I usually carry around an even number of things around with me and they half to be evenly distributed in my pockets. For example, If I'm carrying around my cellphone and my iPod i would put one in my left pocket and one in my right pockets. When I carry things around i usually have 4 main things:
1. Magical Deer( small plastic deer figurine I started carrying around in like January) 2. Rambunctious Red Pen( cause Rambunctious is awesome) 3. Cellphone 4. iPod
When I'm at school I carry a wallet, pencil, compass, and a notepad. When I'm outside school grounds I have a compass, swiss army knife, wallet, pencil, lighter, and a candy bar.
I have started carrying around a lot more things simply because i bought a new bag, which happens to be bigger >.> So this obviously meant i needed to buy a new purse which was bigger than before and i usually shove my headphones/mp3 in there aswell as a book to carry around.