Welcome to the new Draw that Pokemon!
The old thread was getting quite long, and burdened by Estel decided to make it MS Paint only. We eventually made it all art programs, however it then made the title verrrryyy lonnngggg.
So, this is the brand new fresh clean wiped clear thread, with some ubertastic new rules (basically same as last time)!
The pictures must be somehow related to the theme, which is a Pokemon, and must conist mainly of that one. Other pokemon can be included, however it will be the theme pokemon that will be judged.
The pictures must be appropriate, so no Pokefurryness or I herd yu liek mudkipz graphic references.
The prize at the end of each round will be to pick the theme of the next round. There will be no merit prize unless otherwise stated.
Any art program may be used.
Lineart is accepted, as long as it is clearly different to the original drawing. It may be helpful to link to the reference image. However, on this note, entries that are more original and different to the common poses may be likely to do better at judging. BE ORIGINAL!
Please do not copy the drawings of anyone else, as this is plaugerism and is ILLEGAL! If you do so you will be immediately disqualified and futher action may be taken by the Mods. However, if you believe that a picture is copied, please do not make a fuss of it in the thread - instead post a comment on either my profile, Cenere's or Zophia's (as they are the two moderators who frequent this contest most).
Please do not bug the judge about when the judging will be, as this is extremely annoying - and it will turn up eventually, but you must remember that judges do have lives...
If the winner of the previous contest does not post a new theme within FOUR days, then a new one will be chosen by the judge.
Already Used Pokemon:
This is a list of all the pokemon which have been used in this contest before.
A good entry, even if you did add four unnessesary pokemon. The Taillow looks rather grumpy.
Overall, quite a good entry. Keep the good entries coming.
*hits computer to stop HDD clicking*
First Place - Cenere
I must admit that it was rather hard to pick between first and second, so in the end I just tossed a coin and so Cenere won. I am sure that if Zophia is annoyed at this she can just twist Cen's arm to get the pokemon she wishes chosen.
Also, Cen's has three pokemon - and Zoph's just has one...
Well done with your entry Cenere, as always. The pokemon look just like pigeons! I like the shading effects and the background.
Second Place - Zophia
The other reason that Zophia gets only second place is because she entered late and called me lazy...
For that. I shall not write any more.
Third Place - Zega
A nice pencil sketch Zega. YOu managed to portray depth on the page well, through your use of shading and such.
I wonder why it is grumpy...
Meow meow meow meow...
The '...' Award - Gametesta
The resemblance in this entry is spectacular.
The Waving Award - Alexstargazer
This is a nice entry, basic yet good. The feet look the best I thinks...
A few things need fixing, such as the tracing ont he right win not there on the tip.