Welcome to the new Draw that Pokemon!
The old thread was getting quite long, and burdened by Estel decided to make it MS Paint only. We eventually made it all art programs, however it then made the title verrrryyy lonnngggg.
So, this is the brand new fresh clean wiped clear thread, with some ubertastic new rules (basically same as last time)!
The pictures must be somehow related to the theme, which is a Pokemon, and must conist mainly of that one. Other pokemon can be included, however it will be the theme pokemon that will be judged.
The pictures must be appropriate, so no Pokefurryness or I herd yu liek mudkipz graphic references.
The prize at the end of each round will be to pick the theme of the next round. There will be no merit prize unless otherwise stated.
Any art program may be used.
Lineart is accepted, as long as it is clearly different to the original drawing. It may be helpful to link to the reference image. However, on this note, entries that are more original and different to the common poses may be likely to do better at judging. BE ORIGINAL!
Please do not copy the drawings of anyone else, as this is plaugerism and is ILLEGAL! If you do so you will be immediately disqualified and futher action may be taken by the Mods. However, if you believe that a picture is copied, please do not make a fuss of it in the thread - instead post a comment on either my profile, Cenere's or Zophia's (as they are the two moderators who frequent this contest most).
Please do not bug the judge about when the judging will be, as this is extremely annoying - and it will turn up eventually, but you must remember that judges do have lives...
If the winner of the previous contest does not post a new theme within FOUR days, then a new one will be chosen by the judge.
Already Used Pokemon:
This is a list of all the pokemon which have been used in this contest before.
Oh well, something as awkward as a forretress is hard to picture attacking, eating, playing or just wandering about in its natural environment - whatever its natural environment is - so I've decided to draw it as I always perceived it, which is; a hunk of...''organic steel''!? Simple and quick drawing; only one shade and crappy paper; that's what I get for drawing with a mechanical pencil.
I'm new to MS Paint, so don't be expecting much. I put a lot effort into this. Please keep criticism constructive. Thanks. Okay. Let's see if this works...
well...nvm the evolved form has been done...Piloswine (page 57) but aren't they basically the same thing?
i'm going to enter here again as soon as I find the chance, i haven't drawn for about a month now, at school or on the computer...If I see a good theme I might take the time to enter in the next one
Hm. I hardly find them the same, but whatever. Jigglypuff could also be interesting. Either way, the judging need to be up already, or there won't be any Pokemon to be picked for the next round!
Swinub? Jigglypuff? My, those seems like such boring pokemons to draw in my opinion...I'd go for something like magneton, or espeon or even breloom...no, no; milotic!
Ew for Magneton and Breloom, but any Eeveelutions sound good. OoOoh, I like Milotic! It's tricky, but there's a lot to admire in it! Well, I hope the winner makes a good choice. ^-^ As long as they don't pick Magikarp, I am good.
A nice pencil sketch, you've managed to capture the perspective of the image somewhat perfectly - which I know would have been hard given the sticky outy bits.
I also do quite like the eyes.
Almost Winnnaaarrr - SheWhoMustNotBeNamed
Your Forretress looks rather cute and innocent, like he's scared/shy/timid. Good work with the sticky outy bits too.
The background is simply amazing of course!
The LET'S PARTAY Award - silvermoon123
*plays disco music*
Loving the balloons and the pokemon itself. Quite a good job with the Forretress actually.