I think they would follow Hitler. Imagine how scary that would be: Nazi dinosaurs. The only thing scarier that I can think of would be Nazi dinosaurs riding Great White Sharks.
Though seriously if they survived, we'd be dead meat. Would we even be alive here? But if they suddenly appeared out of nowhere today, I'm sure it wouldn't be that hard to kill 'em.
I think they would follow Hitler. Imagine how scary that would be: Nazi dinosaurs. The only thing scarier that I can think of would be Nazi dinosaurs riding Great White Sharks.
But seriously, I don't think that we would be here now.
I am almost certainly sure that their favourite music genre would be death metal. In fact, I think that's why god invented dinosaurs in the first place. He thought, I really need a cool backdrop for this awesome new music genre I've invented. Then he came up with dinosaurs, and watched for hundreds of millions of years, until he got bored and sent an asteroid their way.