Crown of Glory N of Remsgate Diamond Eyes ENE of Port Halcourt Ancient Manuscript SE of Triaste Old Empty Chest SW of Pescare Golden Torch N of Milford Saruman Orb (In cove) E of Santo Guanta Ruby Ring W of Adelaine Book of Immortal NW of Tripoll Golden Tear E of Libreville Black Key of Bargen S of Shoreham Dragon Scroll N of Grothenborg Phoenix Egg SE of De Los Santos Mummy Tomb (Below Alesond where the tree is) Ruby Septer (forgot to log where I found it. Just search every inch of the coast until you find it) Sapphire Ring SE Yanbu (near the set of 5 palm trees) Black Beard Treasure SW Jizon Aztec Gold Coins N Port Dunn
Banland items are found on the way to Banland. You can even find items above and beyond Banland. Some I still have not found.
Undefind Tiger Eyes NE of Banland Diamond Arc Seed of Life NW Banland Banland Stone (On the Way)
These items can be found on the desert islands located on your map.
Ancient Herb of Life (Island w/crashed ship) Black Jade of Evil NW (on a desert island) Ivory Flute
Items I have not found, even with a map. When I find them, I will post their location.
Gold Bracelet E of Moostyn
If you have any further question, feel free to post. I will come back and answer. I will inform you if I have the answer or no clue at all.