Game Your goal is to use anything you can think of to Destroy the given Planet. the Planet will have many Health Points, Resistances, Defenders and Prisoners.
Rules 1. It's 2010, like it is at the moment, so no Science Fiction please. 2. No fantasy or dream weapons... 3. No Memes! 4. No word, or cursing weapons. 5. No Chuck Norris!
Meanings You can sign up as a Defender to defend the attacks from other players and make the planet live for longer. Prisoners are the banned people that try to ignore the Rules.
First Planet Name: Mars Lifeforms: None Discovered yet Defenders: None Prisoners: None Resistances: Flame/Explosion weapons Health: 10.000/10.000
in the war against Rick073's Dark crusade i drop Space marines down onto Saturn to do battle with Rick's soldiers with this being the last battalion able to attack rather than defend, it may be the collapse of the Neptunian Republic as we know it.
Flag Planet: Saturn Year: 2046 Defenders:, superzed1, samuslover99, Geonora, Dakota1431 Prisoners: None Killed Attackers/Defenders: Bluydee Resistancesoison resistance Weaknesses: Status:hardened, poisinous, and extremely weakened and beginning to crack Current Health: 1.800/30.000\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ The terraform begins to work and heals 500+ You begin to farm, repairing the landscape. +500 The shell is put up, but burned down immediately. Wreckage falls, -200. lolz The Neptunian Republic?, You helped heal saturn by a gross of 800 points.
i fill any cracks in Saturn with metal followed by 2 layers of dirt. Also, i begin to negotiate with the Water peoples and get them to help repair the surface of Saturn, by watering the ground improving wildlife and by showing them ways to live on top of land and farm.
i contain the supernova in a clear metal ball allowing it to still shine.
ps. you need sun to provide light to water to provide evaporation to provide clouds with water to provide condensation to provide water for you, also you need food and stuff so, not only would saturn be destroyed you would be dead
I cool the metal/dirt cracks and heat them up repeatedly, causing the dirt to scatter and the metal to crack, ruining it and possibly breaking up the planet even more.
Planet: Saturn Year: 2046 Defenders:, superzed1, samuslover99, Geonora, Dakota1431 Prisoners: None Killed Attackers/Defenders: Bluydee Resistancesoison resistance Weaknesses: Status:hardened, poisinous, and extremely weakened and beginning to crack Current Health: 2.000/30.000
you negiate with the water peopl, who begin to heal the planet. +200. Kimichi, i can't allow you too blow up the sun sorry. 1. you didn't give an explanation on how. 2. you would make the galaxy null and void. the dirt is cracked and expanded... -200 then healed +200 Warning: Kimichi: incoming missle! please block!
my ships collect asteroids containing Minerals and drop them on the Ring of Saturn giving it value again, also i plant grass and trees all over Saturn, giving it wildlife and beauty, also partially fixing the radiation on Saturn,giving wildlife to Saturn causes the SWA(Saturn Wildlife Agency) to form helping the planet a little more everyday