ForumsGame Walkthroughsmini Tower Defence

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6 posts

This isn't exactly a level-by-level walkthrough, but I've come up with three basic tips:
-When you're buying upgrades, be sure to save your points until you can buy more than one level of a particular upgrade at a time. The prices of a multi-level upgrade don't stack- You only pay for as much as the level says it costs.
-If you want things to be insanely easy, just upgrade your bombs, initial money, and your money per kill. Send all of the enemy's troops out at once and just spam your small bombs (hold shift or, well, you may be screwed). If you use them correctly, you'll make more money than you use. This tip only works if you use the first tip beforehand.
-If you get stuck, just do the latest level that you can get an expert rating on again and again. You can still get upgrade points from past levels and the expert rating doubles the upgrade points earned.
And that about covers it.
Also, if anyone has a list of the achievements, do let me know.

  • 1 Reply
6 posts

Oh, and the first two tips only get you through the majority of the levels. At one point or another, you will have to do it the old-fashioned way.

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