If you have a Y! e-mail you might have already read this article. But if you don't, then you're in for a surprise. Many of you guys know the whole neg fruit company "Apple" and some of you might also know the new phone company that makes many Android phones, "HTC". Well, it seems that Apple has sued HTC, not over multi-touch though, but for many other stupid(IMO) things.
I found out about this through Digg yesterday though I read the article on another site, but it still doesn't look good since Apple is sueing HTC and not the creators of the Palm Pre who also went against a copyright, but in my opinion they are probably only doing this to try to take down their strongest competitors in the smart phone industry. You can read all of the patents that were infringed upon in this article though:
I think that apple should back off. Many companies make phones like the Iphone and the Palm Pre. They can't sue them all. There are multiple remakes of items by other companies, yet the companies have no grounds to sue for it. Even though the remakes are better than the original.
Oh and how can someone patent things sooo vague? I mean seriously! The unlock screen, the scrolling menu?! Wow. Apple truly is evil now, and I lost my respect for them too.
It isn't just you...I really think that this is really stupid. One because of the extremely vague patents and two for Apple being just such a bitch! I mean really, how do heck can people even patent things like that, and sue them for it. I completely understand the multi-touch thing, but the whole lock screen and the scrolling just...wow!