Nice of him, but did we need to know this? You know after that Justin Bieber sucks thread, you'd think that we would of learned about such stuff people feel strong about on here. Anyways also it seems since the Joe Bros broke up, we've, or most users are taking thier hate on this guy.
LOLWUT the jonas brothers broke up??!! DUUDE when!?!
"Justin Bieber visited a 3 year old".... and was amazed by how low her voice was.
So he had the same experience with her as he did the dog whistle?
and Bieber still sounds like a girl.
Girls like to listen to other girls sing. If Justin Bieber sounded like a guy, he wouldn't be popular among girls; although a few other guys may buy his songs from time to time...
the jonas brothers broke up?
I don't think the Jonas Brothers were dating...each other. However, that may just be because the news is covering up the truth...
Justin bieber the teenage sensation visited a girl aged 3!!
So? If he'd jumped off a 30 metre tall bridge and survived that would be newsworthy, but seriously, visiting a toddler? Anyone can visit a toddler. Just because he has a big career and is famous, him visiting a toddler is not different to you, I, or anyone else here visiting one.