ForumsPopular MediaThe AG Movie Award

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I have made a movies thread already, and I decided to make one to decide the very best movie of the last couple years. The ten pre-nominated movies are:

Sherlock Holmes


Alice in Wonderland

Dark Knight

Star Trek

Land of the Lost


King Kong

The Blindside


This Contest consists of 3 parts. The nominating round, the first voting round, and the knockout rounds.

Nominating Round:

This round you may nominate any movie. You will also discuss the movies that have already been nominated. This will help me to choose only about 22 movies. A good post should consist of a nominee and a sentence about a pre-nominee.

Voting Round:

In this round you will vote to eliminate probably 6 movies. This depends on how many movies make the nomination round. We have to eliminate enough to have exactly 16 movies. Make sure you explain why you would like to eliminate this movie.

Tournament/Knockout Rounds

After we have voted off enough movies to have exactly 16 movies, I will make a tournament for all the movies. The Movies will be seeded based on how many votes they got to be eliminated. The tournament will be a one-loss knockout, so if you win you move on, if you lose you are out. Then each movie verses the winner right below/above them. Eventually only 1 will be left, and that movie will recieve the Ag Movie Award!

  • 21 Replies
882 posts

This list is flawed, allow me to demonstrate how it is so:


This was one of the worst movies I saw in the last year, there was little to no plot development, and everything about it was predictable to the point of insulting my intelligence.

The Blindside

This one was average, the only thing I found truly exceptional was Sandra Bullock's performance (albeit Meryl Streep in Julie & Julia was better), there was really little in terms of concept and resolution to separate this movie from others of its ilk.

Alice in Wonderland

Just... just, f*** this movie, fuck Burton & Depp for remaking classic children's movies and turning them into festering piles of s***, Charlie & the Chocolate Factory wasn't good and neither is this.

Land of the Lost

I'll admit this one did have it's funny moments, the rest of it was brainless, unfunny trash. I would rather watch that campy 70's show this is based off of.

Sherlock Holmes

I actually quite enjoyed this movie, but it just doesn't seem to stack up as one of the best.

Star Trek

Though one of the best Sci-Fi films of the past few years, I wouldn't rate it so highly overall.

King Kong

This one was long, drawn-out and overall put me to sleep, doesn't live up to the original in any way.


Okay... just... ARE YOU F***ING KIDDING ME?!


I can understand this being here, but I wouldn't rate it so highly, personally.

Dark Knight

Nothing bad to say about this one, this is probably the most deserving addition to your list.

So, where the hell are REAL greats like Inglourious Basterds, The Departed, Wall-E, LOTR: ROTK, Juno, or No Country For Old Men (just to name a few)?! You truly mustn't be good at passing valid judgement on film.
1,614 posts

I think the Blind Side was a great movie. I couldn't believe that it was an actual story and Sandra Bullok did a great job.


I think that movie was boring and wasn't that good, all of my friends thought that too. The only people that liked that was movie critics and sometimes they don't know what they are talking about.
1,287 posts

I like The Bliind Side was great.Thats what i thought.

Indiana Jones

This was a great movie and had a lot of good acors which you always need.


This was a horrible movie!The PREVIEWS made it bad!!!!!!!

Alice in Wonderland

Are you kidding me?It may work but this was freaky and bad.
3,660 posts

Some of the movies weren't that good.. the ones you put up..

Though this is why you do the nominations round xD.

For Instance..


I have to say.. Visuals were in fact amazing.. but the plot failed so bad that I hated the movie. Please.. movies don't have to be all visual, haven't you seen old classics..

Alice in Wonderland

It wasn't that great.. too much hype.

Land of the Lost

Just.. this was horrible movie xD Enough said.


Isn't this movie coming out in 2011.. because from what I know another Godzilla movie hasn't come out in the past couple of years.

And so on..

Also can you nominate movies that have just came out?? Such as Shutter Island?

Well I nominate Shutter Island.. I haven't seen a movie like that in a while.. really drags you into the movie.. and Leo did an amazing performance.
13,344 posts

Sherlock Holmes

Well, this one was actually pretty good. I don't have any criticism for it, so I nominate it for second place. Don't eliminate this one.


Worst movie of 2009, and possibly one of the worst I've ever seen. Visual effects do not make a movie for me. I like movies with at least a tiny hint of humor, as well as a plot, which Avatar did not have. It seemed to me that it was all chaos and loud fighting. This movie gets last place on my list. Eliminate, please.

