What do you think about the two girls that wanted to go to prom together in Mississippi? They wanted to go to prom together, but the school said no. The school stated that either they quite being persistent and didn't go to prom or prom is going to be canceled. The two girls are now suing the school.
My personal belief is that they should be able to go to prom together, everyone has the right to their own sexual preference, and others should be open minded enough to realize this.
Wow, GreatestSoloEver, not funny. You may have been kidding but some of us have already buried our gay loved-ones. See my posts on the other thread about "Homophobes".
Let me add something else. My father was a WWII vet who didn't come out of the closet until 1973, which nearly drove my mother into a closet. They remained best friends, though and my father later helped me care for her before she died of cancer. Now if that isn't love, then I don't know the definition of it.
I'm friends with a lesbian couple. They went to prom last year together and no one gives a ****. Of course I'm in Canada and from what I've noticed America has yet to get on with the idea that people are people.
Don't generalize; it makes you seem ignorant, especially against another country. It makes your own country look bad.
Anyways, Mississippi schools and most areas in the south are still mostly devoted Christian. So this is not really surprising, but yet there quite a few number of people that are still against gay, lesbian, etc. There is nothing wrong with them, its just how they think don't judge them. Yet, I do think canceling a prom for something like this is dumb on the school part...that is just asking for attention. And ruins the reputation of the school, and most if not all of the school's faculty.
I'm friends with a lesbian couple. They went to prom last year together and no one gives a ****. Of course I'm in Canada and from what I've noticed America has yet to get on with the idea that people are people.
As you stated your from Canada and america still haven't realized that people are people.
when everyone would know where not
She had been openly gay since 8th grade.
I Think the school wants to have it old fashion school dance witch doesn't include gay couples. I think it is not their RIGHT to go together but still should be aloud
In other words the school can't be open minded enough to realize that people have rights, and freedoms? Everyone has the same rights, no matter what sexuality. The school should realize that we are past the no- homo stage in history.
My real question is why, or better yet, how did the school officials know she was going to bring her girlfriend?
The couple openly stated they were going together due to her being openly gay.
Don't generalize; it makes you seem ignorant, especially against another country. It makes your own country look bad
Now that made you look ignorant. He was clearly stating that Canada has accepted more ideas. This was relevant to the conversation, comparing the U.S. to Canada, and showing how the U.S. is behind Canada on accepting people for who they are. With that statement you made you made your country look bad.
adios194, you are a complete genius and should be commended for everything you just did. I would never be brave enough to quote and slam all of those people, its amazing
That has to be the biggest dick move ever. "Oohh.. sorry. You just spent over $200 making this a special night for you and your girlfriend, but that girl wanted to do the same thing, so we had to cancel. Better luck next year... oh. Wait."
not sure which way your going, clarify who you are against here please
I'm saying that it is absolutely retarded for a school to get involved with a student's love life. It is their choice on who they love, not the states. By taking away Prom from the entire student body on the account of lesbians who wish attendance is absurd. It just more hate fuel for anti-homosexuality.
You see, because of those two, I bet there are a LOT of unhappy and angry students now. They don't get to take their date to a once in a lifetime Dance because gay people wanted in. You only go to Prom once, so now no one in that class will get that memory. (Thus the "Oh. Wait." at the end there)