ForumsPopular Media[req] CRBWC 2010: The Classic Rock Bands World Cup!

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14,745 posts

Since I have been moderating the "Metal Bands World Cup" with a lot of fun,
it gave me an idea...

Why not do the same for the 'Classic Rock Bands' from all over the world?!

So, with credits to Agent_AAS for giving me the idea, here it is!!!

Ladieeeeeeees aaaaaaaaaaand gentlemeeeeeeeeen, we proudly present to you, the


The format of this World Cup for Classical Rock Bands is based upon the organisation schematics
of the Soccer World Cup, same as the "Metal Bands World Cup" was made. It has the same rules
as the Soccer Cup in terms of proceeding through, but it will follow a few rules of its own too.
To elaborate the >binding rules< for this competition:

# The Group stage:
-There will be 8 different groups presented in the thread, one at a time, and each group will
be consisting of 5 Classical Rock Bands that will be pre-selected by me or one of the co-mods.
-Every user of Armor Games has the power to give one point with one vote for one band only.
So you only get to vote for one band in a group, no double voting for a single band or
voting for more than one band per group. No exceptions will be made in this matter.
-When one of the bands in a particular group reaches the 10 points limit, the voting for that
group is over and that group will be closed for voting by me or one of the co-mods. Both the
'group winner' and the 'runner up' band will proceed to the knockout stage of this World Cup.
-If two bands will reach the 10 points limit at the same time in a group, the band that reached
the 10 points limit first, will automatically be declared 'group winner' and the band that
reached the 10 points limit secondly, will automatically be declared 'runner up'.
This rule also applies for the second place in the group. If two bands reach a similar point
count for second place at the same time, the band reaching this point count first, will then
automatically be declared 'runner up'. Remaining bands will be eliminated of the competition.
Again, no discussions about the outcome are allowed, should this situation occur in a group.

The Knockout Stage:
-After completing the Group stage, the 'group winner' of the first group will be up against the
'runner up' of the second group. The 'group winner' of the second group will be up against the
'runner up' of the first group. This scedule will be followed for the rest, to clarify:
#1 Group A vs. #2 Group B (Winning band is called 'Winner I'
#1 Group B vs. #2 Group A (Winning band is called 'Winner II'
#1 Group C vs. #2 Group D (Winning band is called 'Winner III'
#1 Group D vs. #2 Group C (Winning band is called 'Winner IV'
#1 Group E vs. #2 Group F (Winning band is called 'Winner V'
#1 Group F vs. #2 Group E (Winning band is called 'Winner VI'
#1 Group G vs. #2 Group H (Winning band is called 'Winner VII'
#1 Group H vs. #2 Group G (Winning band is called 'Winner VIII'
-Like in the famous 'Battle of the Bands thread', you (again) get to vote once for one band only.
-When one of the bands in this knockout battle reaches the limit of 10 points first, that band is
declared the winner of the match and will proceed to the next stage in the competition.

The 1/4 Finals:
-The next stage, the 1/4 finals, will be held in this order:
# Winner I vs. Winner V
# Winner II vs. Winner VI
# Winner III vs. Winner VII
# Winner IV vs. Winner VIII
-When one of the bands in these 1/4 final battles reaches the limit of 10 points first, that band
is declared the winner of the match and will proceed to the next stage in the competition.

The Semi Finals:
-The semi finals will be held in the order of:
# Winner I/V vs. Winner II/VI
# Winner III/VII vs. Winner IV/VIII
-When one of the bands in these Semi Finals battles reaches the limit of 10 points first, that
band is declared the winner of the match and will proceed to the next stage in the competition.

The 'Shadow Final':
-A number three and four is decided in a match between both 'losing' bands from the semi finals.
Again, the ranking of third and fourth place in this Final is decided upon the band that reaches
the 10 points limit first.

The Final match:
-The Final match is held between both winning bands from the semi finals.
-When one of the bands in the Final reaches the limit of 10 points first, that band is declared
the winner of the competition and is crowned The 'CRBWC' Champion 2010.
-The remaining band is ranked #2 in this competition.

# Further rules for this competition:
-You can only vote once per group and only once per knockout battle
-You are obligated to give a good reasoning on why you choose the band to get your vote.
('They are the best' or 'I like them' is not accepted as a reasoning.)
-There will be NO playoffs held in this competition.
-You don't get to complain when 'your band' is eliminated from the competition.
-Swearing and obscene language is not tolerated. Always respect the opinion(s) of the other users
participating in this thread, even if you disagree on their reasoning.
-The 'Armor Games Community Forum Rules and Regulations' and the 'Battle of the ... Thread Rules'
are to be followed for this 'Classic Rock Bands World Cup'. They will be referred to when needed.
You can find them here:
Armor Games Community Forum Rules and Regulations
Battle of the ... Thread Rules
-'CRBWC'-Moderators: Besides me, there will be 2 persons who will help me moderate this thread.
You can always ask us for help in this thread:

>>> Attention! Official AG Administrators and Moderators will always have a binding word!<<<

I hope the AG users will like and participate in this 'Classic Rock Bands World Cup'! So... ENJOY!!!

