ForumsGame WalkthroughsPlz help with Sonny!

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482 posts

how do you get past baron brixus?
and how do you dow the armor glitch?

I can't figure it out!

  • 14 Replies
426 posts

LOL baron brixus iz easy just keep hitting him hard and eentually hell start missing turns

11 posts

first of all what class type and what lvl? i can help but... i can't help w/ hydro but maybe if i play today i can find out

3 posts

Well, I posted a Youtube video concerning this a little while ago, though I'm having a bit of trouble getting the actual guide in the comments, so I'm putting it here!

Here's the link to the actual video [url=]

Hello and welcome to my first recorded game walk-through! This particular one features a build and skill tree very useful overall being used to crush Baron Brixus! The build is the Destroyer class, widely seen as the most simple build, but instead used with points put into speed over strength. I did this for two reasons.
1. You can get all the strength you need from equipment and
2. The speed is necessary to hit Baron Brixus. Why should YOU worry about attacking him you might ask? so you can stun him with "Break", that's why!

The stat points I dished out for this guy are basically as follows.....
Strength 5
Speed All other points.

Why so much in speed you might ask? To make certain you can hit your enemies! Packing a punch means nothing if you can't actually hit the enemy, and Brixus is no exception.

1. Sonny
For Sonny, you want anything that gives you the most strength you can possibly get. This usually means the "Destroyer" equipment, or what the rock Golems drop when you defeat them. The gloves can be purchased at the store, along with the "Steel Slicer" weapon, which you'll want for the fights ahead. You can also equip Sonny with the "Stirker" equipment that the shamans drop if you can't get your hands on the other ones. These provide both Strength and Speed, making them excellent supplements.

2. Verudux
In this game, Verudux's abilities are almost completely restricted to healing, so this build is going to take advantage of that. First of all, equip Verudux with the high-magic staff and the "Dead Peacock" purchasable at the store. Secondly, equip him with any "Mender's" equipment" you can find. Lastly, use the "Survivor's" armor set to get past the golems, then keep only the chest piece for a little tiny bit of vitality against Brixus. You'll also want to put him in the "Defensive" state by clicking the large green bar on his inventory screen, if you haven't already.

The abilities I put down for Sonny, and why are as follows...

1. Smash 1 point To get to "Master Strike"
2. Wound 1 point To get to "Master Strike"
3. Break 1 point Used to stun Baron Brixus and buy you some time.
4. Disruption 1 point To get to "Master Strike"
5. Sunder 1 point To get to "Master Strike"
6. Master Strike 1 point This incredibly accurate and powerful attack will be your main attack with this build. Use it to give Baron Brixus everything you've got! It also increases power with speed, so there's no reason not to get it!
7. Iron Skin 1 point To get to "Regeneration," though you could use it to buff yourself before the fight.....
8. Regeneration 1 point To help you recover a tiny bit of health and focus each turn. Even a small amount like that can go a long way.
9. Block 1 point (yes I accidentally had two in it. Oh well.) This is likely the best abilities to use against an effect stacker such as The Baron. Not only does it prevent incoming damage, it also shields from damage-over-time abilities from The Baron. An invaluable tool to protect yourself in a pinch.
10. Blood Focus 1 point This is just to make sure you don't run out of focus. You run out of focus, then Verudux dies, then The Paladin dies, and finally, you die. It's a vicious cycle!
11. Aggression 1 Point To get to "Heroic Motivation."
12. Heroic Motivation 1 point This is the best thing you can use to help you protect The Paladin. Not only does it heal, but it removes bad status effects that would help kill the paladin. With this ability in your belt, the Baron would lay a finger on our light loving friend.

Ability Wheel (going clockwise from the top)
1. Quick Strike
2. Block
3. Master Strike
4. Blood Focus
5. Break
6. Master Strike
7 and 8. Heroic Motivation.
Remember, you can put these in any order you choose. It doesn't matter really!

General Tips about fighting Baron Brixus
1. NEVER LET THE PALADIN DIE! I know I made a big deal about this in the video already, but its crucial! I'm sure someone can prove me wrong, but I don't think it's possible to beat Baron Brixus by yourself without cheating! Use Heroic Motivation whenever the Paladin's HP gets too low, or if he has multiple bad status effects on him.

2 Heal and Block often. I didn't have to block very much in the video, but always make use of your healing abilities. Heroic Motivation not only heals, but dispells a status effect. Be sure to heal both yourself and both party members if you need it, but put the paladin and yourself first.

3. If you attack, use Break or Master Strike. Master Strike is an incredible ability that lets you strike more accurately. Use it as your Coup De Grace against The Baron . The Break ability can buy you the time you need to stay alive. USE IT WHENEVER POSSIBLE UNLESS THE PALADIN IS INJURED.

like I said in the comments of the video, and in the video itself, give a comment if you have anything else I left out, or have any other questions for me about Sonny. Thank you and I hope this helps!

P.S. Sorry about the slow video. Flash doesn't film well in CamStudio apparently.

265 posts

Baron was difficult for me, but it certainly was fun.

11 posts

i beat baron by luck the first time,he failed he couldn't kill veradux and i just pwned him cuz i was an assassin and i had 225 hp and he kept missin me LOL. i had no healing abilities and he finally killed veradux then i master sriked him to win

128 posts

The enemy in the last area was the absolute hardest of them all. He has 2,5 mill of hp and heals 700k so you need to be clever to beat him but i did. After that there is...5 more i think b4 the final boss who is reletivly easy if you are smart. The best way to win that fight is to go for the one in the middle b4 she/he gets to a point when she/he uses a special ability and then you are screwed.

254 posts

wear him down until he dies. be sure you have as much armor and weapons as you cn to do it quickly. i think you have 3 players in all with you, right? (sorry. i haven't played this game in a long time.) put on in the healing mode thing, and the rest in attack. (full.)
hope i'm thinking of the right sonny and i hope it helps if i'm right.

374 posts

There are many threads covering this topic. If you need to find them, use the Forum search here.

Due to the superfluous amount of Sonny topics, I request for a thread lock.

12 posts



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79 posts

[b]NO SONNY TOPICS! Mods, lock this thread, please. Danke for taking the time to read this message.

27 posts

[i][b][b][b]take out his focus and he loses about 2,100 hp when he hits 0[/b][/b][/b][/i]

482 posts

Yea littleHitter your thinking of Sonny2
Anyway I total PWNED him by using Agrresion on
The Paladin making him do 2800 damage along with the magic thing that makes him take 10% more damage so thats 3000-4000
damage in all and heroic motivation to heal me and paladin

27 posts

paldin only dose 1800 to 2000 on mine

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