ForumsWEPRAre Demons, Ghosts, or Angels real?

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173 posts

I don't believe Deomons, Ghosts, or Angels are real. There is no proof what so ever if any one can find me proof or a link to the evidence that they are real plz show me.

  • 239 Replies
252 posts

Lol, yeah, probably. That happens. People are pretty gullible, I cannot explain to the world why I believe, but I do, and I believe firmly.

252 posts

And I think that has been stated earlier, why they are on earth. People are stubborn..

3,817 posts

Lol, yeah, probably. That happens. People are pretty gullible, I cannot explain to the world why I believe, but I do, and I believe firmly.

A shrink could help you with that... I personally have some assumptions.

First, the biggest one, do you want to believe this?
Were you born into the belief?
Well that's all I can guess...

And I think that has been stated earlier, why they are on earth. People are stubborn..

So according to you, when I die and against all odds and scientific knowledge, become a spirit and prepare to go to a place of unbelievable torment, instead I can go "No thanks, I think Ill stay here...."? That sounds counter productive. And, since according to your beliefs everyone who believes goes to heaven, so why would they want to stay back? Many people claim that heaven is there ultimate goal.( Living to die sounds like a horrible philosophy to me, but whatever.)
819 posts

They are more like some kind of energy/soul type thing that wasn't ready to leave.

My science teacher put it in a similar way.

He said that it takes an enormous amount of energy to keep us concious, right? So when we die where does that energy go? He didn't think that the energy just dissapeared but rather assumed a different form. So to speak. Not to take a new body but rather we would only see flickers of the energy every now and again.

Also while im on the subject of ghosts, people please don't believe what you seen on TV. It's entertainment alot of it isn't real.

Angels and Demons (get it) I don't believe in one bit.
Personally I think that some ancient people who were really gullibe at the time thought the may have seen someone or heard something that they thought to be a high power. Either that or someone just said screw it a diety named God created everything. Boom end of story (Yeah I know that's not really how it was written).

Guys/girls remember people have been trying to explain existence for a really long time, like thousands of year. For all we know we could have been bacteria from some distant planet who's inhabbitants just brought us here to study us. We could basically be guinea pigs for all we know.
4,005 posts

Guys/girls remember people have been trying to explain existence for a really long time, like thousands of year. For all we know we could have been bacteria from some distant planet who's inhabbitants just brought us here to study us. We could basically be guinea pigs for all we know.

Actually we are the result of evolution which began with simple chemistry when amino acids which were capable of growth and self replication were created. The origins of life are chemistry, pure and simple. From there evolutionary methods set in and after billions of years of response to stimuli, evolution, and natural selection, voila! Here we are today.
3,817 posts

He said that it takes an enormous amount of energy to keep us concious, right? So when we die where does that energy go? He didn't think that the energy just dissapeared but rather assumed a different form. So to speak. Not to take a new body but rather we would only see flickers of the energy every now and again.

Think of it this way. When you eat a steak, you get its energy.... The energy stays in you. I am yet to see my T bone have a flicker of electricity. If a large creature doesn't eat you, then the decompose use your energy. Fungus and bacteria. Not to electric flickers.
4,005 posts

It takes an enormous amount of energy to die too. While your body is shutting down your vital organs are scrambling for the energy and oxygen they need to keep functioning, mostly your brain and your heart. Dying is not an easy biological process by any stretch of the imagination.

9,462 posts

Lol, yeah, probably. That happens. People are pretty gullible, I cannot explain to the world why I believe, but I do, and I believe firmly.

Believing firmly in something you can not explain or prove seems like a rather weak position to be in.
8,257 posts

And I think that has been stated earlier, why they are on earth. People are stubborn..

The thing about 'they stay because they have unfinished business to do'? Doesn't make sense. Anyway they could do nothing since they're not of this world, which means keeping them here is purely torturing them. Is god so cruel?

I anyway don't believe in souls anymore.. yes anymore, since there was a time when I wasn't sure what to think about it. Did you hear of the accident of Phineas Gage? After an accident he got a bar struck in his head, though he survived. But he was changed after that. Maybe not as dramatically as some people describe it (it is an often distorted case, see article) but still, he wasn't the same anymore. Which would mean that damage to the brain changes your soul? Naaah, the soul is something immaterial. So why this change? Of course! There is no soul, just the allmighty brain.
There are still many things unknown in neurosciences, there are still things we can't explain now, and you can fill your soul thing in there for now. But there will be a time when we will know, and then I'm pretty sure we will be able to exclude the soul entirely out of the brain.
23 posts

I believe that angels and demons exist they are a part of the great cosmic battle between good and evil. Ghosts do not exist. All dead souls go to either heaven or hell. None are able to just "skip out" on judgement.

3,817 posts

I believe that angels and demons exist they are a part of the great cosmic battle between good and evil. Ghosts do not exist. All dead souls go to either heaven or hell. None are able to just "skip out" on judgement.

Then how do necromancers work? They are both mentioned and used in the Bible.

And what is "good" and what is "evil"? Why would your deity create the "evil" in the first place? Why would he create his angles in the first place? Your answers end up bringing more questions than answers...
8,257 posts

Also, considering that god is omnipotent, why doesn't he just eliminate evil? The most common answer I get for this question is: we are being tested, and only the believers go to heaven (not word by word what they say, but they mean this). My question to this is: WHY?

3,817 posts

Also, considering that god is omnipotent, why doesn't he just eliminate evil? The most common answer I get for this question is: we are being tested, and only the believers go to heaven (not word by word what they say, but they mean this). My question to this is: WHY?

And if I may ad to his why, also why does an omnipotent being give a test? He would know the outcome. And why does he create people for the sake of only going to hell? Since he controls who gets created, if he creates someone in the middle east then it is unlikely that they will become Christian thus go to hell. How is it fair to punish people for what you did?
252 posts

And if we want to get technical and biblical, God did not create the evil. Lucifer, the angel got jealous, and fought against God, Taking many of the other angels with him, now known as the fallen angels. God didn't create Sin, It was there. It took hold in some of the angels, envy in particular, (Due to the thought that he loved humans more than he did the angels)

8,257 posts

I thought that at the beginning there was only god. And god did create the angels, and Lucifer, after all. So with gods creations comes evil.

Also, why did he send Lucifer out of heaven if he was omnipotent and omniscient? He should have known what will happen and sort of prevented it. Or was it his intention to let this happen? Maybe he knew from the start when he created everything? In that case, again, WHY?

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