Game Your goal is to use anything you can think of to Destroy the given Planet. the Planet will have many Health Points, Resistances, Defenders and Prisoners.
Rules 1. It's 2010, like it is at the moment, so no Science Fiction please. 2. No fantasy or dream weapons... 3. No Memes! 4. No word, or cursing weapons. 5. No Chuck Norris!
Meanings You can sign up as a Defender to defend the attacks from other players and make the planet live for longer. Prisoners are the banned people that try to ignore the Rules.
First Planet Name: Mars Lifeforms: None Discovered yet Defenders: None Prisoners: None Resistances: Flame/Explosion weapons Health: 10.000/10.000
Planet: X-8465B1 Year: 3009 Defenders:Nicholas98, Kyouzou, and bluydee, geonora. (registrations closed) Prisoners: None Killed Attackers/Defenders: none Resistances: fire and explosive and heat Weaknesses: ??? does it have one? (ice would be vaporized before it even touched) Status: coagulent volcanoes, fissures and lava seas. extremely hot and will melt all but the finest shielded metals and suits. little no no oxygen and much burning. Current Health: 29.000/32.000
the planet is people are cloned, mass cloning doubles the ecologists armies size and allows them to destroy the attackers army, gee your a great attaacker XD. the planet grows.... it grows again!!! BOOM!!!!!!!!! everything GOES SUPERNOVA!!! STOP! HAMMATIME! ^wtf? lol XD anwyays... the planet goes supernova and then goes white dwarf the planet's supernova kills xayjayx and kimichi is still close enough to be injured and taken prisoner. kyouzu you have done much damage to the attackers but here is the new white dwarf sheet.
Planet: X-8465B1 Year: 3009 Defenders:Nicholas98, Kyouzou, and bluydee, geonora. (registrations closed) Prisoners: KimichiX Killed Attackers/Defenders: XAyjAy Resistances: fire and explosive and heat Weaknesses: none Status: a small white dwarf far fallen from it's later glorious shine. Current Health: 5.000/5.000
anybody killed will be able to participate in the next round (when i give a new planet) anybody taken prisoner must wait until another attacker takes a measure to rescue them. (move must be uncountered and may not post attacks until i say he or she is rescued.)
@phantom...It's health should be increased, because while they're small, they have a dense mass, also they shoot x-rays all around them forming a natural defense...
Hmmmmm.... I make another giant ball of ice and a giant ball of iron with the same amount of gravity as the star and place it on the other side of the ice.