  • 789 Replies
8,257 posts

Van Halen.. Lynyrd Skynyrd.. the only song of any of those two bands I knew before is Sweet Home Alabama, by the skynyrds. It's good. The band is good. But when I listened to Van Halen in order to give a vote here I was glad I tried, because Van Halen is just so awesome! They seem to carry the essence of classic rock in their songs, I think I have found a new temporary favourite band!
Then I listened to Lynyrd Skynyrd, and well, they sound very good too, and seem to have some touching ballads (which is always a plus); but I'm sorry to say they just sound too 'american'. Don't get mad at me, it's nothing against americans. It's just a sort of country influenced note I'm not particularly fond of that resonates with their music.
So my vote clearly and without a doubt goes to Van Halen.

1,360 posts

Well the only place I know Van Halen from is Guitar Hero :/
And their songs are really catchy, nice guitar solos in them XD From Lynyrd Skynyrd obviously Sweet home alabama everybody knows and it's a legendary song XD but I'll go for Van Halen on this round.
Excuse my lack of knowledge on these bands lol, can't really go more in depth with my vote..

4,013 posts

Well the only place I know Van Halen from is Guitar Hero :/

First of all, the only song you know by Lynyrd Skynyrd is Sweet Home Alabama, so you really need to look them up. Second, you're only voting for Van Halen because they're on RockBand. Go put down your plastic guitar, buy some CDs, and learn to play a real guitar. You're better off being a bad real guitar player than a good wannabe guitar player. The Metal Gods are rubbing their temples right now.
1,360 posts

LMAO, put up your e-boxing gloves, also everything you said there is an assumption.

First of all, the only song you know by Lynyrd Skynyrd is Sweet Home Alabama, so you really need to look them up.

I said everybody knows it.. not I don't know any others, reading is difficult eh.

Second, you're only voting for Van Halen because they're on RockBand. Go put down your plastic guitar, buy some CDs, and learn to play a real guitar. You're better off being a bad real guitar player than a good wannabe guitar player.

Rather not thanks. I voted for them for the reasons I stated, if you re-read. Don't need to be a die hard fan to like them do I, and I play guitar hero cos it's fun, not to be a 'wannabe', so shut the fuck up with your false judgements of me, cheers
6,672 posts

google its jsut a game and its fun as hell. i personally am a guitar hero god and i dont plan on playing a real guitar... ever. ill stick to my drums

4,752 posts
Grand Duke

I personally prefer Lynyrd Skynyrd Sweet Home Alabama and Simple Man are rather good songs.
My vote goes to Lynyrd Skynyrd.

14,745 posts

And Van Halen is taking a (small) lead once again! It's a coin toss this way... almost impossible to predict what the end result will be! 0_o

@ Google567 and BlackVortex : come on you guys... respect eachothers ideas and preferences, ok? This IS a thread where users vote because of personal preferences last time I checked!
So, shake hands... rubb it off and watch this great battle in progress! =D

Score now shows:

1/4 Final #IV:

Van Halen - 7
Lynyrd Skynyrd - 6

Still we need some voters to conclude this battle! It's not over yet!! =D

1,089 posts

I've always been interested in both bands, they're all equally awesome, but Van Halen gets my vote because of Eddie's amazing guitar skills.

14,745 posts

And one more vote for Van Halen towards the 10 vote limit to win... the gap is now 2 votes! Will Lynyrd Skynyrd recover and tie it again?! =)

Score now shows:

1/4 Final #IV:

Van Halen - 8
Lynyrd Skynyrd - 6

You can decide if the the win goes to 'Panama' or 'Alabama'...

Just check in and pick your favorite with a reason!

186 posts

free bird was one of the greatest american songs of all time. but lynard skynard is no match for the INCREDIBLE guitar skills from Van Halen. Van halen has also made FAR more hits than lynard skynard

14,745 posts

One more vote for Van Halen, making them move into reach of the finishline! =D

Will they make it or will Lynyrd Skynyrd revive and defeat them out of the blue?!

Updated score now shows:

1/4 Final #IV:

Van Halen - 9
Lynyrd Skynyrd - 6

Exciting!!!!! *drums play in background* Place your votes! =D

1,303 posts

Im going for Lynyrd Skynyrd they have a lot of classic songs like free bird and sweet home alabama.

6,672 posts

you define two songs as alot assassin XD? compared to vanhalens dosens?

1,312 posts

You can decide if the the win goes to 'Panama' or 'Alabama'...

Actually, my favorites are "Hot For Teacher" for Van Halen and "Simple Man" for Lynyrd Skynyrd. I prefer Simple Man actually, a very moving song with a hint of gospel in it. I laugh at all the people on here saying Lynyrd Skynyrd only has to hits; seriously, everyone, look them up if you like good ol' Southern hard-roots rock with no synthesizers.
4,013 posts

Ok, thanks for the vote assassin. By the way, she was just giving examples delossantosj. Anyway, here's the tallies so far:

1/4 Final #IV:
Van Halen - 9
Lynyrd Skynyrd - 7

Ok, will Lynyrd Skynyrd make a "Breeze"-y come back, or will Van Halen "Jump" towards victory?

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