Alice in Wonderland

Well, Disney movies aren't at their best when they put real people in place of animations and make them 3D. There is no way possible that they couldn't over do it with this one, and they did. If I wanted to watch Alice in Wonderland, I would've watched the old Disney one rather than this new one. I found the old one much easier to follow and a lot less chaotic. Once again, eliminate please.

Dark Knight

Not too bad, and Heath Ledger was a great Joker. I have no criticism for this one. Don't eliminate this one.

Star Trek

Everything about this movie was great, it was even pretty funny. This is my first choice for the award. Do NOT eliminate this one, please.

Land of the Lost

This movie helped me discover that it is in fact possible for Will Ferrell not to be funny. Eliminate.


When did this come out? Unless you're talking about the old one, which was terrible. Either way, eliminate.

King Kong

I love Jack Black, and I love almost all of his movies, but this one just didn't seem right. Jack Black is a comedian, not a serious actor. It also just wasn't the same as the old one, which was a real classic. Eliminate.

The Blindside

This movie was excellent, and it's the first time I've ever seen a movie in which the main character was almost seven feet tall. Although the height wasn't quite accurate for the character, it was still a great movie, and I want it to stay in the competition. Don't eliminate, please.


The Tim Burton one or the other one? What does it matter, I hated them both. Eliminate, either way.
882 posts

[quote]Indiana Jones

This was a great movie and had a lot of good acors which you always need.[/quote]
Raiders of the Lost Ark was great, Kingdom of the Crystal Skull (which i presume is the one you're talking about) was disappointing.


The Tim Burton one or the other one? What does it matter, I hated them both. Eliminate, either way.[/quote]
The Tim Burton did fail, Ernie, but I quite enjoyed the musical with Daniel Day-Lewis.
3,660 posts

first time I've ever seen a movie in which the main character was almost seven feet tall.

o.o I've seen more.. mostly horror ones.. such as Halloween and Friday the 13th xD
1,416 posts

last couple years.

What exactly does that mean? Three years? Five? Also, is this a mainstream-English movies only competion? It is kind of important to know...

In regards to your pre-selcted movies, I agree with everything Chaotix said, except for Blindside and Alice. I haven't seen those movies yet, so I won't pass any judgement.

I would like to add (from best to less best):

Wristcutters: A Love Story. (2006)
It's original, hilarious, dark, and has a gogol bordello soundtrack. Awesome.

Inglourious Basterds
Quentin Tarantino is my hero. Also, Christoph Waltz is amazing.

Simply Hilarious.

Dead Snow (2009)
One of the more awesome zombie movies ever made. Nazi zombies, machine guns, chainsaws... just epic.

Pans Labyrinth
Alice on drugs. wait... Alice on MORE drugs. Anyway, it is creepy in a good way.

Serenity (2005)

I'm sure I'm forgetting something amazing, but whatever. Someone else will think of it.
3,660 posts

Well couple does mean two.. But I think he meant like a few years back.. maybe like inn a 5 year span til now.

1,303 posts

I watched 9 the other night it was pretty good id give it 6.5/10 the story was quite wierd and it felt too short and too long at the same time. Sherlok Holmes was also ok but most of these films are too recent. I mean wheres the matrix,LOTR,as Chaotix said Juno and 500 days of summer.

818 posts

Your list isn't one I prefer. I have to add a couple to it, and as said above multiple ones need to be taken away from it. I want to add Precious and Alice in Wonderland.

8 posts


1,287 posts

I got another one from earlier in the decade:

We are Marshall

I thought this was a great movie and a great comeback by the football team.


This was a good movie...not great.There were parts that made it good and parts that made it bad.

I got two more,both new:

Diary of a Wimpy Kid

This was really funny at some points and not that good at some points.It was a good movie though.May be a cinderella in this competiton.

Percy Jackson and the Olympians:The Lightning Theif
This was a good movie not like the book though.If you never read the book this wold be a great movie.Some parts were the same but this could also be a cinderella.
3,426 posts


Of course. The movie makers always find a way of f***ing up a movie one way or the other. Harry Potter, Eragon, all the same. Stupid, because the script writers have so bad taste they think they`re better than the original authors them selves. Just use the book as the script!

1,255 posts

Personally I thought that Avatar was a great movie and that it should have won more things at the Oscars. I don't know about many of those other movies but 9 failed...

Showing 1-15 of 21