ForumsWEPRMurder, Suicide, Genocide, Assaination, Wars, Holocausts, and Natural Distasters = good.

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1,707 posts

If this is a repeat thread oops.

Most people that I've met have said murder, suicide, genocide, holocausts and natural disaster ect... Are horrible, are tragedies and should never happen again, when in reality they are needed because the world would be way more over populated now than it is already because there would have been a hell of alot more people to reproduce babies, if wars, holocausts, natural disasters ect... Didn't happen.

Elaborate, discuss, debate or say what you think.

  • 64 Replies
1,416 posts

I would've thought it would've showed how effective it is because if theres 10 major wars and genocides and only one baby boom after one of those wars or genocides it would still take out a huge chunk and more than the baby boom would create correct?


One babyboom actually spawns off many baby booms as each boom reaches adulthood. For instance, the children of baby boomers constituted another baby boom.

Additionally, many of the wars you cited had no/very little effect on current population. This is because they occured in china before the chinese industrial revolution (1960s-present), when population surged.

While there were some initial losses during the Great Leap Forward (millions of people starved), it essentially doubled the population, from 563 million at the start of industrial revolution in the 1960s to one billion in the 1980s. After this surge, birthrates fell due to government control, which severely limited population growth.

In other words, a massive rebellion in 755-763 does very little to control population in 2010. The industrial revolution would have occured regardless of the an shi rebellion, which means it did nothing to prevent a population boom. Despite all of those wars, China still had to resort to population control.

I'm very uniformed about chinese history, so if I made any glaring mistakes, please inform me.
1,707 posts

a massive rebellion in 755-763 does very little to control population in 2010


If those millions of people that died in the early years of human times hadn't died the population would be much larger by maybe 100 million? Because if those millions hadn't died they would've caused much more babies being created that would've caused alot more being creat ectera right?
1,707 posts

Also if a baby boom happens every few thousand years I think it'll just substitute for some of the dead and not make up for all of the lost lives from wars and genocides don't you?

1,416 posts

If those millions of people that died in the early years of human times hadn't died the population would be much larger by maybe 100 million? Because if those millions hadn't died they would've caused much more babies being created that would've caused alot more being creat ectera right?

No, you missed my point about the industrial revolution. The revolution would have caused a boom up to a certain point (when the gov starts population control) regardless of the initial population. That is, China's population would have reached 1 billion by 1980 whether it had had a war in 755 or not.

This is because an un-industrialized (that is, agricultural) society can only support so many people. But a society will try to reach this natural population cap as fast as possible, because until you reach that point people are beneficial. More people = more farmers = more food (until you run out of farm land).

So after a devastating war, families will have more children so they can have more farmers. This continues until they reach that cap.

Industrialization essential increases that cap by allowing for more effecient use of land. Therefore, you get a population explosion.

Wars/ famines do nothing to this cap, unless they somehow ruin arable land (which has happened before). Therefore, they have very little effect on long term population.
1,707 posts

China's population would have reached 1 billion by 1980 whether it had had a war in 755 or not.

True but they would've reached perhaps 1.1 instead of one billion which may seem like a small difference but it's not (1 100 000 000 instead of 1 000 000 000).
2,180 posts

The point about China's population in 755 affecting today's population is a completely moot point for both sides. On one side, if the Anshi Rebellion had been quashed quickly, who knows how much longer the Tang Dynasty could have gone? Could they have possibly come up with their version of an Alexander the Great? On the other hand, if the Anshi Rebellion had been totally successful, the resulting warlordship would mean that another completely different dynasty would have been created. The point is twofold:

1. Historical speculation is useless.
2. The population of this world is much more a complex result than raw numbers of people procreating. It cannot be divorced from history at all.

3,224 posts

Everything I've said is the reason why I think Wars, Holocausts and Genocides , may turn out to be good.

Yes, but you've provided no evidence for why that might be the case, you just make the massive assumption that it is true.

Like rafterman said emotions are illogical and no one could answer that unless the question became a reality.

I think it is pretty disingenuous to claim the emotional high ground on this one, when you are coldly condemning the death of millions as being 'good'.
1,573 posts

Death is not bad and it is only our moral perception of how people died that makes it seem like it is. As has been said, we can only entertain the thought of the artists and mass murderers that died in any fashion. Perhaps we are killing future john lennons over in iraq, and maybe the locherbie bomber stopped one of the most evil people ever who would have cause even more death on a mass genocidal scale. We can only wonder at all the lovely "what ifs"

4,752 posts
Grand Duke

Nope, these things aren't good, we don't need them. Now there is no overpopulation problem, but if we will ever have, measures can be taken to solve it.

1,903 posts

What would be entertaining is just watching natural selection at work, the idiots will get rid of themselves through the many processes here.

When you think about it though, what really is the point to anything at all? People die, things break, it happens again and again until nothing's left...

I say good because that will just get us all gone faster, and the universe will be better off because of it, it'll happen sooner or later anyways.

131 posts

you sir are a sick and twisted human being

1,707 posts

@dunman0919 And you sir have just flamed and are flagged.

1,212 posts

I don't think that all that could =good.Even if we would become over populated we could do so much more.Some of the greatest minds could be alive(we may some how get Albert Einstien bcak O.0)we could find out how to get to the moon and much more.

9,462 posts

we could find out how to get to the moon and much more.

We've been to the moon and do have robots on Mars so I guess that could count as more. If you colonization then that;s a different story.

Here's a question. What do you guys think is the maximum population this planet can sustain?
I'm not really sure of the answer to this one myself.
417 posts

Most people that I've met have said murder, suicide, genocide, holocausts and natural disaster ect... Are horrible, are tragedies and should never happen again, when in reality they are needed because the world would be way more over populated now than it is already because there would have been a hell of alot more people to reproduce babies, if wars, holocausts, natural disasters ect... Didn't happen.

Gays also do a good job at this... By not reproducing... I'm not saying they're murderers or anything like that.

Please don't ever run for political office. We just need to use our resources better and maybe start expanding into space. If we didn't waste billions on the crap we do today we could have facilities on the Moon and possibly even Mars. With the correct equipment you could raise pleanty of food there and start spreading out our population. You could also build city ships I guess, but we don't need to mass murder people or restrict people's most basic freedoms. That's a very dangerous road to get started on.

I know. at this rate, how is Zephram Cochrane supposed to invent the first warp drive, and make first contact with the Vulcans?
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